
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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>GOPAd: Thank You President Trump 1/4/19
>Pres Trump/VP Pence Statement on Govt Shutdown 1/4/19
>PressSec Sarah outside WH 1/4/19
>PressSec Sarah on F&F 1/4/19
>DepPressSec Gidley outside WH 1/4/19
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 1/4/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 1/4/19
>CEAChair Hassett on CNBC 1/4/19
>FEDChair Powell @AEA Roundtable 1/4/19
>Lara Trump on FBN 1/4/19
>WH Press Brief (Pres Trump/Sarah/NBPC/CBP) 1/3/19
>VP Pence interview on Tucker Carlson 1/3/19
>VP Pence Swears In New Senators 1/3/19
>SoS Pompeo on Hannity 1/3/19
>CEAChair Hassett outside WH 1/3/19
>KAC outside WH 1/3/19
>KAC on F&F 1/3/19
>WHStratCommDir Schlapp on FoxNews 1/3/19
>RNCChair McDaniel on F&F 1/3/19
>SpiceDaddy on FBN 1/3/19

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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>he doesn't know that Croutons are the Thinking Man's Snack
>he doesn't want to bring (good) Snacks Back

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Nah it's real, his face didn't get droopy but nobody can fake learning to walk again, dribbling food, and needing tard-gear to drive a car, not to mention he actually quit drugs and smoking because of it.

>literally bread scraps

Is this feasible? Why not do it before?

Pre law fag here. I'm studying to become judge in state of California. I will bring back the death penalty. Tell me what crime that require the death penalty?
I will also restore Communist Control Act of 1954.
In 8 years, please look out for the deaf redhead man.

sesame crackers dipped in peanut butter tonight my good man
also rum


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What's a good rum? I never want to spend money on it unless it's the cheap shit cause I don't know what's actually worth extra.

A lot of the border falls on private land.
Nobody likes to talk about the eminent domain issues that will come up.

>Tell me what crime that require the death penalty?

Female-Initiated Divorce
Playing Nintendoo

wonder what McAfee is up t...

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St Kilda beach protest today
have fun

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No. People would go overboard calling him a fascist...just not realistic in an election year. More likely he will keep the shutdown going until enough dems in the house revolt and vote in favor of the funding after enough political pressure builds.

>Tiffany's new boyfriend is Nigerian

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Stop lying.

There are zero eminent domain issues on the border.


This committee owns the actual boundary.

Any land transfers must go through this committee.

>On November 24, 2009, the U.S. ceded six islands in the Rio Grande to Mexico, totaling 107.81 acres (0.4363 km2). At the same time, Mexico ceded three islands and two cuts to the U.S., totaling 63.53 acres (25.71 ha). This transfer, which had been pending for 20 years, was the first application of Article III of the 1970 Boundary Treaty.

Again, this must be stressed. Nobody can own anything on the international boundary between America and Mexico

Anything within 20 feet of the border falls under the jurisdiction of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). Eminent domain does not apply as it is the right of either country to enforce border security and build a wall or install a marker.

This committee goes all the way back to 1889

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That will cause world wide Anger and they will try to remove me.

They're like children, but with insolence. She needs to step down, and that gavel belongs on a bbq grill!

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>Soros buys the entire border
Checkmate, Drumpftards.

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wtf is this edition

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See There are zero eminent domain issues. Please read the wikipedia link or fuck off.




Get butt naked Ivanka

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user, there is no power higher than a Californian judge

about to say, I know they thought to at least own the land at the border, shit.

Good shit aus bro

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And that's an achievement

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Kraken Black Spiced Rum
Some say Sailor Jerry’s, but I thought the Kraken was just better tasting.

>is an international body created by the United States and Mexico in 1889 to apply the rules for determining the location of their international boundary when meandering rivers transferred tracts of land from one bank to the other, as established under the Convention of November 12, 1884.
>It was given its present name under the 1944 "Treaty relating to the Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande"
Your link doesn't say anything about land ownership.

Why don't mutts just fuck that damned wall, already.

I'm not a connoisseur, I don't know much about rums.
Don't laugh but I really like the cheap basic shit like captain morgan's spiced rum. I go thru bottles of that shit with diet coke.
Diplomatico Reserva is very sweet. Good for sipping, warms the soul.
Most bacardi I've had is shit IMO, has too much of that strong ethanol bite. Never liked it except one bottle of extra old aged stuff which I haven't been able to find in liquor stores.
Sailor Jerry's is okay.
tl;dr be a pleb like me and get cap'n morgans

Kek, I went to a lolbertarian meeting in 2008 and this video encapsulates the general impression that I got. That was when I realized lolbertarianism was just leftism with delusions of intellectual consistency.

Shame on all lolbertarians who do not throw NAP-violators from helicopters

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It's MY edition

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Serious question
Did one one of you hack me?

Only your heart

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>Demarcation of the land boundary


Christie couldn't fuck that wall
his pee pee is covered by fat and his gut sticks out wider than his cock would erect

On the Cover of the Rolling WikaNPC'dia

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just rule death on any nigger you come across.
Murderer? Death.
Petty theft? Death.
Unpaid parking tickets? Death.
Just here to finalize a divorce? Death.
If you can't, just settle for the maximum penalty possible. Any whites that aren't Jewish, let off with the most minimum you can, even if it means no punishment, regardless of the crime. A white murderer who is released and impregnates a loli still puts out another white into the world, so it's a net benefit.

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sad but true, how could anyone let themselves go that far. Pitiful.

Fuck Ivanka. She has no business in the White House. The Kushner Krime Kompromise was her creation too.

Fair enough. I hope the president will appoint me as district 9 judge or state of California judge. It will be hilarious when liberals will eat it owns when it comes to ADA Right since I'm deaf. I will use that to counter them.

Yes, it was me, the hacker known as Jow Forums
Give me ten memecoins or I'll shoot your data in the clit

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lmao is that the commie west point fag


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Fuck you, Ivanka is a goddess
>inb4 jewess

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That will cause a shitstorm.

For someone so uncomfortable, he actually looked quite comfortable...

>Fuck ivanka
Don't mind if I do. Would prefer Tiff, Barron, or Jr. but I'll take what I can get
Pass on Eric tho

Reminder that Trunofags are the babykilling christkillers in this story.

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Man it's pretty amusing seeing minorities fight each other, especially when they all start ganging up on the jew.

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Here in Spain, when theState wants to build a road or sth like a wall, they pay you for it. If you refuse, for whatever reason, they got legal ways to end up forcing you in a way or another.

Probably when the end o the moth hits all the Dems supporters on food stamps and welfare.

>Pass on Eric tho
Eric is a chad what are you talking about

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>good rum

No rum is good. Use some fine American whiskey, like Jack Daniels'. How much for a bottle in your state? It's 22.8 dollars here.

Alright I'll try the Kraken and Diplomatico, I've seen both at my local store. Normally just have Morgan or Jerry but usually just drink scotch instead.

Reminder that its okay when Democrats do it

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Being wealthy+Corn subsidies

I hope burger/pol/ is lifting every day for the race war.

i think this edition SUCKS

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900 posts/ 20 min

Estimated time to GET: ~42min

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But demarcation of the land boundary only "specifies" in which country a certain portion of land is, nothing about land ownership.

Explain this from 2008:
>The U.S. government is constructing a 700-mile fence along its border with Mexico, leaving many inhabitants within the construction area fighting to keep their land. Eloisa Tamez talks about being sued by the federal government to gain access to her land near Brownsville, Texas. Tamez is joined by Brownsville Mayor Pat Ahumada.


>The virtual fence is intended to complement nearly 700 miles of physical fence meant to keep out people and vehicles. [..] But now the physical fence is also under fire, and not just from immigration advocates and others who call it racist and an affront to U.S.-Mexico relations. A new source of opposition has opened up among U.S. landowners of property along the border who would have to surrender some of it to allow the fence to be built.

>Some of them are refusing to grant the federal government access to their land. So the government is filing suit in response. Eloisa Tamez is one of those residents. She owns three acres in El Calaboz just outside Brownsville, Texas, right in the path of the 700-mile fence under construction. She joins us by phone from her office at the University of Texas Brownsville, where she is a nursing professor. Also on the phone with us is the mayor of Brownsville, Pat Ahumada. He's opposed to the fence also and has worked to organize a community response.


Hes caving on the wall, call the comment line in the morning

Comments: 202. 456 1111
Switchboard: 202. 456 1414

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750ml of Jack Daniels is $19.99 here.

You suck

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The IBC was also instrumental in developing the second water distribution treaty between the United States and Mexico in 1944, which addressed utilization of the waters of the Colorado River and Rio Grande from Fort Quitman, Texas to the Gulf of Mexico. The Water Treaty of February 3, 1944 expanded the duties and responsibilities of the IBC and renamed it the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). The 1944 Treaty charged the IBWC with the application of the treaty and the exercise of the rights and obligations which the U.S. and Mexican Governments assumed thereunder and with the settlement of all disputes that were to arise under the treaty.

The 1944 Treaty provides that the jurisdiction of the IBWC extends to the limitrophe parts of the Rio Grande and the Colorado River, the land boundary between the U.S. and Mexico and to works located upon the border. Neither Section is to assume jurisdiction or control over works within the limits of the country of the other without the express consent of the Government of the latter. The works constructed, acquired or used in fulfillment of the provisions of the Treaty and located wholly within the territorial limits of either country, although these works may be international in character, they are to remain under the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the Section of the Commission in whose country the works may be situated.

>literally just repeating everything Ann says
You and the finn need some creativity

Sinema is bisexual? Fugg.

Eric is the kind of guy I'd want as my bff, but not with benefits

Barron has a phat ass and is the cutest of all the Drumpfs, but guaranteed he's a spoiled autistic little shit

Ivanka is liberal and is a nose job Jew

Tiff is hot in an ugly drunk hookup kinda way

Don Jr seems like the kinda guy who thinks he's hilarious but you only invite to parties because he always brings a handle

Eric has neither looks nor title, probably isn't even the smartest of them all, so he is likely the most humble and nicest to get along with

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Ivanka edition? Who is acting like she isn't the worst part of the Trump presidency?

Her and her kike husband are the biggest problems of this administration.

Really makes you think...

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>Sinema is bisexual?
Funny how it was never mentioned here in AZ while she was running. Almost like...it played no effect in anyones decision (apart from the obvious lgbtqiaa+ leftist crowd)

$45 here.......yeah it sucks.

wtf, i admire hitler too
you know, maybe... just maybe we're not so different after all

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>Eric is the kind of guy I'd want as my bff, but not with benefits
Totally agree, but if after a late night of drinking brewskis and sitting on his comfortable couch in the penthouse of Trump Tower, he reaches over and places his hand on my crotch, I'm not gonna say no

Ann has not been wrong retard

So, pretty much same price. I expected it to be lower there, bc you don't have to ship through the whole Atlantic Sea and all...

>Fuck Ivanka.

Who hack me?

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Read what I wrote again retard.

Good Morning!

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21.80 for 750 ml of Crown Royal. I usually get the 44.60 for 1.75 Liter. Being an alcohol is the life you face.

Even if that mattered (it doesn't) the issue is you put up a fuss you get ED'd, and that's it.
Imagine the alternatives:
>wall gets built around your land, and you are exposed to the US/Mex border
>no wall. but you own land in the middle of nowhere so nobody crosses there anyway.
>no wall. and mexicans flow through your land and you get to live with those problems. also ICE has a convenient choke point now.

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Meh, I'd never turn down a blowjob but I'd sure as hell make excuses not to blow him back
>also, tfw no cooked gf

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>People ITT are into alcohol

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They will be well compensated and is constitutional. as long as they are compensated with at least market value. Plus they will probably throw in a few extra $$$ for incentive. Only hiccup is I read somewhere some lefty orgs are buying land on the border to block Trump. They intend to keep it tied up in court until trump is gone. And given the fucking commie judges in this country, especially the 9th which has jurisdiction over California part of the border.

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Ouch. Still not as bad as your car prices though, and the fucking regulations you need to get a permit and license I've heard. I forget the specific but someone on /o/ told me how ridiculous it was.

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Post rare (hot) Ivankas nao

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