Fire up the XBOX to play some Halo 3 and they took down my account for having the gamer tag "STOP ILLEGALS"

Can I sue?

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Do people still play this game? I would love another custom game lobby of Cops and Robbers with the lads tb.h

You actually have money for an attorney user? Oh and add me on Xbox.

I wouldn't risk it, they probably have proper defense grounds if they banned you for it.

unless of course there is nothing in their online rules or faq about inappropriate gamer tags, then go ham user.

Yeah, steal your parent's credit card and file a suit against them, you're sure to win.

The first amendment doesn't apply to private corporations

Halo chief collection so it has them all but I just play halo 3.

I do big team battle mostly but I don't actually play to win but to piss off my own team so I'll pick up someone from the other team with my warthog and then drive them around killing my own team. Which is kinda hard to do cuz most of the time they kill you even tho your honking next to them as a signal to get on the turret.

Also in the flag games when my team comes close to scoring I'll grab the flag and run it back to their base.


To add to this it's so hilarious hearing spics crying on the mic when I drive around another team member to kill my own team. So oddly satisfying

no you retard they can remove your account for whatever reason they want read the ToS.

delta force land warrior was the greatest FPS multiplayer game ever created

(it's not happening)

Just do it

No because you agreed to their TOS. I mean TOS' don't always hold up in court, but in this case you would lose.

>halo 3
patrician taste my friend

Sorry but racists and nazis aren't allowed to participate in society.

It's always worth a try nigger.. you lose, it's nothing but if you win..you will become rich..consult a lawyer.. this is your chance.

It's called eldewrito/ Halo online and it's free.

>I don't actually play to win but to piss off my own team
>I'll grab the flag and run it back to their base.
My brother and my friend and I used to do this kind of shit on battlefield 3. It was much more fun than playing the game seriously desu. Good job user.

>playing videogames
>playing xbox
>playing halo
>playing halo 3

Goddamn user, you win Degenerate Retard of the Day Award. There is no profit from the reward, there is really just shame.

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>reddit spacing

they have TOS that lets them do it for any reason
you dont own a shit

also make threads elsewhere, spread the word
but use some proofs

el dorito is free halo 3 on pc or play mcc. it got fixed