It's going to be bad, isn't it?
2020 Census
I never understood the controversy about the citizenship question Trump wants to add. Even Trudeau re-instated a long-form census to get as much data as possible, including ethnic and citizenship status. Our previous Conservative PM only had us fill out a very short survey which didn't even include citizenship or ethnic background questions (only about languages spoken).
Mixed race people can't self-identify. You're one box now.
Once results will be published, americans will finally leave Jow Forums
Don't you have some Congolese dicks to give an apology kiss too?
>Mixed race people can't self-identify. You're one box now.
Oh fuck.
He basically reversed 30+ years of work and then made some new MENA racial group up for allah snakbar goatfuckers.
They'll just classify a bunch of Mexicans as white to make it look like we're not in a rapid decline of white population.
Your duchess is a mutt. Bin that knoife.
>illegal beaners don't want to answer the question because they think it will get sent to ICE
>they don't participate in the census
>they don't get counted
>blue states full of illegals lost house seats and electoral votes
Honestly it should just be based on the number of eligible (even if not currently registered) voters anyway.
My family has been here since 1787 but I'm a mutt, do I count.
Illegals and non citizen residents are concentrated in Democrat districts and Democrat states. Foreigners give Democrats an edge electorally, that's why courts on hellbent on keeping the citizenship question out of the census. If it's put on the census then Republicans are going to fight for electoral redistricting.
A simple way for this to make sense, although, it's not the only case. California currently gets 55 delegates in presidential elections, this will likely change after the next census. If Republicans were somehow able to exclude foreign residents of any status from being counted in redistricted which is as it should be, California is going to lose a portion of its delegates. So instead of California getting 55 delegates they'd get more like 50 delegates. It's not much but it adds up when you apply this nationally.
Not sure how exactly much edge Democrats get from foreigners being counted in redistricting, it's probably somewhere between a 2%-5% edge.
Im scared, hold me boys!
Apparently it was estimated non hispanic white population was 61% in 2017 so who knows, probably not but I hope at most it dropped to 59 or some shit
it's already less than 50% for new borns. Which is where it matters
This. Americans still blissfully pretend as though we're a white nation when really we're barely at a parity in the youth.
Has anyone ever worked for the Census before? I have a good job but lots of debt. They hire a ton of Part time Temporary workers. I think I might apply. Thoughts or advice?
Its the spics filling up all of that, they breed like fucking rabbits, asians vary from 3-5% in every age group and blacks vary from 11-14% in every age group, I also think its mixed race kids filling it up too at 6%, fucking race mixers.
How likely will it be that a bunch of mixed people will just choose "white" on the census now?
Well key thing is they can choose "total white" but cant choose "non-hispanic white" although theres a small amount of arabs/jews in the non hispanic white population. I believe their getting their own category 2020 though.
It depends on what they're racemixed with. I'd say a good portion of people mixed with a hispanic and a white parent identify as non hispanic white. Those people tend to look very racially ambiguous and you can't really tell what they are. In college admissions and work applications they're going to mark hispanic so they can get the affirmative action benefits but in every day life a good portion of them try to blend in with whites.