Why the fuck is it so hard just to get a stupid part time job these days...

Why the fuck is it so hard just to get a stupid part time job these days, I’m just trying to find somtning that way I can work and still go to college but most places applications are retarded and ask for to much when I haven’t even been working that long in my life, how the fuck can I find a simple and easy job in the meantime?

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Usually get lucky and find a place that wants weekend, part time workers. I usually try gumtree to find smaller places, because large supermarkets tend to want full time workers. Alternatively, people usually start as full timers, get trained, and then management are more likely to keep you on a part timer after you start college (you're trained, can work holidays and weekends).

Keep searching and keep applying.

> soon 31
> have a master’s degree
> done 2 internships
> unemployed for a year now
> only tangible prospect is a 3rd internship where they told me i’ll be making coffee, taking out trash etc

l’m really struggling to see why l must participate in a system that is as unfair as this

Do you at least get interviews

I’ve had a total of four in the past year, all failures obviously.

Oh and l also graduated with honors

So did I. Seems like your resume is just uncompetitive unfortunately

Most my friends didn’t do a single internship and just marched to master level jobs with less experience than me

I really don’t get it

>had to move to another country because third world criminals
>just months away from finishing college
>resume is obviously empty because I was busy studying and didn't work
>absolutely nobody calls me back. I assume they throw away my resume when they read I graduated high school in 2014, didn't finish college, doesn't have any work experience and I'm a foreigner of color
>it's been 5 months sending my resume left and right
>I've been called only once
>they wanted me to work 10 hours a day for 200 €
Just fuck my shit up.

Attached: WakeMeUp.jpg (600x388, 65K)

Have you had your resume reviewed by friends?
Have you had your resume reviewed by your uni's career centre?
Have you visited your uni's career centre?
Have anyone coached you on how to write online applications and those stupid ass short form responses they include?
Have you applied to more than one industry?
Have you applied to jobs that don't need a specific degree (any is fine)?
Do you have an ethnic name?

Job applications are finicky as fuck and there's a big difference between a well written one and a shit one, even if they both have the same experience on it.

I've had it reviewed by three HR professionals and redid it entirely according to their feedback.
It's been over a year since my graduation so I'm not entitled to my uni's career services anymore. I'm in line for the career coaching of the employment office.
We obviously had application writing stuff at uni but one-on-one coaching I haven't had. Writing is one of my stronger skills and l've written applications that have gotten me to the top 3 of 300 applicants, only to fail at the finishing line.
I've applied to entry-level jobs mostly, with a Bachelor's degree as the minimum requirement, in 3 or 4 industries.
Don't have an ethnic name.

Do restaurant work. A lot of diners will hire people straight out of high school with no experience. Learning to count back change also doesn't take long at all.

Damn I don't know. If it makes you feel slightly better, it took me about 15 months between finishing uni and finding a full time job. I just kept applying to a shit ton of places and finally got lucky in an interview

It was the only interview I left, feeling I did really well

For not having a collage degree and no actual work experience, that's actually not too shabby user, you were dumb to let it go.

>20€/h with no experience or degree
> not good enough

what are your expectations?

Sounds like good ol nepotism my user.
Make connections, make nepotism your bitch

A comfy and cushy office job where he gets 30 euros an hour to do nothing all day

Nah, dude, that was monthly. They assumed I was an illegal and therefore could pay me a third of the minimum wage.

dude just take that shit money so u can build a CV


It wasn’t really, they applied the same way as everyone without knowing anyone at their employers’.

Fucking hell are you me?

>Last semester at college
>Also empty resume because career took a ton of time
>Applied to a bunch of different places, not even for full time jobs just stupid trainee programs and half time shit to start building my CV
>Zero fucking responses
>Only place I've been called from was some shitty telemarketing agency where they wanted me on a 10 hour schedule for $400 a month

I'm about to fucking kill myself honestly

Worst part about the whole issue is that the one big advantage everyone used to meme about when I was a kid (knowing english in a third world shithole) doesn't seem to fucking matter anymore because all the big companies always seem to have hundreds of applicants regardless. I'm so fucking frustrated right now, feels like I pissed away my last 5 years at college