Fuck you jannie

You're not hiding this shit.

Attached: jannies.png (1887x761, 283K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Could you show us some screenshots of the pics in the OP?

Don't have that, but I have what he got banned for.

Attached: modpill.png (1637x945, 244K)

I got a short ban right after posting this, which I can only assume was ostensibly for checking the big get earlier.

Attached: coverup.png (1834x919, 442K)

I've been noticing a lot of shill threads lately. I thought it was just because the democrats took the house. It always boggles my mind that there are people who shill here, and do it for free. Even more embarrassing than being a janny.

Link to the thread for anyone who doesn't want to type it out: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/198772251

>social democratic ideas
What an absolute faggot. It's kinda funny because it's obvious faggots like these are the ones who shoah the nigger hate threads all the time. Especially when it starts getting too real for them.

Attached: 1503890791991.jpg (720x778, 31K)

Those aren't mods or jannies though and there's no evidence that they're in on the shilling or even letting it happen.

They've been banning anyone for talking about it.

That's because the threads aren't political discussion and they tend to break rule #4.

but nigger cuck porn and scat fetish is political right?

That shit gets deleted pretty quickly by jannies whenever it pops up. What do you expect, instant pruning? Just report shit that doesn't belong here and they get to it when they can. I mean fuck, this thread violates global rule 8 and it's been up for an hour now.

lol...it's unbelievable that there areactual real people patrolling a shitty board like this...holyshit that is insanely pathetic.

Attached: 1540940559622.jpg (209x235, 5K)

>In fighting
Of course it's the obvious ones that call Trump a Zionist and a Neocon that sort of shit.


Look here's one of them trying to do damage control.

i agree 100%. if one guy commits a crime, all crime is now legal. hang yourself

Mods and jannies are completely compromised here, it is true. I was banned a couple weeks ago for posting something negative about homosexuals. It was a perfectly good post, thought out, intelligent, substantive, got a lot of responses fast. It got deleted and I got banned just because it was anti-LGBT and was dropping redpills about them. No other reason, and the reason given for the ban was "no off topic posts" lol. Yeah ok, gay-bashing is off topic at Jow Forums now lmfao. This place is fucked.



Attached: 1543852529430.png (546x1080, 245K)

Do you have the archive link or a screencap?

I got banned for pointing out Mandela's terrorist org was funded by American Leftists, which is literally on his wikipedia page and public knowledge.
Forgot to follow the Left is Right narrative, sorry jannies.
2+2=whatever you tell me

Nice one Belgian user.

Attached: slobeating2.png (956x677, 1.03M)

in fact, are there any other images of this """"leaked discord"""""? op couldn't be assed to fake more than one screenshot

>It was a perfectly good post, thought out, intelligent, substantive
Yeah, I'm sure it wasn't just

most of them are literal fags, someone pôsted a legit omegle pic of a jinjan in the last thread that got deleted, it was a total bottom fag with a bieber haircut

the other leftypol shills that spam this place 24/7 from their discord hideouts and started hanging out on other boards like Jow Forums are all fags too, there's the Finn gay commie that has AIDS, the Russian gay, the Greek mason, the Spaniard who engages in scat... all great rolemodels

Attached: daily reminder.jpg (931x2446, 514K)

Thank you.

My IP got banned from uploading files for posting images of violence that saffers suffer. I'm getting the vibe they're anti-saffer.

>I got banned for pointing out Mandela's terrorist org was funded by American Leftists

What was the ban classified as?

>I was banned a couple weeks ago for posting something negative about homosexuals.
That's happened to me a few times. And once I got a porn ban for posting a post op tranny neovagina that was from a medical site.

Cunt if i post a picture of a piece of paper with a printed word document of a conversation between government elites trying to take down the moon you would probably beleive that too. I've seen plenty of these discord screenshots before , they are always given without explanation.

The smoking gun of the faggotry of mods and jannies. Fuck gookmoot, fuck jannies, and fuck mods.

>I'm getting the vibe they're anti-saffer
Mate, they're leftists, they're anti-Jow Forums. They're very slowly chipping away at Jow Forums's foundations to eventually either nuke Jow Forums or turn it into another hugbox for faggots and non-whites.

fake news
this is a shill post
post proof/screenshot of your post or gtfo
>inb4 newfags can't into archives

Attached: file.png (327x93, 5K)

certainly, good part of the jannies are leftypol commies, quietly acquiring janitor positions here has always been their M.O.

the more higher ups amongst the mods have either been replaced by glowniggers since the 2016 election victory, and/or matters are out of their hands (and into glownigger hands)

More likely it explained how fags are >16x MORE likely to anal rape any children they encounter and how the vast majority of faggots were sodomized themselves as children. Thus aidsing in causing them to CHOOSE to continue the cycle and be disgusting abominations whose entire sense of self revolves around trying to not smell like human feces(& failing). Empathy for these freaks entirely evaporates when one finds out the reality of their regrettable existence and how most of them ruin the lives of the innocent and defenseless BY CHOICE!
I just wish more would do fucking flips instead of ruining kids' lives.

Attached: Trannysorryusrekt.jpg (720x536, 60K)


Attached: 1544789974734.jpg (480x480, 16K)

>pro tip: remember all that gay discord spam with rainbow flags. Remember all those pol meme pics with discord stuff pretending to be a Minecraft server?

OP is one of them. Enjoy the furry spam OP is part of


These new jannies came on the scene last year just after Jow Forums told q and his e-celeb fags to fuck off.

>animoo nibba, you got the next bread?

Q came on the scene here when Trump declassified the JFK files.

The same JFK files that named the jew as financing the hitmen.

(((Jordan Sathour))) and (((defango))) are probably some of the new jannies. Probably (((jason goodman))) too.

has anyone ever tried to han asshole solo a janny?

>This thread is up for 4 hours while my anti jewish threads get deleted in 4 minutes

Attached: 1544735115019.png (683x515, 377K)

user you are a true fighter for these boards. I'll be sure to put a back up post and try to get it rolling. God speed

Attached: 1523982260595.png (300x250, 47K)

The SJW jannies use 3 day bans constantly, specifically for the fact that the banned aren't allowed to appeal them. They will spend months refreshing a 3 day ban rather than give a perma ban.

I was banned for a month (3 days x 10) for posting pic related in a thread full of /v/tards screaming that video games were dead to them because the Diablo Immortal announcement was booed.

Attached: Screenshot_20181105-152159_Adblock Browser.jpg (720x552, 144K)


Attached: downloadfile-17.jpg (474x474, 50K)

I thought that was just normal baiting and banter.


Attached: 6CF34980-D878-4B2D-B89C-A7D318C0DCFC.jpg (192x342, 81K)

Nigger, mods and Jannies are supposed to delete threads like that

which makes it even more insane since it is just normal baiting and banter, but they're so deluded they don't understand that

Attached: o.jpg (1067x1600, 149K)

alright, lets spam all the AOC threads with [pic related], kek. Nothing makes a bait more useless than us rubbing it in their faces.

>i find it easier to influence and they [/news/ and /v/] are more receptive to social democrat ideals

What a giant faggot. Its nice to have proof that genocide- posting and the most abusive board culture ever seems to keep such faggots away from Jow Forums, though. Turns out being edgelords is more effective than gore in terms of chemo. Who woulda thought.

Hey you got more proof? Hopeing to have some extra ammo just in case.

Got more proof right here.

They been trying to pin the maga's against the Nazi's.
Post it anons

Attached: 1546692636862s.jpg (108x125, 2K)

Reminder to document any shady hotpocketry and take it to /qa/ then the IRC. I heard something shifted recently with staff but as i am not a goon or will ever be staff or even concern myself with them by lurking the IRC I dont have evidence of a purge. I know sjws have been infiltrating for years but i reckon by the time they are able to actually change board culture ill have chrooted out of my current situation or illl be dead. Either way im not going to give too many fucks about Jow Forums. Not after what happened to me.

Sry bad image. Here's a door to the post.

5 hours and this thread is still up. Doesn't this disprove the theory that jannies are still compromised? Maybe they're just really fucking retarded and lazy and don't do their job well. I mean think about it, if you had to be a jannie for free you'd probably kill yourself. It's like working as a garbageman without getting paid. Only the lowest of the low do it.
>Not after what happened to me.
Greentext story time faggot

Attached: fuck jannies and niggers.jpg (512x288, 23K)

Reminder that if you see a thread made by a meme flag, the shill poster will delete it if you post the replacement migration pasta
I’ve nuked four threads this morning, check the archive for this mornings nigger dick threads

Those aren't nuked because you're posting pasta, those are nuked because they don't belong here and anons report obvious shill and slide threads. This thread hasn't been reported and so they haven't seen it yet. As soon as a shill or a leftist or jew sees this it'll get reported and it'll get nuked too.

>not after what happened to me
i'll put out a quick synopsis
>be on Jow Forums for hours
>ass is still sore from the pounding mummy gave last night
>decide to get up and microwave some chicken tenders
>accidentally knock over full 2-liter piss bottle

>Doesn't this disprove the theory that jannies are still compromised?
It's called testing the waters. Get used to it, as long as Global Rule 3 means "jannies can ban anyone for posting anything they don't like," weaponized autistic jannieposting is the only defense we have.

If the rules were applied consistently and transparently as government laws, then random shitposters wouldn't have to keep probing them. But they're not, so we are.

*Ahem* May I have you attention please *clink clink* I have something important to say:
(double applause)
(crowd goes wild)

Attached: IMG_6291.jpg (640x480, 26K)

>the more infighting the better
Jow Forums is always in a consistent state of infighting
How do you beat chaos with chaos?

Name of creature : Jannies
Scientific term: faggitous digicleans
common behavior: Jannies usually tend to delete intelligent threads or b& users they don't like or oppose the agenda-
they partner with shills and like to hide alot, usually powerful redpills or things they don't want people to know.
personality: usually act like faggots or straight up retarde, they get upset at almost anything and likely own a stash of dildos and have a-
34,000+tb worth of interacial porn, cuckold porn, scat, ect.
ethnicity: usually mutts at times, sometimes it may be spics or whites, they may also be nips and niggers
nationality: most of the time it's muttland, sometimes it's in the eurocuck union

Attached: 1503948446698.png (645x473, 12K)

But the thread is still up. If jannies were compromised this shit would get nuked immediately.


The thread is growing.
If they delete it then it proves what there doing is true.

The screencap quite obviously has them talking about influencing Jow Forums and causing in fighting. Why they are maybe not mods mods still are huge faggots regardless and at least some are kike cocksuckers that get the noose as soon as possible. Just need to look what kind of threads dissappear and which sre allowed to stay

the recent anti-christian shillwave is also their doing mostly


>Reminder to document any shady hotpocketry and take it to /qa/ then the IRC.
Thanks, tried faqposting my complaint and attaching reports to one of the silly IP bans I got, and no response. Sucks that I have to install IRC, but Jow Forums was important enough to me that I shelled out 20 bucks for a pass, so it's important enough to put some effort into dealing with jannie backstabbers too.

>We fund stupid faggots to make 3 incels fight among each other.

Making good use of your tax dollars.

Stay strong Jow Forums, other boards have already fallen.

On /his/ one of these discord commies literally made a thread listing other threads he didn't like and they got deleted by jannies within minutes.

No, it actually wouldn't. Unlike shills and conspiracy theorists, actual kekistani maymaymancers recognize that fellow human beings aren't perfect, don't have instantaneous or even AI-speed reflexes, and fuck up their own shit on a regular basis, no matter how fanatical they are about it.

It's those little gaps, and taking advantage of them, that makes the maymaymagic happen.

>it proves what there doing is true.
You have a very low IQ. I guarantee you're a shitskinned mutt subhuman. You're also an obvious phonefagging newfag who doesn't even know how to post pics. Please kill yourself. The jannies have reason to nuke this shit immediately, it's a clear violation of a global rule. It doesn't prove anything. This hasn't been nuked because they haven't seen it yet and it probably hasn't been reported.
The inconsistency seems to be a result of who actually reports posts. Leftists, shills, and Jews will immediately report things they don't like because they get offended by everything counter to the dogma they've been indoctrinated with. Right wingers seem to be free speech so very few of them report shit, including the obvious slide threads. So those threads get left up more often while the right wingers posting stuff violating rules get banned or at least their shit deleted.


>kekistani maymaymancers

Attached: and then kys.jpg (396x382, 24K)

>caring about the "rules" jannies put for emotion cater

Attached: 1518142513548s.jpg (228x221, 6K)

Excuse my newfag questions but wtf is a jannie


Attached: 1503131037335.gif (408x397, 35K)

>Jow Forums was important enough to me that I shelled out 20 bucks for a pass

Attached: heh lmao.png (324x291, 137K)

janitors my dear newfriend
they are the keepers of the damned and are one step below mods

>hey, at least you're not a high school janitor...

Attached: IMG_6290.jpg (334x506, 22K)

All fags deserve the rope tbqh, you too OP

Janitor. Not quite a mod, but a bit similar

So basically fucking retards who remove stuff when it gets too spicy?

Any proof that those are jannies and not some random shills organizing on Discord? Also, gib link to that Discord.

They can do this shit all day long and six times on Sunday and Jow Forums will always take the bait because its now full of a bunch of retarded boomers who reply to anything. Doesn't mean that the younger folks aren't still here


Attached: 1431411277216.png (779x952, 346K)

We are sovie russia now

Attached: D3797ED3-0671-441A-B85F-F3CBEA3BA245.jpg (604x140, 112K)

A Highschool janny gets at least paid

Attached: 1544899412331m.jpg (805x1024, 87K)

Paid shill


Attached: jannies are subhuman.jpg (400x400, 17K)

What' s an AOC thread?

>It's like working as a garbageman without getting paid. Only the lowest of the low do it.

They also have their guberment id on file in association with the website most notorious for literally everything bad in the world. Think about that for a second. What kind of person would ever do that?

I think faggot jannies are purposefully leaving this thread up now because they missed it a few hours in and too many people have seen it by now. If they nuke this now they know it'll spawn a million different copycat threads shitting on jannies and niggers and kikes so this is its containment.

Attached: fuck jannies and fuck niggers.png (665x670, 176K)

Jannies gonna succ

Basically yes


This is small time compared to the other shilling operations going on