Attached: WTFnigglet.jpg (400x302, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this what you do in your free time in order to make yourself feel better?
You need to re evaluate your life and focus on getting out of your parents house. You will feel better about yourself. Good luck.

t. english teacher

Attached: aStrollInThePart.webm (222x400, 1.53M)

Attached: purseSnatcher.webm (552x358, 2.99M)

Attached: powerful.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

cant even steal right

Attached: 1540954684815.jpg (600x581, 36K)

lets turn this thread into a wh*te hate thread

Attached: white subhuman gets roasted.webm (208x320, 2.95M)

America was always a multiracial country, I’ve met more outstanding black citizens than white ones in my life. Deal with it.

Attached: 1C791DD5-0FBF-489B-8479-4E443787C373.jpg (600x715, 32K)

Attached: Ghandi on Blacks.jpg (850x400, 187K)

why would a deformed person make me hate people of their race?

You don't hate a creature like this; you put it down.
I don't give a fuck that it's a nigger in this case, nobody deserves an existence like that.


Almost equally as shitty is how everyone else sat there and did nothing while a nigger just decked an old lady. This must be in some pozzed state like Cali or some shit.

this is what nigger teach their children is ok no wonder why society is falling apart

Why lie?

It's a deformed person of a race you already hate

What are Kaffirs? I don’t speak Shithole.


Very funny my man. What's your next joke?

Attached: 1497430249497.png (292x257, 90K)

Niggers do it all the time to feel special. Always crying about the white man.

>is this what you do for fun

You're right we should just knock out old people on the street for fun, you know like a nigger

>millennial tier advice

Attached: 1497234106729.jpg (756x960, 72K)

still doesn't do shit for me

Shut up, dumb nip faggot. You dont even know what it's like to live around niggers.

>white hate thread
>posts niggers being violent
I think you're doing it wrong,


>weebos with a fetish for children are typically liberal(pro pedophile)


Attached: The-Predator-big-bc8f0bd.jpg (620x413, 37K)

Hmm. You might be a nigger or nigger lover then. Do you take it up the ass often like a bitch?

Wtf is this flag

This video is very accurate. They chose extreme violence quickly and without reason. People just don't know how to deal in response to such animal behaviour.

I would of beat the brakes off that little nigglet and got away with it.

yo wow dis here thread breaks muh motha fuckin heart im literally shaking now an crying

Attached: Black-man-Crying.jpg (450x333, 34K)

Why would you hate people for something they didn't choose and cannot change?


Attached: WeAreVenom.jpg (389x534, 25K)

So you are becoming like niggers than? A de-evolution? But it's a righteous one because your skin is less dark?

It's a righteous one because we white people actually accomplish things and pay the taxes that niggers live off.

That's why, you little Dutch bitch nigger.

Aww sheeiit nigga

Attached: oceansFawty.webm (426x426, 1.59M)

Attached: takingOutTheTrash.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

Attached: gunStore.webm (768x436, 1.02M)

Attached: clotheson.jpg (633x1812, 157K)

Attached: g20Summit.webm (480x848, 1.69M)

>I’ve met more outstanding black citizens than white ones in my life
Black DNA proves you are a liar.

Disgusting normie cowards didn't even act like there was anything wrong. They all deserve a flogging.

Ooohh please let it go off.

Attached: Rage.gif (512x512, 283K)

muh guns muh murica and noone shoots rabid animal
I miss good old times of empire when those things were hunted for sport

Attached: haram.jpg (600x516, 65K)

Outstanding at what, being niggers?

French men on the streets while "french" men under the sheets with their french women.

niggers are the reason I lift

Attached: d6aa67188309096d4c67f5b76ff3c7fc.jpg (500x510, 34K)