Holy shit. The left has made a huge comeback and are winning the culture war in every aspect...

Holy shit. The left has made a huge comeback and are winning the culture war in every aspect. You can literally feel the Trump supporter/alt-right morale flatlining. Trump totally destroyed all the credibility of the Republican party and they will never recover. His low IQ fanbase have mostly realized that they've been swindled and are more desperate than ever. They're all going to accept socialism with open arms.

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off shill

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kill yourself faggot

Attached: black-crime-trying-to-steal-copper-gets-burned.webm (264x480, 1.67M)

Make a general and stop spamming, niggerboi.

All fields etc.

that's nice OP, better make a hundred more threads about it.

I hope he's okay

Takes a baiting shill to misuse the word 'literally' this bad

he's fine

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Coming from a black dude, fuck off

Truly we live in the future.

It’s been like four years since there was a substantial minority of decent threads.

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You guys are going to meme her into the Whitehouse with your fucking fascination and obsession with her.

First thread I ever saw about her.
Thread is barely alive.
>Gunna meme her in lads
Stop being stupid Bruce

What is this? Sage

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>winning the culture war in every aspect
Everyone Ive ever met hates that dumb bitch

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2.1 niggawatts

Makes sense since you never leave your basement and haven't ever met anyone

nuke israel

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Go back to your discord shill.

I'll meet you anywhere anytime and rip your fucking head off your shoulders bitch ass little faggot

>meet you anywhere

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Go chug some Fosters and pass out under a Kangaroo faggot


fucking shills go play with your dildos faggots


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Trigger warning

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