We all came from Africa

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God never meant for us to consider negros and abbos as fellow humans.

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We all know that black people have put up with more bullshit than everyone else combined and that they are owed what we took from them. The only question is, how can we pay up? How much shall we give the black bulls before our sins are washed away? I think we should start negotiations at 3 nubile white wombs per black man and work from there.

she looks like she comes from space dawg

if we all came from Africa, then all species that are not Negro have evolved beyond Negro level. Thus, only lowest form of proto-humans remain in Africa

shooped reptilian

aped and chimpiplled

If we all came from Africa then I can say nigger


No fuckwad, we all lived on one giant continent before the Earth grew too big and broke it up into continents. Africa wasn’t around back then.

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Ooga booga!

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Yeah we call came from star dust as well.
We came from primordial ooze or shit.
So since we have up to 5 billion years of connection, does that mean you should make reparations to a meteor?
No.I cam from from parents and that as far as reasonable people can go.

>Yeah we call came from star dust as well.
Sure thing buddy. The universe was just randomly created from nothing and all life on earth evolved from one single cell organism.

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Wong. All races descended from the immortal abbo


What do you say to a nigger in a three piece suit?
>Will the defendant please rise.

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What do you say when you wake up and see your TV floating in mid air?
>Drop it nigger!

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We all came from algae too. What's your point?

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There was no land bridge to Australia...

>We all came from Africa

Is that why you posted a picture of Michael Jackson?

your statement implies we all started as negroid, because we all came from a particular region. I say we all started as white and those that stayed in-place degenerated into the African black we know today

wow sounds like jews deserve a homeland in Africa then we