Have gf, but in love with another girl for two years now

Am I a bad person? Is this fixable? What in your experience happens in situations like these?

>the other girl has a boyfriend too but Im not sure if their relationship is going well, and Im unable to tell if she likes me or not- she definitely can tell that Im spaghetti for her though

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>Am I a bad person?
You know the answer...

>Is this fixable?
Yep: pic related.

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Well here's a little confession. I've been caught up on a girl that isn't available for years. And she feels the same about me. We meet every so often to fool around. It's like we meet at the wrong time in our lives. Since you don't know if the girl you love is into you, makes me wonder if you've ever kissed her or hung out? If not, why would you love her?

We have never kissed or cheated, but we see each other regularly in college (while im long distance with my gf). Why I love her I cant explain- from the moment I saw her I was in love, and it frustrates me that it still hasn't gome away. Her demeanor is wonderful, and she wants to be a dedicated mother, and her outlook on life is similar to mine.

Im not sure if she loves me back because she seems to always notice me more than others do, when we hang out with friends we often go aside and she spills her problems, and when we get drunk I accidentally call her by my gfs name or baby and she seems to enjoy it but never brings it up again, and sometimes she just gives me a stare and smiles. But at the same time she isnt obviously flirty and never bothers to message me first. so I dont know.

You should grow your own crystals

>But at the same time she isnt obviously flirty and never bothers to message me first. so I dont know.

This is my tip from dealing with this. And I've drank a lot tonight so lets see how it comes out

She wont show interest because you have a gf, I assume she knows this. If you hit on her or cheat with her, she will remember this and if you date or whatever, I think it'll be an issue. Because of that, she isn't going to be interested. You could lie and say you're single, but she might not want to be a rebound.

I'm not sure what I'd do. Maybe try to spend more time with her, or get her snapchat and talk to her on there often. Anyway, I really can't stress that enough, if you cheat on your gf with her, it'll cause issues.

Sounds like roofies and Craigslist

That gives me some hope that she likes me but is just hiding it because of the context. (she has even met my gf) I am just shocked at how autistic one must be to completely shut down your flirtiness if you like someone just because youre both in relationships - like subtle signs are possible, jeez...

And no I wouldnt cheat. Did you two end up fucking from what I understood? How did you reach out to her?

With my fist, she shook it with her face. I do condone cheating tho. There's no excuse for rape but only when they're conscious. We'll probably break up tomorrow because i saw bob the builder and it made me gay BBB bug n bc Busch tv cinch g ff ng can't

new banner please

How do you not see how deep you are in the friend zone with this girl?

Its time that you removed the boyfriend from this equation.
As soon as he is gone she will be all over you.
Sharpen up your old trusty friend. Tomorrow night his blood will stain the earth. You will be a hero, a righteous hero.

> running multiples
based and redpilled

Thats not true because I have seen how shy and awkward she can be. I dont think it would be obvious at all if she was hitting on someone.

Ya know what? This but unironically. He pisses me off because he is like a helpless child with her. He doesn't go out and drink, just stones at home. He can't argue back with her and instead fucking cries or storms off when they disagree on something. He even once made fun of her behind her back over a reaction to something terrible that happened to her, to all their friends- how can you do that if you love someone?? She rented a house with him and some friends and they dont even have separate rooms now; they pressure her to stay with him; she is like a damsel imprisoned in a dragon's tower.

I wish, I know such a cheeky proposal would leave my ass abandoned by both.


>two years.

Bruh, your relationship with your gf is a sham. There *is* such a thing as being temporarily infatuated with someone else while you’re in a relationship and that’s Norma. But two entire years? No. At that point, regardless of the other girl, clearly you the one you’re with isn’t the right one for you...

We have our issues, it's true, but I have never had a crush on anyone else for those 2 years- only that one damned woman.

You are a bad person for staying with your current girlfriend, wasting her time and letting her believe that she is in a relationship with someone that feels as strongly for her as she does about him. If you gave a shit about and/or respected your current girlfriend at all you'd break up with her and let her try to find someone who is dedicated to her. Either you have zero testicles or you just don't care about your girlfriend's feelings at all. Maybe a combination of the two.

Fuck off ask m00t

Bullshit like you never keep a spare tire or an extra set of batteries around.

If you give living human beings the same consideration you'd give spare tires or extra batteries you're an absolute garbage person.