Alex Jones is Bill Hicks

You know it's true. Alex Jones is, in fact, Bill Hicks. It's Hick's greatest act of all time.

Attached: alex-jones-is-bill-hicks-side-by-side.jpg (500x297, 52K)

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It’s not true you’re delusional Bill Hicks is dead Alex Jones couldn’t even top Bills worst joke if he tried. Doesn’t have an ounce of humor and he’s about 70-80 IQ points lower than Bill. Fuck off.

and john ritter

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more liek Bill DICKS

This is the dumbest brainlet nigger meme out there. Two people can look alike, they probably have similar ancestry. When I was at the Norwegian airport alot of people looked alike, its a normal factor of human phenotypes.

You have yet to swallow the ultimate redpill. Your life is a lie, Jack.

Alex Jones is a clone of Bill Hicks.

Alex has 4 letters and Bill has 4 letters. Now count up the letters in their last name and decide for yourself. Just asking questions.

>muh Hicks

Bill Hicks is overrated and unfunny. Infantile faggots believe otherwise, of course

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Bill Hicks died, and became John Ritter, then john Ritter died and became Alex Jones

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This has to be the dumbest meme conspiracy theory of all time, even by the standards of Jow Forums. Alex Jones is NOT Bill Hicks, they don't look even slightly similar.

Did he get plastic surgery on his ears?

I know Alex lurks on here. Hey Alex! We know who you really are! You are Bill Hicks! Q says so!

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They have the same agent.

Fun fact though, alex jones and bill hicks were friends, they met through their mutual friend kevin booth

But Bill Hicks IS Alyx Jones!

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they look similar but are clearly different,. fuck off lefty pol shill, i will slice your neck rly fast autist XD fucking nigger kike subhuman, kill all niggers low IQ subhuman shitskin mongrell, kill them all, holocaust didnt happen, jews are ratds and need nuclear cleansing

>the standards of Jow Forums
Jow Forums has no standards

I beat yo ass whyt boi

They have completely different ears.

Hicks is also a sick pervert. Listen to his his disgusting Goat Boy routine.

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Would bill Hicks bomb this bad on stand up?

>basically the opposite ear form
top lel

Then they're both faggots

Look at the ears..

Looks like Michael Madsen

This is a sleight of hand to divert attention away from the fact that Michael “Michelle” Obama is a biological male.

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This, Alex Jones has at least made me laugh

Do you think the guy who screams about gay frogs could create something this beautiful?

Name a better comedian

>Totally different ears and noses
>Same person
Wew, really makes me consider important shit in life.

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redd foxx

If he's not Bill, he's at least a lot older than he claims to be.

Pic related is ~2 years old

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Obvious troll

OP you are sooo dumb. Jones is a squat fuck and Hicks was taller. You guys will believe anything, so how about Jesus was a shroom. No really.

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>Bill Hicks is overrated and unfunny. Infantile faggots believe otherwise, of course
You are such a faggot. Also too young to grasp the context of Hicks you filty nigger. Hicks inspired many and even that duchebag Stole his act, and took it to Jew York and became famous.

He smokes and drinks. Likely does a lot more of both the past couple years. That ages you.

Yeah, Hicks is overrated, but Jones is a drooling fucktard. What a massive insult to Hicks memory. The only comparison worth making is that Jones should die of cancer too..

they facially look very similar
however ..completely different ear shape.

There is a death record for Bill Hicks. I looked it up years ago online; this is the only thing that is off about this. Creating a fake death certificate - or an entirely fake birth &death record, seems like quite a big deal/ task.

When he did the Boho Grove, that conspiracy journalist from the Guardian/ Channel4 (UK) stated that "Jones is 25 but looks 10 years older".

Trump is Hitler

Case closed.

Hick was funny
You’re a retard