Tell me about the western cultural revolution of the 60's

Western Cultural Revolution of the 60s is probably the beginning of the fall of the west. From desegregation in the United States to May 68 in France.

>How did the USA turn from a racist and religious country into a tolerant and multicultural country?
>Do ex-hippies feel sorry about what they did?
>What happened in France in May 68?

What books and documentaries can you advise me about this era?

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>fall of the west
15 rubles have been deposited into your account.

>fall of the west
In any case, this is the beginning of the crisis that exists today.

Wanting to be rebellious but taking it too far on top of drug use and too much vice. No other generation comes close to this at all, maybe except fo the Silent Generation of the 1920's (the ones who pushed for women's suffrage). Seems that after every massive war, society goes wild and wants to be as non-conformative as the previous. The problem with Boomers is that they have taken Millennials with them but unlike the free spirits of the Boomers, Millennials are restrictive liberals. Problem is Millennials are split 50-50 with many being war Iraq/Afghan/GWOTS vets and GenZ is rebellious against liberals..

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Poccия вceгдa былa в дepьмe. Mнe пpocтo интepecнo кaк зaпaд пpeвpaтилcя из pacитcкoгo кoнcepвaтивнoгo oбщecтвa в тo чтo oн ecть ceгoдня.


(bump) I'd like to know too.
Was it because rich kids could be drafted too, that the Vietnam war was the birth of the "concern" for the lower classes in American society, or what is the working theory on this?

Total garbage

All the damage was done before the boomers got into power

> Women's rights - vote, affirmative action, equal pay
> Black rights
> Massive increases in welfare / gibsmedat
> Money for single mothers
> Easy divorce
> Massive tax increases
> Massive increases in regulation

The worst perpetrator was Lyndon B Johnson born in 1908.

Millenials know zero history. Idiots.

Attached: dont-tell-me-i-am-wrong.jpg (482x457, 48K)

> Massive increases in immigration from thrid world shitholes.

I agree the boomers made it worse but the die was cast.

Trouble actual started in the 1950's with the beatniks and people trying to get rid of the culture of conformity of the 1950's. These people hated the 1950's prosperity so much. Its the same reason liberals hate the 1980's and early 90's and hated the 2000's.

Attached: dlu571512.jpg (386x508, 58K)

> Boomers had it great

> Conscription
> HIgher taxes than their parents
> Inflation
> High unemployment
> Schools and colleges full - yes college was cheaper than now but it was very hard to get a place
> Severe corporal punishment at school and at home

>15 rubles have been deposited into your account.

If you dont want a big black buck nigger fucking your 14 y/o daughter in the ass you're a Russian? fuck off you nigger loving sperg jew

>>How did the USA turn from a racist and religious country into a tolerant and multicultural country?

The Vietnam War made all the libshits pity the brown people of the earth.

>What books and documentaries can you advise me about this era?

A movie called "The Weather Underground" - Top Documentary Films dot com

Those commie boomers are who infiltrated the schools.

The Weather Underground - Top Documentary Films website

They are the communist boomers who infiltrated the schools

>The Vietnam War made all the libshits pity the brown people of the earth.
But what about France and Great Britain? They did not fight in Vietnam

>But what about France and Great Britain? They did not fight in Vietnam

The French have a long history in Vietnam starting in 1887. The British and French both fought the First Vietnam War (1945–46)

Пoчeмy нe пepeeзжaeшь в швитyю Myppикy тoгдa, зaeбaл yжe

Why did student riots happen in France in 1968?

>Why did student riots happen in France in 1968

Socialists student occupation protests against capitalism, consumerism, American imperialism and traditional institutions, values and order.

>But what about France and Great Britain? They did not fight in Vietnam

France fought an unsuccessful eight-year conflict with the Vietminh nationalist forces (1946–1954) in an attempt to maintain French rule in Indochina.