BREAKING: Bernie 2016 volunteer was a British spy

Jesus fucking Christ, why aren't there multiple threads about this?

Here's the rundown:
>young British guy (Simon Bracey-Lane) with no background in intelligence or government work "spontaneously" decides to volunteer for the Sanders campaign in Iowa while on a 2-month "road trip" in the US
>claims he never had any interest in politics before (which contradicts another interview when he said he wanted to help Corbyn in the UK's Labour Party)
>in November 2018, Anonymous leaked internal files about the Integrity Initiative, which is a project of the Institute for Statecraft that states its mission is to "defend democracy from disinformation"
>IFS is a secretive organization that receives heavy British government funding
>the leaked files show that the Integrity Initiative is itself actively involved in disinformation and meddling in foreign nations
>one of the leaked documents was a briefing written by SIMON BRACEY-LANE about recruiting more agents in the Balkans

Attached: SimonBracey-Lane.jpg (336x251, 14K)

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Why were so many British assets involved in the 2016 election is what I'd like to know. Good post OP.

Because even a child could tell you that there's nothing to worry about when it comes to England spying on the US. It's such a non-factor story

It's not about spying. It's about infiltrating groups and undermining them and spreading disinformation. This group has disinfo operations throughout Europe.

>ywn be a British spy

what a kino life that would be

globo homo
freemasonry + communism + big corp + international judendom

eternal anglo strikes again

From the thumbnail it looked like Sam Hyde


Attached: churchill warmonger.jpg (2623x3150, 3.99M)

The fact that it's possible for them to infiltrate and spread this information shows that the group itself isn't worthy in the first place

For real. They have been caught redhanded on dossier, on spying and now full blown election meddling, all the while poor Trump over their is having to fight a phantom ghost enemy of lies and deceit.

The New York Fed is at risk. Royals are a major stakeholder in the NY Fed

Britain again lol, always up to something

The Integrity Initiative constantly calls out Russian meddling and disinformation, yet this is exactly what they've been doing.

Mifsud, Khashoggi and Steele. What do these names have in common? They are the intelligence assets who had a hand starting the Trump/Russian collusion story, investigation and news frenzy. Multiple people including Steele recognize this fact as well as it's been attested to by Papadopoulos and Ohr. British intelligence is currently working to prevent declassification of investigative or evidentiary documents pertaining to the US 2016 election.

Because they spy on us, and our intelligence agencies are given that information. Information that it would be illegal for our agencies to collect themselves. Can't remember the operation name.

Ever since the information about Fusion GPS and who they were working with and for, all stories that paint a clear picture have been memoryholed.
If that's what it boiled down to I'd be pissed. I am already but if it's the Fed alone the UK can fuck off.
They're also complicit in Russian meddling and possibly covering for illegal sales of state owned items. The whole thing makes me angry.

Five eyes. This goes beyond just passive spying.

If I had to take a guess it's because of the five eyes agreement to spy on each others citizens. The global cabal, loyal to no country, working together to create a NWO to obtain and retain power. If this theory were true it's safe to assume the clintons would be involved. Different tactic but same mission that they used to infiltrate trumps campaign with bullshit FISA warrants... but that's just my guess.

it's largely dull desu. you spend your life pretending to have a nondescript office job.

don't forget the Russian double agent Skripal worked with Steele and was poisoned to silence him and also make Russia look bad and open an attack vector on Russia due to ISIS being defeated in Syria.

You're now learning that when people in power want to carry out a domestic counter intelligence operation it's easier to have allied foreign agents do it instead. There's a litany of legal reasons for this. US and British intelligence are tied at the hip, they're top partners and so close that you may as well consider them one in the same.

>Brits want Yankees to pay high taxes
It ended so well the last time.

Even our foreign interference is utterly mutted, what a surprise. Next up is the poo in loo who spilled the beans on spying for bobs.