Thoughts on IKEA?

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They offer nice jobs here in Bulgaria

They do nice sweet potato chips

good chairs

shit quality furniture, shit store layout, and assembling your own shit is cucked. might as well make your own furniture.

Pretty cool guy. Sells cheap furniture and doesn’t afraid of anything.

This. Its like if all the shit quality cbuild it yourself" furniture that you see at box stores got together and had a big orgie hoedown with meatballs in a linear corridor. Fuck Swedes.

Wal-mart for furnature

IKEA not even once

in uni I worked there part time booking deliveries and assemblies it was pretty comfy

Fun to hang out at with your kids, the foods alright and reasonably priced. Never really buy anything seems like shit and the quality items are over priced.

Props for lingonberries. Other than that, no use for them.

You owe me 46 seconds of my life back

cool, what furniture have you built?

the "as-is" sections (refurbished returns built in store) are steals

I guess it's alright if you're a young adult going to college for the first time, or you and your girl get your first apartment and need some cheap furniture. It's not horrible, okay for starter furniture and shit. I wouldn't want to be 30 years old getting IKEA shit though.

I have a lot of stuff from their.
Seems ok.

Natuzzi used to make such couches is the quality still the same ?

lol this is so russian it hurts

The infinite one has shitty faceless staff that tries to attack you at night.

it said not even once, but you did it anyway so i dont owe you anything

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Where would you go?

Chink and white woman?

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I work there, so I guess I like IKEA :)
you'd be surprised what they do to make you spend more money hehe
very manipulative

> Working in a maze that finance rapefugees coming in europe.
> Nice job

Pick one.

Their furniture are shit and is expensive somehow.

Italian angle sofa with 2.2/2.4mm thick ox leather 7 places in other store are sold the same price than a fucking ikea 3 place sofa half leather thick....

You can get massiv wood furniture for a bit more than their shitty glued piece of wood board.

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Most of their funiture is shit. If you just want some shit for your rent apartment, go ahead and buy there. But as soon as you get enough ecomic power, buy local, more-expensive stuff. It will last longer, and you will be helping local businesses.

Funny story. I went as an exchange student to Sweden, and it was extremely hard to find furniture that wasn't sold by IKEA. Beds, tables, sofas, chairs, lamps... Even utensils. The founder is a national hero.

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As a cabinetmaker I can say you certainly get what you get what you pay for.

Everything you need to know, really. Absolute modernism.

Just pay somebody to do it.

Pleb tier.

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The store is huge and annoying to check out. The cafeteria food is cheap, but the taste is mediocre. The instructions for assembling the furniture have no words and are meant for illeagals to understand but at times still doesnt make sense. Also its shit quality, but will last if you maintain it.

I love their in house I am checking out the latest "MARKUS" Swivel chair and next thing I know there's a bunch of wild animals decapitating shoppers in the next isle.

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Lmao. Most shoppers of ikea are over 30

The Markus chair is pretty comfy mate. I couldn’t find anything else for that price tag.

Good for student housing. But building your own stuff is more fun.
Build this cabinet using old oak planks found on a demolition job.

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They have decent food but most of the furniture sucks besides a few things

>too dumb to assaemble furniture

I didn't know everything we have is from Ikea until I visited there with my wife.

Founder was a Nazi

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The founder BTFO the lefties and the government by moving his business abroad to avoid paying taxes. He also was a former Nazi.

very nice

Holy fuck, you're right

Man must be rolling in his grave

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I remember the first time a girl moved in with me and how over the next couple of years all my furniture got replaced by those Ikea abominations. And guess what? Once I dumped her, she took my money but refused to take any of the furniture. So there I was sitting on my broke ass, while watching all these Ikea leftovers creeping over me and asking myself...what if females are all agents of Ikea?


Main problem to do this is that good tools will basicaly coast much more than fewsfurniture sold in a shop.
But It's a good invest if you keep to do your whole furniture.