Nazi parenting

don't do it

>In 1934 physician Johanna Haarer published The German Mother and Her First Child. Her advice guided child-rearing in the Third Reich. It ultimately sold some 1.2 million copies, almost half of them after the end of the war.

>In that book, Haarer recommended that children be raised with as few attachments as possible. If a child cried, that was not the mother's problem. Excessive tenderness was to be avoided at all cost.

>Psychotherapists fear that this kind of upbringing led many children in Germany to develop attachment difficulties and that those problems might have been passed on to subsequent generations.

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That’s literally what Russians and Asians do today wtf

Hard to manipulate people who aren't slaves to their emotions.

no wonder you fuckers sided with the asians.
all germans are fucking mongoloid hunnic rape babies with no souls.
the only mistake the allies made was leaving any of you alive


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This but unironically.

>gets shot

>gets scat

My grandmother always said Germans and Asians were cold people and that most don't have souls. She seems to have been right.

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>gets baguette

>ceases to exist

>"I believe I can fly..."

>examines poop shelf

also: i myself eat a burger and am mutted

>trauma is hereditary
>genocide is hereditary
Jews sure do make a lot of race realism arguments

This certainly explains the general autism of Germans.

also: im stealign this frog.

It's okay friend, it's all yours.

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As much as I might side w/ WW2 Germany, not tending your child when they're upset is totally fucked. A child who had nobody to rely on will grow into all kinds of fucked up. There is literally NOTHING wrong with nurturing your own goddamn offspring. That's your goddamn job.

>is homeless

Lol, you know what we do to mutts here, right?

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fuck off shill just another attempt to erode tradition and the family unit

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>Excessive tenderness was to be avoided at all cost.
Note it says "excessive" tenderness, and you retards swallow up the article's agenda that Nazi Woman Bad. Rewarding your child every time it cries or throws a tantrum only teaches it that crying gets it what it wants.

This has almost no effect on a person in adulthood. You are largely a product of your genes and the resulting temperament. I don't advocate it, but leaving an infant to cry in a crib does nothing to harm them later in life and there's no evidence to the contrary. This is all just alarmist bullshit from leftists as always.

Russians don't do that you retarded spastic
They're actually very tactile and loving towards their kids, their parenting is the literal opposite and actually still stems from Orthodox Christian tradition where love is key

This Nazi German coldness towards kids stems actually from Kants pedagogical principled who viewed parental relationship towards a lens of power

And you wonder why Germans are cold autistic fucks...

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was contracting aids part of their plan?

Attached: aids.png (1200x609, 160K)

Humans obviously learn by experience stop being stupid.