Shills are going APESHIT!!!

So, these kikes at University of Virginia Medical School decided to really fuck this guy over for asking a question at a lecture on "microaggressions." Here's the audio:


The guy speaks from 28:45 to 34:00

Then, they tell the guy he has to get a fucking PSYCHE EVAL before he can return to class. They hold a suspension hearing where they can't even give him a reason why they're suspending him -- just vague, conclusory bullshit about him "acting unusual," the only example of which they can provide is the fact that he's "defensive" and "recording everything." This is the audio of the hearing:


pic related is the people in the room.

This is obviously retaliation against this guy for questioning SJW/NPC orthodoxy. UVA is a public school, so they're violating the guy's constitutional rights.

We can't let these Jews get away with this kind of illegal thought policing. It's a fucking mind control cult these kikes have at these universities, which is why he got thrown out.

Based on the amount and degree of Jewish shilling against this story, I predict the kikes are going to use (((psychology))) as their next big gimmick to try to get us all locked up, because of our (((mental health))). Just look at how bad these Jewish pigs are kvetching over this!

News Articles:




This is the guy's twitter:


Old Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread: Espinosa Mann Karnes Statler

The complaint, from some whiny SJW cunt, that started all of this
>muh feels!

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They're so corrupt they banned the guy from campus!

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Guy got screwed by his Jew lawyer too

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If you haven't seen the gazillion threads on this here's a summary

A rich, bright, autistic hapa was in his second year at a prestigious medical school. For the first time in his life he encountered some challenging coursework, so he disengaged from lectures and classmates to watch videos of Peterson/Shapiro DESTROYING feminists. On his way to the library to creepshot indian girls, OP finds out about some optional seminar about microaggressions. He attends, tries to record himself delivering an epic takedown, but runs away when nobody is having any of his shit. The SJW students who had organized the lecture were pissed that OP came and threw spaghetti everywhere, so they complained to the dean. The dean told OP to knock it off, so OP started a one man crusade to hassle the faculty to alleviate his tremendous asspain. Worried that OP might go full V-Tech, the Dean asked OP to talk to a counselor. Indignant, OP hired a lawyer and escalated his battle until his lawyer said fuck it and quit. A committee assembled and tried to reason with OP but he decided that the semantic pedantry that didn't work at the lecture would totally fly this time around and argued himself into a six month suspension. Dissatisfied with this turn of events, OP continued the harassment that had gotten him this far because the third time's the charm. Except this time he brought his internet friends from mother fucking Jow Forums of all places. A handful of people are interested so OP publishes his story online and starts spamming the fuck out of reddit where like 9 different subreddits all mock him for being a smooth brain. Unperturbed, he kept posting this same thread every single day while hassling the faculty to the point of being banned from school property for an additional three years.

tl;dr OP has been owning himself at an accelerating pace

fight back
know the truth

I'm not asking you to ask *us* why we're having this hearing >:}

I'm asking you why *you* think we're having this hearing >:}

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I posted that pasta because it summarizes the crap you’ve caused yourself. The medical school was unfair and they screwed you. I know. That sucks. It’s bullshit. I hope you sue and I hope you win.

But you’re being a total sperg and you need to stop. Go see a shrink.

Attached: 1522728113705.gif (500x500, 1M)

>you need to stop.
Oh damn geez yeah. We'll stop right now. Fuck, what were we even thinking?

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Get the media on your side.

ANOTHER thread, you little brown faggot? try the donald, we DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU

In process. ;]

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Based. Hapa med student btfo

> t. pic related

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>big league politics
They’re political hacks. You need normie newsmedia on your side

Just a quick note: When you have your picture taken, don't center your face square in front of the camera and look directly into the lens if you're trying to hide that you're a literal demon.

OK, what do you think should be done? You know, other than petitioning for us to just go away.

>the more people say I'm wrong, the more correct I must be!
how did you even get into medical school, you little twerp? you obviously have the mental capacity of a brick
go away

Hire a lawyer to file a section 1983 complaint for violation of the first amendment.

Cool, thanks I'll do that.


And then stop shilling yourself on Jow Forums and keep your fucking mouth shut.

Also go see a private practice, cash pay psychiatrist and see if there’s anything he can do to help you be less spergy. A treatable psychiatric condition is not grounds to dismiss you. That opens them up to an ADA lawsuit.


we just had a fucking thread like this where as usual nothing happened or was decided because Jow Forums is not anyone's army

I'm going to go do that right now. You guys keep the thread alive while I'm looking OK?

Wow its getting (((shilly))) in here.

There is a profound irony involving these well defined properly scientific constructs (((sarcsm))) known as "microaggressions". Accusations that one is "microaggressing" seem to be themselves acts of aggression and hostility that demand a pound of flesh! Such aggressive accusations involve intent where intent is not required in the alleged microaggressor to justify the accusation.

Cause of the shills I thought to myself maybe this guy did spergy stuff but during the hearing they said you did bad stuff like your doing right now... Recorded the event and pressed for a clear and coherent justification for the abuse...

Tell me right now if you know why we're having this thread.

you really do need to stop, as in stop posting on Jow Forums. I don't care what you do after that, sue whoever, sperg out on the campus with flyers, whatever man. just stop spamming the board before someone links it to your university and you end up arrested (and since I'm getting the idea you are delusional, no, I am not threatening you with anything)
you should have listened to the kike lawyer, dumbass.

Just listened to the 'hearing.' Literally every doctor in there sounds like a fucking moron.
"Why do you think we're here?" Because, faggot, you're looking for a way to toss him out for questioning your sacred illogical cow.
"I haven't heard you defend yourself," 30 minutes into the event and all he's done is present his own evidence and his thoughts on why he shouldn't need to embarrass himself for something that was not out of line.
Fuck every one of those people, they're scum to a man.
"Recording is hostile.." Like fuck it is.

The BiCamberal
Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA)
Which has both Virginia Senate and Virginia House, is co-chaired by Espinosa in the House Espinosa
and by this gentleman from the Senate. Mann
Mr. Mann also Chairs the Senate's Education Committee, and Espinosa Chairs the House Committee.

The Vice Chair of the LOCEA is also the Vice Chair of the Senate's Education Committee, this gentleman. Karnes

This senior member of the House is the Majority Vice Chair of the House Education Committee, and also sits on the Education Accountability Board. Statler

So, the top 4 leaders, across three of the Education Committees in Virginia, are Republicans who likely won't put up with this kind of shit. Remember, treat them nicely, they have alot of things to worry about.
UVA Alum, don't let this go by without making your position understood, clearly.

How bluepilled does this dude have to be to hire a jewish lawyer? Does he not know cultural marxism is jewish? They play all sides, but circle the wagons when the goyim tries to bump the facade.

>8 minutes of discussion
>no quotes

do they just turn their brains off when confronted with wrong think?

Saged. Links sent to university of Virginia med school.

>stop posting on Jow Forums. I don't care what you do after that

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Go back to r.e.d.d.i.t


Hi snowflake college student.

Suck my dick, Apu.

I hope he sues that college into bankruptcy.

I basically agree with this analysis. “Recording is hostile.” That’s ridiculous. The lecture was recorded by the school. The committee hearing was recorded because Kieran knew that it had serious ramifications for his career.

They interpreted a threat to their ability to make capricious decisions clandestinely as threatening to them personally. Reveals a lot about how they feel.

You clearly don't understand /pol, you stupid boardroom clown.
Kieran hasn't made a post about this in days.
You're literally talking to the user now.

>I basically agree with this analysis.
Cool. Don't forget this, then:

A master class in shooting yourself in the foot, and not knowing when to shut up.

And you can rest assured the meeting was recorded by the school as well.
They just weren't pleased he had his own copy and was assertive.


Everyone reaches a critical point at some era in their life, when they put themself in a bad situation and get absolutely bitchslapped by life, followed by ego death and subsequent reconstruction that makes them the good (and now conscious person, baptized by suffering) person that they will be for the rest of their life. A crueler ordeal could mean greater reform or mental collapse. Choose what will happen to you. It really sucks that it must happen at this point in your life, but you still have options and if you change yourself your life will improve. You don't even have to sacrifice whatever political principles you have, you just have to restructure your though process.

Thank you for concern and your compassion. Please remember to contact these people since you want to help:

Are you actually the ONE?

Kieran I’m calling Melissa Feilding the officer and UVA that issued your no trespass order and telling her you are continuing to harass UVA faculty online on a white supremacust board. They will get restraining orders. And that’s a good thing.

No, a master's class in outclassing everyone who has cucked themselves into a fear narrative for zero cause, and expects everyone to apologize for your constructed possibilities.
The parallel of the microaggression is the macro-fear that everyone has now of creating a monster.
They tiptoe on eggshells, and at the same time condescend, to avoid being responsible for a school shooting. They place you in the channel, throw everyone into a grinder and treat absent minded offhand comments or one-off disagreements interpreted (often through a female lens) as evidence of a crime waiting to happen.
And then they stack up these threats, and rules about speaking about meetings, and all the risks, etc. etc. And it really does make a person who is tens of thousand of dollars (if not hundreds) feel like they are at risk of being extorted, especially when nobody can seem to bring up any specific events, just "feelings."
He's pretty much dead on, since the room was expecting some mea culpa on something they couldn't even define for themselves, let alone to him.
His problem is that he's smarter, younger, and better looking, and he has stepped on their toes by standing up for himself without begging.

Yeah, I'm Keiran. And every time I see a person in pain, I feel pleasure in equivalent proportion to their suffering. Race war now :^]

OP = Kieran
Nobody else cares enough to keep making threads about some sperg pajeet that got kicked out of med school.
He wasn't kicked out just because of this. He was kicked out because he is an unstable person that lacks the social skills to be a doctor. His reaction to all this proves that.

> Nobody else cares enough to keep making threads

Yeah ONLY posts, right?

This thread again. The kid was clearly mentally unstable, not doing well in classes, and refused to undergo a simple evaluation. He is literally nigger tier "din du nuffin".

I am Kieran. I make threads for causes all the time.
If you think Jow Forums isn't full of people standing up for some cause or another, you don't understand chan or society.

I am Spartacus?

Nothing I heard in the recording offered on soundcloud was unstable. Concerned, confused, hurt, angry, yes. Unstable? No, he was very lucid, caught a number of their traps before they even saw them themselves, I think.

His grades were bad?

No, I'm Kieran and I've been making all of these threads to teach that I am superior to them.


>telling her you are continuing to harass UVA faculty online on a white supremacust board
how will they prove its him?

if thats why he was kicked out, why wouldn't they tell him that in the meeting with him?

Ummm you seem pretty well adjusted and peaceful enough.

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Kieran here again, I just switched over to my phone but it's very important that I also say the following:
-Fuck niggers
-Fuck kikes

Are there any historical doctors that inspired you to pursue the noble profession?

Keiran does not know how to use enemies to his advantage. When engaging the Jew in the administrative realm one should have the ability to employ tactics of Judo. JEWDO can save your life. Those people have the power to fuck your life up without being accountable. He had made no effort to establish allies. He failed to gauge his audience. He dominated the hearing with a condescending and aggressive attitude. He ignored all of their questions and went straight to the legal implications instead of complying or showing some sort of respect for the administration. He failed to listen to his enemy. He gave them no room to offer forgiveness or mutual understanding. Zero negotiation skills. Was clearly not prepared to answer or navigate the easiest of questions.

Attached: JEWDO.png (749x490, 156K)

(I can type those statements much faster on my phone because of the predictive autocomplete)

No, I’m Kiernan, you Jewish. You’re a Jewish!

Not really. I would say I was mostly inspired by my bitterness towards Dr. Kevorkian for never even approaching his full potential.

I'm at a loss as well. It's difficult to support a guy who is saying he wants to use his education in medicine to kill people. If I thought that was Kieran, I would tell him he is in a dark place, and he needs to seek Jesus, because that is the only light there is that can cast away those demons.
Whomever has created those images is struggling mightily with the reality that we are all appointed once to die.

I listened to it as well and thought what a clueless retard. Would not trust as a doctor.
He did got screwed over though, because at my med school, someone like him would be encouraged to quit voluntarily, or choose a field where you don't have to deal with patients much, such as pathology or research. Depending on them not having bad grades of course.

Well yeah he wasn't exactly better call Saul in there but that doesn't justify his poor treatment.

He's a Sophomore in College. Yea, so what?


He's not clueless at all, he is very lucid, quite intelligent, if slightly paranoid. It's winter, and he's facing possibly being kicked out. Just because he doesn't understand that these kikes want a ritual mea culpa, doesn't mean he was wrong.

Now I know you are a shill. The real Kiernan would have said Mengele!


I hate the liberal indoctrination and softening of university too, but as he's clearly aware (since he restates it several times throughout the second Soundcloud link), his CAREER is on the line. They are having a meeting for him to plead his case to stay in the school. They're putting the ball in his court - all he had to do was not fuck up. Just go in, say you're sorry, nod to whatever they say, tell them you love the school/community/whatever, and leave. Their bleeding hearts let you stay in the school. Everything is good. Like, holy shit.

dissociation is a serious sign

>Just go in, say you're sorry, nod to whatever they say,
Just cut your balls off and pretend that lies are true! This will make your career!
Do you listen to yourself?

> a serious sign

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Here's the difference: I still have my career, and he (you) doesn't.

>He's pretty much dead on, since the room was expecting some mea culpa on something they couldn't even define for themselves, let alone to him.
>His problem is that he's smarter, younger, and better looking, and he has stepped on their toes by standing up for himself without begging.
Fundamentally he is in trouble because he stood up to a lecturer on and then stood up for himself.

But is that going to land you the lead for a nike campaign?

I'm going to call it out the moment you switch. FYI.

He's a Sophmore, he's not done, he'll still be a doctor, maybe a surgeon, and he can sleep at night in 20 years knowing he stood up for what is right, and his own name. You will always be that bitch.

> nb4 he uses this post as the trigger

He shouldn't be an M.D. anyway. They are morons and ((psychiatrists)) suck too! He could become a naturopath!

It'll take 20 years for him to find a job

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Did you get back to the gas pumps yet? You know that drunk wino will steal all the window cleaner if you don't keep an eye on him.

>he is very lucid, quite intelligent
You are socially retarded.
Not understanding that people see through you pretending to be someone else to post about yourself proves this.
Stop it. You're digging your own grave deeper and deeper. You've given them too much reasons not to ever give you a second chance.
Whatever good did you thought that could come from posting here?

im sorry but leftist are fucking pussies
im no longer worried about them
niggers will thankfully kill them all off when the EBTs run out in February

They only have to be uploaded once to Reddit for them to be used anywhere, or here at Jow Forums once.
Sorry, bad logic, bitch bait.

You sound paranoid. I'm Kieran, who are you talking about?

there's a surplus of medical graduates in the United States who don't have jobs. This dude will never be a doctor, not even if he goes to Bob-n-vagene-goddesslobster-with-six-arms medical school in India. He will never be a doctor.

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Stay in your lane imo.

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Take note, kids. This is how you know you've lost an argument: change the topic with a cheap insult :^)

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Why would you make it clear that you're recording to begin with?
If I were in this situation, I'd spend the money and take measures to ensure they don't know I've got a wire. We're talking 4 years in an undergrad, MCAT, application fees, interviews, and thousands in tuition down the drain if I fuck this up.
Fuck it. I'd let everyone see what they are in the dark. Guarantee you the schpiel was different because they knew he was recording.

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yeah that guy on reddit claiming he made those threads is clearly a sock puppet account of his.