




Attached: 1542539857047.png (720x525, 751K)

Other urls found in this thread:žićžič_(poganski_bog)

1.Scandis are alowed in this thread as well

2.Post Baltic related stuff news and happenings

3.Don't respond to baits

4.If your not from Baltic states ask any questions you might have

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When do we start rounding up Indos, then?
And remember kids, Basques are allies.

baltic master race reporting in and ready for deployment

Hey! Hey! Boys!

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Terrible headache

I thnk im going to throw up


Lmao this will never happen. We already have a political party EKRE who is very against it and other parties are following that.

is the baltic region full of lefitst faggots like the rest of Europe?
i know that Latvia is kind of based (i love event where you sing zem mūsu kājām to commemorate those who died in WWII)

yeah that is what happens when you drink vodka and wake up next morning.

You could describe us as ''more cucked than Poland but less cucked that western Euros and scandis''


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I drank rum and forgot to drink water with it. Big mistske

Hej allihopa! Allah hu akbar!

Pic related is Finno-Ugric black sun.

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Izhorian flag

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Good. Always remain vigilant against (((liberal))) conditioning. Stop the lies from spreading and protect the minds of yourself and your loved ones.

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good job faggot, learn to drink

Drank few beers yesterday, in many of my drinking experiances i have realised that when you drink you better get a bottle of water ready next to your bed, helps a lot, wake up with hangrover drink a water and go back to sleep couple of more hours.

Thanks mom

So guys did your countries refuse?Ive heard Estonia said it will sign.

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iirc EKRE said if they gain power theire gonna try to climb out of that shithole pact, but current government yes is too cucked


Estonia is already very multicultural with the Russians they have. I wish the jews would stop trying to ship niggers into every country in the world.

Online TV shutting down.
we are redpilled as fuck on (((them)))
drink few spoons of olive oil before beer
we are really jealous of Estonia, because of their "economy," but If we get to their economy we'll get the invaders too

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BASED, how do you do my fellow Balts.

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Im okay, how are you?

Lietuva here to represent

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The Lithuania flag looks like a Astro pop.

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Sveiki friends, my grandpappy was 1/8th Lithuanian. How are my fellow baltic broliai doing? :-)

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Boris cannot into Lithuania, the moment he said "slavic country" is when he revealed himself to be a Polish spy

Yes. We are more cucked than Sweden but nobody knows because we are so small. Don't come here.

lmao, so you are 1/32th?
That's like 9000% native lithuanian

Ok seniuk, prove your status as our brother
Pic related, is an easy test, what does it mean?

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my trial beauty
one cup

honestly, I don't understand those, who say latvian and lithuanian are very similar, I don't understand shit.


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>valmet spaceship

>Božić (Slovene: Božič) is a common Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian surname. It means Christmas in the respective languages.žič_(poganski_bog)
>Božič, Svarožič, bog sonca, sin vrhovnega boga Svaroga.
>Christmas, Svarožič, the god of the sun, son of the supreme god of the Svarog.

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Fuck Finland and Balts.



Estonian goverment made a video game :)

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Are Hungarians welcome ITT?

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Yes. Finno-Ugrics need to stick together in these rough times.

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>Kristjan Palusalu was an Estonian heavyweight wrestler and Olympic winner.

>After the Soviet Union occupied Estonia in 1940, Palusalu was sent to hard labour in Kotlas, Russia in 1941. He tried to escape with other prisoners but was captured after a few days. He was then sentenced to death together with his fellow fugitives but was given the chance to go to the front line to fight against Finland in the Continuation War. He deserted to the Finnish side in Northern Karelia, northwest of Lake Onega. According to one Finnish soldier, Mr. Suuperko, Palusalu and his friends shouted "Finnish boys do not shoot Estonians", when they crossed the lines. Palusalu was soon recognized by a person in the Finnish army, who had sports background (Heikki Savolainen)

>He was imprisoned but then was allowed to return to his homeland, which was then under German occupation. After the return of the Soviet army in 1945 he was arrested again, but was later allowed to work as trainer and referee, he also participate some competition in Estonia. He was not forgotten by the Estonian people. As one of the most popular sportsmen in Estonia throughout history, Kristjan Palusalu is one of the few who have become synonymous with the Estonian nation itself.

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Day of the arrow for wh*Teoids is coming soon. Be prepared, bros.

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latvians and lithuanians smoke a shitton of weed
and why is there so much baltic diaspora here? not guest workers, legit immigrants.

so many baltic names here, and it seems to be concentrated in this part of the country as well
fun fact: some local bank has Latvian coat of arms hanging by its entrance for some reason

also finland theme

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Gotta say most faces in these videos are pretty fucking ugly, but lets face it: most people you see out on a daily basis are fucking ugly, nevermind what country you are living in

Stop mixing up us into these threads.

Finns = Nordic master race

Balts = Slavic rape babbies

Hello, non-balt here.
What do you think in general about southern Europeans, and specifically Spain?
Has being emigrant nations affected you a lot in terms of how you think? (mainly refering here to Latvia and Lithuania in the 90s and early 00s)
How is living there in general?
Do you think that your countries will improve in the near future? Do you think they will eventually improve respectively to other countries? (Asking this question because from my pov in Spain I feel that balts, Poland and Czechia are quickly improving and it seems like by 2030 they will be better than Spanish people economically)
Thanks for your time.

Spain is a good place to vacation. I went to Barcelona in 2017. Nice place but Gaudi park was sadly filled with Indians selling water bottles. The beaches were filled with South East Asian ladies selling foot massages. Kinda weird desu.

>What do you think in general about southern Europeans, and specifically Spain?
Spanish were based way back but it seems that now you've degenerated pretty badly and I keep hearing stories from friends about how nobody there speaks English. Other south Euros I don't really care that much about. Greece seems like a bunch of Türks and Italy I don't even think about enough to formulate an opinion of.
>Has being emigrant nations affected you a lot in terms of how you think?
We have certainly lost good people but the types that usually go diaspora tend to not really care about the country anyway. It's a bit different here but it still happens.
>How is living there in general?
Extremely comfy but costs too much.
>Do you think that your countries will improve in the near future?
Yes, certainly. We still have much catching up to do but recently our development has slowed down.

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I've been semi-planning a trip to Baltics to explore old Hanseatic trading posts and routes. Who's with me?

it's because of hesburger

based EKRE

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Kek. I'm surprised they got away with it.

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See on suur hetk Estlamigangile.

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What's Latvia like? I might go on holiday, do they speak English?

Depends on where you are, I guess. They spoke English in Riga but you'll do better speaking Russian or Latvian, which I doubt you do.

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>Speaking Latvian
Not a chance m80

What's Riga like? Will i get knifed?

You'll be fine. People generally don't bother each other. Maybe if you look like a nigger.

You won't have a problem if you stay out of the Russian areas of town. And even then, nobody will come at you with a knife. They might gang up on you, but they're blackout drunk 75% of the time so they can't strike any hits.

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Avoid sober Russians
We do that here too

Tapa ennast ära, idikas.

Jää vait, Tibla. Estlam on meie rahva usk. Mine palveta oma õigeusu kirikus edasi.

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what, some fast food chain?


Latvians are cancelled.

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Vintage meme

Miks sa selle suure tähega kirjutasid, pedekas?
Otsi nüüd ruttu jupp nööri ja lõpeta oma piinad, pärdik.

Tegin õhtusööki

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Lol mad tibla

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Oh wow, it's Russian Rightful Clay thread. So happy to see you guys. How have you been?

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>Izhorian flag
Ah yes, one of the Russian flags.

Stop stealing our food.

Fuck off onion

No you fuck off garlic. It's Russian Rightful Clay thread.

i had that before it is quite good 11/10

You will do nothing about it.


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What's the sauce on the burger?

Shitposting is my secret weapon.
Oh please, we hacked into American elections, Trump is our puppet now.

agree, very proud we are russian puppet state

soon NATO will be gone and russia will be able to take all the land