>40% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S


Why do they hate us?

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Our country is half Mexican and filling up with all sorts of violent apes and mystery meat smelly browns and half of the whites are fucking gay as shit
I pray that Yellowstone erupts all the time. San Andreas, San Madrid, anything. Anything to make it stop.

>whaman vote Democrat and pro immigration
>leave the country afterwards
This is as smug as it gets

Recently American society has been getting more volatile. Everyday people are bombarded with tribally-biased-news pitting one half of the country against the other.

America doesnt feel like 1 nation anymore. Its probably some instinctual shit causing people to flee the toxic environment.

>Women younger than 30

Generation Z are retarded and think Millennial's are called Boomers because they called themselves Zoomers.

Pure cancer.

>younger than 30



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If it halfway erupts it will only cover the desert side of the continent due to winds. It would be a natural border wall.

Creamy Bailey's

No shit, multiple ethnic groups with wildly different desires at best and seeking to enrich themselves at the expense of others, yeah hard to keep a union under those conditions.

% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S

2 weeks later

> 40% of women younger than 30 would like to return to the U.S

Well why are Americans so retarded to allow this to happen? They know there is a massive immigration and drug problem..the facts dont lie, yet they still dont want a wall.

Maybe your society just needs to fail already. You come and live in the UK if you want.

You’re joking right?
This must be that dry wit they speak of

And go where? Morocco?

> They know there is a massive immigration and drug problem
>You come and live in the UK if you want.

Fucking plebs millennials are 81-96

You dont have a society anymore. Nearly all the liberals who attack you are university educated. If they can be that insane whilst being educated do you think there is a single chance your society can recover.

You are past the event horizon.

^ignore the Kraut. His sister has been groped 3 times last year, he hasnt been able to smile ever since.

If I were a female I'd also want to run misogynist dystopia run by deranged orange man desu. They should come to poland - we're proper matriarchy and gynocentrist to the core.

Mate you can disappear into the woods here and never be seen again
You can go to jail for saying Muslims rape kids or the holocaust isn’t real.
You need to do something about your state of affairs, don’t worry about us we are a lost cause according to you
I know we shouldn’t be fighting amongst ourselves but you are deluded if you think you and Europe are somehow not just as fucked as us

UK imports half of its food every day. I have part of a leftover sandwich do you want it? --Prison Island--

>40% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S.

What's stopping them from leaving then? LOL, go ahead, lets see if you are willing to "cross borders" for a "better life" as a fucking illegal immigrant the way you suggest uneducated third world people do.

What? Still not leaving because "well it would be difficult"????
Big surprise.

They want to travel to morocco so they can get muzzy'd

>saying Muslims rape kids
>or the holocaust isn’t real.
True. Is that not illegal in America? Are you not aware there are Israeli sponsored agencies working in America whose soul purpose is to see who criticises israel - Those people are hacked and blackmailed into silence.

Importing food is economically cheaper.

I've still got vegetables from my garden laying around and it's January. Suppose you'd need a loicense for that...

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Because trump derangement syndrome and believing that the USA is fascist. I have seen so many people say that they want to move to Canada because it is more progressive.

So where do they want to go? From the article:
>Canada is top desired destination for would-be migrant Americans
As suspected some country with a lefty virtue signaller as chief. But with plenty of comfort and services (i.e. white people) around.
Who else wants to go?
>women, young Americans and people in lower-income groups.
That's great news, you'll lose lefties and parasites. I think and hope that this trend will continue globally. Some countries will be designated leftist countries while some will be conservative. People will migrate according to that division and self sort.

I would like to see which groups want to move TO the US.. increase in white, male, conservative, Christians by any chance?

I think faggot OP is referring to the 30 year old boomer meme

Sayonara you cunts.

Jew SOP.
Funny how it works.

out of a shoe

They use to understand. They use to have victory gardens.
Now they have kebabs.

>would like to leave
Saying that is just virtue signalling for them.
If they really want to leave, many many more would have already done it.
Wake me up when the news reads "women younger than 30 are leaving U.S in high numbers".

No fuck you we all have enough

God I love being able to select younger women, and observing thot bitches from school post 30 without babies.

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>I would like to see which groups want to move TO the US.. increase in white, male, conservative, Christians by any chance?
I doubt it. Moving to another country to go live with people of other cultures is antithetical to being a conservative.
The US is very rapidly becomming less Christian too.

because we are bombarded with constant propaganda, and we don't raise our children to be wise to it, or at all for that matter.

Should I order american bride by mail?

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>Moving to another country to go live with people of other cultures is antithetical to being a conservative.
Yes I agree, for the same reason the bulk of mudslimes we get here are not conservative but more a happy-go-lucky type. However, the leap from 'Dutch' or 'British' culture to the US, Canada or Australia is not as big as going to, for example, Japan or China. There's a history and suffering that we shared together (WO2) which forms a certain cultural link.

>The US is very rapidly becomming less Christian too.
I hope not, but it could be possible given the mercantile and somewhat less refined nature of the US.

fuck off we're full.

What the fuck is that creature? Forget whether it's got a dick or pussy; it looks like a literal potatonigger - as in, a nigger fucked a potato and somehow that abomination grew from the contaminated mash left over.

>I hope not
it's unfortunately true

>There's a history and suffering that we shared together (WO2) which forms a certain cultural link.
LARPHing jew detected.

The article states 30% of young women want to go to Canada because Blumph, of course.
I guess they haven't made it there yet for the same reason the celebrities haven't.

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Since the election of Trump, 2000 more Americans than usual migrated to Canada.
That's nothing, and I wouldn't be surprised if none of this increase was white rroasties, but non-white Americans.

>they leave
>realize that it was a fuckup
>too poor to get back to the US

Lurk more you insufferable faggot.

You too. Lurk fucking moar.

>is that not illegal in America?

Free speech. Your country is cucked.

>implying that's a bad thing
>implying we can't just replace them all with artificial wombs and sexbots

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Exactly like brexit

I'd welcome them, but they're probably all fat as shit.


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>Jews are the only ones that suffered in WO2
good goy!

Yellowstone would only kill whites you retard

That's because 97-00 was deemed too cancerous

The other day I overheard a negro talking about how he wanted to flee the country to Jamaica or something. A spirited argument, which produced the quote "if you put 100 niggas on a plane and it goes down, none of them can fly. But if you put 100 niggas on a boat and it goes down, at least 5 of them can swim".

In any case I'd like a poll of minorities to see if they're planning on fucking off anytime soon.

It would be interesting to see the racial breakdown. Is it minorities who want to go to Canada for more gibs, or is it white flight?

Yeh Australia basically has all the Jews from South Africa who left after fucking the country sideways.
Guess what they're doing here?

Pot calling kettle black. This will be one of the worst societies on earth in a few decades.
We don't have holocaust denial laws on the books like a lot of Europe however it's likely they'd try you for a hate crime if a group affected by the holocaust complained about you.

Socialism and high tax rates. Why pay for Boomers and early Gen X?

They want to go get raped and beheaded by Muhammad and friends. But we already know they are fucked in the head.

>"if you put 100 niggas on a plane and it goes down, none of them can fly. But if you put 100 niggas on a boat and it goes down, at least 5 of them can swim".
You gotta give nogs credit, they have some fucking funny lines sometimes.

Let me assure you that no white person has been allowed to emigrate into Canada in the past 20 years

>telephone methodology in the US
>provided by """""""""""""""""sample providers"""""""""""""""""
yeah nah

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And yet, they don't leave. Why is that? All they need to do is put a one way plane ticket on the credit card, and leave the country. They are just a lot of talk, and are delusional and arrogant enough to think that they will be PUNISHING us by leaving. They expect us to react by saying "LEave us? OH MY GOD, NO! How will we survive without you?". If they had all left when Bush was elected, our country would be far better off today.

Not enough diversity and a Nazi president

u cant leave because of wall. LOL

I can't see why

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>everybody hates america
>even americans hate america

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>boomers under 30

1) Don't you mean millennial/genz? Boomers are old.

2) Good, fuck them, get out and go to Morocco so that you can be decapitated.


>>women, young Americans and people in lower-income groups.
>not realizing "young Americans and people in lower-income groups" is the PC designation for goblina/basketball Americans

The only people upset by Blumpf enough to leave are dykes and browns. Good riddance.


>UK imports half of its food

It's more than that.

>be british company
>import chicken from Thailand
>sprinkle some breadcrumbs on it
>congratulations, it's not now food produced in the UK

I'd be surprised if the real percentage was one fifth...

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>Canada is top desired destination for would-be migrant Americans
why aren't there NGOs encouraging them to move to canada then?

>trans color
what is the next level?
when will we see them give PR to mental illnesses like low IQ, instead of beating around the bush
what's the next level of degeneracy?
are they working on it?

>younger than 30

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Great. Let’s exchange them for eastern euro chicks.

Doesn't have to be the holocaust, just offending a jew can get you sent to jail in the UK. Example, the guy who trained his dog to nazi salute was charged with a hate crime.

Who cares? Let those roastie pigs go away. They contribute nothing to society

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True and GOOD. Pagang running wild on Hebrew mythologians. Deal with it; the height of metaphysics, theology, and ethics was achieved in the 4th c. BCE.

ha ha thats hilarious


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Dude, this isn't even a meme. My wife and I are moving to Germany this year. FPBP had it right, US is niggerfied well beyond the point of no return. Gonna watch this motherfucker burn from a semi-safe distance.

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% of women younger than 30 would like to leave the U.S
Hopefully that is the 40% of women who are shitskins.

These people are ignorant to believe Canada is anything more than a vassal state of America.

nowhere to run

It's mostly the remnants of boomer ideology at this point. You can understand greed but you can't reason with ideology.

Women in Britain want to go to America, women in America want to come to Britain.
This is known.

bro, american civil war 2 imbound?

Does this mean we can steal it back again..?
A second empire?

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Good. They can go take a hike in Morocco.

It's shit like this that makes america look bad.

all such polls are pure gaslighting. As in "if we say a near majority thinks something then easily gaslit people will think it." It's literally all psyops.

I dont see how it is avoidable. The divide has become unbridgeable, not that one should ever capitulation with leftists.

I fuckin' wish.
Canada's a hole run by loon.
Dems bitch about Trump not winning the popular vote (illegals and dead-voters be damned), but 6/10 Canadians did not vote for Trudeau and he has majority power.
Imagine you and 4 other friends vote, but only 2 people's vote actually mattered.

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