GIOYC get it off your chest

Last thread archived at post limit

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What motherfucker will start 3rd the same thread?

my bad i posted it at at the same time as this and i took it down

idk how to tune my drums, so i just stick a wallet on it, and it sounds good.

I love you; I love you; I love you. I want to scream it at the top of my lungs, over and over, rip this feeling out of my chest. Repeat these three words I'll never get to speak to you again - see the smile I'll forever miss, hear the kindness in your voice that no longer exists for me. I still love you, Moe. The you, you used to be, the you, you became, all the little character traits and nuances that I doubt will ever change. I love all of the shitty, awful, horrible times too. I wish I could be with you still and learn the you, you are now.

I also know you're much better off as you are now :) and I hope every day you've found that happiness

Vice versa, your post was the 1st, pal.

OP of this thread. Sorry for the mix up user, I don't usually make the threads just didn't see one up in the catalog so went to it

My GF is coming home after a 3 month trip and because of binge starving and a major depressive period I definitely got fatter and uglier. I'm really scared of her being disappointed and unattracted to me when she sees whats happened

I've been exercising and eating right but the anxiety is eating me

I wish I were never circumcised. I never would have chosen it for myself.

i still regret choosing architecture instead of graphic arts now im stuck in this dumbass transition of the old and new education system thanks to my failing grades

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How much fatter?

I am finally ending it. There's no life in pain and humiliation.

Fast/Snake Diet that shit

Circumcised penises are beautiful, even when they're flaccid


You would be so fucking dissapointed in me. And im sorry. He is awful to me, i know, but he is also all i have and im all he has too. I wanted it to be you, you knew this, but you were so convienced i could get a better man. How? I dont know anyone, i was isolated. How was i supposed to know hed end up like this, anyways? There were no warnings for this sheer anger he has at the world, and if i knew he would take it out on me as a result i would have remained isolated.

I never chose you, you stuck onto me like some cunt you are fuck you I never asked for this either fuck off.

Youre not him, you larper, fuck off faget

It's a good thing you've cut all contact with the father of your one year old child, because I probably wouldn't talk to you otherwise, let alone come over to your house and help you fix things.

I know we got our different lifestyles, but unless you meet someone willing to date a single mom of 31, I'm the best shot you got at having more children, as you tell me you want to within the next two or three years. You told me so yourself. I do still love you, but I'm not going to become monogamous again. I got a good thing going with the 24yo, and I went on a date with a 27yo last night. This is what happens, when you let good things go for no other reasons than external ones. You went slutting in Thailand, and now you're stuck with a kid because you fell for a manipulative, emotionally abusive asshole, just months after we talked about one day starting a family. You son is a darling, and I'm not going to resent that you kept him, but because you did, what we could potencially have will never be as pure as it could have been. That's why I'd rather have kids with different women in addition to you, than to father a child that isn't mine, and miss out on all the other puss I'm getting. If our friend in common, who's also my ex breaks up with her new boyfriend - the one she got after divorcing her wife - then she'll want me to impregnate her as well, and I will do that for her. You have both always known I'm extremely good with children. You could both live in the same house, raising three children together, two of which are mine, and I'll visit inbetween fucking women 7-10 years younger than me. I don't even care if we make love all that often, but I'll be the father figure you know your children deserve.

Then all will be good.

I'm in love with someone other than my wife and I'm riding the marriage out for another 2 years until my plan to leave her is ready.

LOL did you come into a Jow Forums gioyc thread and actually thought you were talking to your ex? You crazy user.

No one ever asks to get hurt user. Retarded women are prone to making retarded choices. The world keeps on spinning.

Why though?

Wtf is with this shit?

I know someone in real life who wants to act like his parents abused him horribly as a child because they got him circumsized.

I'm fine with not having to clean my skin flap with a q tip all the time.

Besides that, if men were insanely more sensitive down there from not being circumsized guys wouldn't last very long in the sack. Probably jack rabbit around for a few seconds and that's it.

Get a real problem, like being unemployed and homeless.

idgaf you whore. You would never have been monogamous anyway. You think you're the only dick in my and those girls' lives? What planet do you live on?

I wish men were capable of being monogamous mentally and physically, while also not being obsessed with sex with their own partners, yet still useful and productive.

I'm on holiday with a friend. He wants to go drinking tomorrow, I /really/ don't. There's only one set of keys. What should I do?

Sometimes i think you guys take these threads way too personally, like you think youre talking to the person who hurt you here of all places. Why do you do this?

You never said this, and you lead me on with your stupid games. I didnt want to go through life like you did, never having attatchments because people are a game to you, i wanted something real. I wanted YOU to be real with me. When i got tricked into this it wasnt because i wanted it to happen either.. i never wanted to be this abused by another person, I was trying to move on from you but failed on a scale i didnt even expect. I hate myself more than ever and i deserve what i get. But if he is all i can have, all i deserve, i will make it work and heal him even if i cant heal myself.

I'm not sorry, you say you regret it but he was your choice you're just trying to keep me in your orbit because you're evil.

I'm completely done being your friend, I should have never even considered talking to you again. You're the single most petulant, annoying person I know and almost all of your jokes are fucking lame and obnoxious.

Well, we used to have an open relationship, so I don't see how it makes much difference now. We've already talked about how you've fucked more people than I have, years ago, so it's not like I'm surprised. Or care.

>I'm completely done being your friend
>I should have never even considered talking to you again
>You're the single most petulant, annoying person I know
>almost all of your jokes are fucking lame and obnoxious
Ouch!!! That hurt

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I dont regret him. I regret i was born, but i dont regret him. He hates women, but he somehow has learned to not completely hate me despite what he knows. Its vrazy how we even ended up together to be honest. He has improved, he is not perfect and he isnt right in the head at all, but he loves me it seems. As much as someone like that can love at least lol. Everyone in this world has evil in them, yes me too. Humans are a duality by nature. Also, you arent in my orbit, that implies i want to talk to you at all. You are just on my mind and it sucks. I would never try to be with you, because you hate me.

fuck you alright

Haha, yeah. Im trash. But i learned even trash like me can be loved, even by monsters like him. Thanks for the chance to vent user. Youre not him, but it helps to larp.

That's all that can be done, you have to larp if nothing is real

Cringe, the thread

My life is too real right now, kek. I wish i was back to playing childish games with mr oneitis. It was a lot less painful. But i also wouldnt have learned nearly as much about myself if i had chosen an easier path.

Anyone who still says cringe is cringe so get the fuck out... also I know who you are

>grow up poor because my parents unfortunately cant hold a job due to circumstances
>barely enough food on the table
>im a problem child
>fast forward to adult me
>no talent in any skills that i know of
>cant and dont want to hold a job
>live from welfare check to welfare check

its like my life is predetermined to be a wageslave or a lowlife criminal

Did you learn a new word?

You misguided woman, you almost got some sympathy from me with your delusional ramblings. Please dont continue to hurt yourself, youre a human, not trash. Leave this man if he is abusive and crazy. He is just turning you into a monster too.


I hate you

I hate Radio Speedwagon or whatever it's called

I hate being a parent although I love my kid and am trying not to fuck everything up

I hate being sick

I hate my drive for attention and validation

I'm sorry I fell in love with you and made things weird. I'm not sure how to change my feelings... I've been trying but I give up. I think you want me to leave so I will. I asked before and you basically said you don't care if I stay or go. That hurt. I'm a loser so you're better off. You made me so happy and I'll miss you. This is probably a relief to you. V

I love you. Not that kind of love where I have to be the source of your happiness or even have your love returned. I just love you. I want to see you happy. I want to do good things for you (and to you). Your smile is a drug to me. Your laugh makes me feel light on my toes. I wish I could heal all your pains and protect you forever. But I am not so arrogant. I am just one man. All I can do is be here for you and love you. It's always on the tip of my tongue. The urge to scream it from the roof tops is strong, but life is not like a romance movie. It's not fantasy. This is real. I love you real and that's why I will always come after you to pull you out of the pit in any way I can.



Can you tell me what she does that makes you love her so? You're lucky to have found each other.

Tell them that then.

Ya, right? I'm pretty petulant and he never laughs at my jokes so I wish they'd leave initials lol

Update: You just super-liked me on tinder, and told me you're ovulating, so if I want a kid to run around in your neighbourhood, I should pay you a visit tonight.

Also, chaos magick works.

J Im done with you
the only reason I slept with Mike is because youre a lazy and boring person and it just isnt enough
Its tiring and you dont care about anything other than yourself
and most of all you constantly use the word petulant and looks for reasons to insert it into conversations, it drives me crazy, this is why Im leaving you

You're a god damn coward.

Keked at the petulant part

Lol I called you and you didn't respond
I just want to understand what's going on and why you've been cold

>You would be so fucking dissapointed in me.
The real disappointment is the fact that you were just a manipulative cunt all along.

"J" is a better person than you will ever be. It doesn't matter what they did or didn't do. You cheated. It doesn't matter what you do to justify it in your mind. You will always be known as a cheater. Slut.

The more you try to act rightious, the more you notice yourself lying more.

Just accept you love her, secretly want her back, but need to start doing YOU so you can let her go. Don't push yourself aside for something as trivial as a girl.

You'll think back about your stories, posts, feelings, etc in a few years and cringe.

i dont know what to do anymore

Not at all, but ok. I was just doing what i was told would be best for me, meeting someone else and falling for him instead. But if that helps you hate me its fine

I'm mostly alone. You get used to it. But it's not doing me any good. I tend to notice sad things more. The old people in my neighboorhood that seems lonely too.

The whole cycle of getting a wife and kids, and eventually starting your own life, thus leaving your old one behind where the parents won't see their kids for sometimes up to a multiplude of years.

The fact we live on a planet with so many resources, yet so many people living in miserey about obtaining enough of those resources just to get by in live.

Yet, most people go on with their daily lives, what matters to them is that they are content. And the rest of the world doesn't count, they shut their eyes for it. Shut their eyes for the misery. How am i supposed to believe in a higher power when i know that 90% of the people don't deserve to go to heaven. I don't as well.

I feel like I'm gonna die without you. Die of sadness... is that possible? Please just love me.

You think I asked for that?

I dont know. You never talked to me honestly. What were you asking of me, fool?

You tried talking to me and you were obviously very interested in me. I seemed uninterested but I would fuck you and cuddle with you all day if I wasn't autistic. Instead I just pretended like I didn't hear you and acted like you weren't talking to me. Now I'll never see you again, and I'll do the same thing to the next girl who will try doing the same thing as you did :'(

Why can't you see them again?

Whoops dropped a couple

Because it was probably a rando you idiot

Occasionally I have a dream where I'm in a park with my wife and she's not paralysed any more and she's got her arm wrapped around me while we're walking aimlessly around.

Is that why women cheat more and are the ones who want to divorce more? ;)

Get out of my head you slut

Did you told them you love them?
It’s hard to love when you don’t know if you are loved back...

I don't think you're the one anymore. You need to get your shit together first. I can't mommy another man into being better, it's exhausting and pointless. I'm fucking 21 and have my life better together than most 25 plus men, at least the ones who are attractive and I can have a conversation with.
Is it wrong that I was infatuated with this person all the way up until I saw how they kept the place where they Live? Yikes. The first thing I thought was "wow if we lived together I would either do all the cleaning or there would be a shit ton of negotiating and teaching to get you up to par"

Yes, I told them and showed them how much I love them.

Just fuck her already, see her for the whore she really is. Otherwise enjoy playing dirty images in your head of her and your johnny hating you for being dishonest with yourself.

I'm slipping back into depression.

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Grow some balls and call them a slut to their face- problem solved.

What’s your point? Too bad if you’re looking for pity because I already forgot your name

lol whatever then

Gadammit. I can't help but wonder if you ever had feelings for me. I can't help but wonder, "was I chasing the wrong girl?"

We were playing "tag" but with songs and pictures. I would play a song, then you'd play one in response, like clockwork. Your pictures would hint at how closely you were observing me.

Did our brief conversation really have a profound effect on you? You told me you had someone special in your life so naturally, I backed off. You gave advice of which I stubbornly chose to ignore. I told you about a place where we could be each other's confidant, but you declined. Yet, despite that, I sensed your presence.

Then, I felt your presence wane.

I spoke to the medium, but maybe, this whole time, the ghost was hovering over my shoulder, whispering inaudible words into my ear.

Even though I probably brought the worst out of both of you, I wish nothing but the best. Thank you for everything, even if it amounted to nothing. I'm sorry I failed miserably.

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Never claimed i wasnt. Im really scared right now, but im going to see it through. Somewhere in that monster is a human.

I've been trying to set up a meeting but she isn't picking up her phone.
Fuck her

LEL. Guess she isnt as big of a slut as you thought then, huh user? Who is this girl to you anyways. There are so many sloots, why this one?

Went out on a friendly drink with the women I fell in love on first sight 2 years ago. I know we will never be together, but it doesent mater. She is happy and going to become a doctor. All that matters is that She is happy.

Its true, money doesent buy happines. Im sitting here in my big ass house looking at which BMW to buy. Cocain is on the table.

It all doesent matter. Existence is nothing but agony.

One of these days im going to end it.

Send me some cocain bls i want to die

Try loving someone for almost 10 years and no cocaine ;_;
I also want to die

I’m sorry, I’m in the same situation. It sucks.

I'm sorry for you too, user. Breakup or unrequited?

We were best friends for a year then we dated for a month then out of the blue she dropped me. We are on semi talking terms but she's been ghosting right after she said I was important to her and that shit.
She's just a manipulator but I'd like a few answers to what the hell is going on

Good men, cocaine is overhyped.
Alcohol is the king

Fuck you too. Never wanted you in my life either. But had to ride it out. To progress in my job. Hope you kys

Social Anxiety is literally destroying my life (and it's worst when I'm in math class). When in class I start sweating and fidgeting, I have constant stomach aches and there's a lump in my throat making it nearly impossible to speak to people. When the teacher asks me a question I can't even think because my frontal lobe is barely active, and I say the stupidest shit.

Everybody must think I'm dumb now. I've also skipped class a couple of times and sat on a park bench for 2 hours because the physical pain is just unbearable.

So how exactly do I figure out what kind of person I am? It's like I'm afraid to settle on something which leads to me being overwhelmed when having to react on something in a way that should be unique to me, if that makes even the slightest bit of sense.
I do know some things just don't feel right. All my life I've never felt like I truly belonged somewhere, having a main group of friends just felt weird. I've always just drifted between everything and I try to keep as much options open as possible.

Alcohol is good but not nearly as good as amphetamines

God fucking christ, I don't fucking know what to do at all. Fuck. It's my fault you were pushed away, so I have no right to be jealous; however, you still felt the desire to do it, and that's not something I want to be a part of.

You're leaving in a week. It feels like I'm being held hostage.

Damn user. Want to elaborate maybe i can help.

>be me
>first job as an engineer
>have to order power supply for testing of appliances we produce
>6000$ worth of equipment ordered
>manager gets sick, then is on holidays
>realize today the power supply isn't powerful enough because I fucked up and it can't take enough amps
>only tech guy in the entire sub-company so no one to help whatsoever

I managed to get the guys who supplied the equipment to lend me something appropriate, but I fucked up badly. Fuck. I have 20 days to fix that mess before my manager gets back.

I'm used to pain and damage, you're in massive pain and that's your issue.

One of us was truly born into this existance with pain and the other is you

I'm a girl tho... drinking while this upset sounds like a really, really, bad idea

I miss you man. You never even talked to me, but i knew you needed someone. But fuck you pushed me away, you hurt and used me too, and then didnt want to talk to me after. Its absolutely my mistake for being manipulated by you, but what the fuck am i supposed to do with those thoughts racing in my head everyday. I miss your family, they were the only people who were ever decent to me. Did you even know i had never gotten a birthday cake before? I wanted to cry when your mom bought one for me, i didnt deserve her affection at all when i was trapped in this perverted haze about her son.