Teach me how to dress like a girl

>be me
>fattie all my life
>a year ago
>250 lbs, 5'7"
>get sick of being fat
>lose 130 lbs

How do I learn to dress myself? I'm all white tshirt - mom jeans - sandals at the moment, switch to sneakers and sweaters in the winter.
But I'm 25 and I look ridiculous.

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Got to dress for your body shape. Broad shoulders? Big hips? Short? Long legs? You'll look better once you understand how to dress to your measurements.

Try going to high street shops and getting a bunch of different styles and seeing how they look in the changing room.

How did you lose the weight? That's incredible, you should be so proud of yourself.

I was in the exact same situation as you but currently stalling like a motherfucker with no clue how to trigger weight loss again.

In regards to your style, could you spend an afternoon shopping and trying on different styles? It depends not only on your body type but also on what you feel comfortable showing off.

I remember when I was bigger I always wanted to show off my chest, but now I'm slimmer I prefer to wear things fitted around my waist and hips.

Congratulations on losing all the weight, though. Good for you, I hope your skin isn't too fucked up.

Unironically find websites where transwomen congregated to support each other. They are going through the exact same thing (learning how to dress at a late point in their life). They will undoubtedly be VERY helpful.

Not op but do you know of any good places like this?

>How did you lose the weight?
MyFitnessPal (eating at a 1000 kcal deficit) + walking fast for 3 miles every day + swimming for 1 hour every other day since the very beginning.
When I was 160ish lbs I switched to running the 3 miles every day, before it wasn't possible.

Trans women are jealous of real women and often rude when they congregate.

Would not reccomend

>It depends not only on your body type but also on what you feel comfortable showing off.
Point is - I am still super self conscious, I hate getting attentions, I still feel ashamed of my body.
I hate showing my legs. I hate showing cleavage. I always want to dress with clothes that are sizes bigger than mine but they don't look good obviously.
I have a hourglass body shape, a thin waist and big breasts and hips.

It's really hard for me to find a compromise between clothes that show my body and being modest.

Did you get any loose skin that causes your lack of confidence, or is it just that you're used to being overweight?

Why not start with underwear that makes you feel nice, then slowly build the layers up?

I think that my head just goes "attentions = people noticing me because of how fat I am and making fun of me", so I struggle to perceive attentions as a positive thing. I don't like being noticed, so I try to dress in the most unimpressive way ever. That is immensely unflattering, plain and kinda dull.

I don't lack confidence in general, I don't mind being naked in front of my boyfriend, I don't feel bad about my body or stuff like that. I didn't mind it when I was fat either.

The idea of the nice underwear could be a nice thing.

Are your breasts saggy?

Yeah. They still look amazing in bras and decent enough without bras. Luckily I had pretty big tits naturally, so they didn't really shrink too much.
I'm getting a breast lift + reduction after I have kids.

I think so. Sometimes it's about feeling confident under clothes first. I always feel sexier when I'm wearing well fitting and pretty underwear, which in turn makes me feel confident whatever I'm wearing.

I think maybe a day out shopping would be good for you too. There are so many different styles, some might not look great on you (I'm the other previously fat user, who also has an hour glass body) but others will look incredible.

You have one of the best body types going and you've done so incredibly well losing that weight. You should be very proud of yourself. You spent a long time getting to the place you wanted to be and now is the time to finally feel comfortable in your own skin and show off your achievements.

I'll try to get some nice underwear first, and then when I get used to it I'll get nicer clothes.

I really want to start wearing skirts but I'm terrified of... people noticing I'm there, I guess.
Also I hate that feeling of my legs rubbing against each other since the inside of my thighs is kinda flabby with loose skin. Is there a way to avoid this?
Other than wearing tights, but that's okay just in winter. I guess.
I really am bad at being a woman, holy shit.

I got myself my first blouse yesterday, looks pretty nice. My mom said I got it a size too big but it looks pretty nice, so that's something.

You know what? Who gives a shit what size it is...what matters is that you feel comfortable. Next time you might get a size smaller to show your figure, but there's no point in rushing it.

The leg thing is something I can relate to...my thighs are okay now but I don't think I'll ever stop worrying about chub rub. If you just continue with squats and body weight exercises, this should get better over time. I am exactly the same with skirts though. Ever considered wearing fitted shorts underneath, or do what I do and cut some tights short and wear those? Helps me loads!

If your body is like mine, try tube dresses. In terms of needing confidence they're pretty much final boss level, but if you have a small waist and good boobs they look amazing. They also cover everything up and you can wear tights underneath if you need that bit of security. I don't know whether you're in the UK, but let me know if you are and I can recommend a nice one.

I went through exactly the same thing and even now, I worry about everything I wear. It's a slow process, you're undoing years of feeling unattractive and out of the fashion loop. You need to make the most of it now though.

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>Ever considered wearing fitted shorts underneath, or do what I do and cut some tights short and wear those?
No I didn't. That's a good idea. Could help a little with the little bit of loose skin on my belly as well.

I love that dress, it looks gorgeous. I don't know if I'll ever have the balls to wear it, but it looks amazing.

>I don't know whether you're in the UK, but let me know if you are and I can recommend a nice one.
Yeah! I'm in London right now, for another month or so.
I'll move to the US with my boyfriend in September and we're getting married in March. I also should probably think about getting a wedding dress...

>tfw actually London

Okay so Oasis sell the dress I attached and its incredibly flattering once on. I would have never dreamt of wearing a dress like that but once I tried it on, it made me feel amazing. Fitted round the boobs, pulls in at the waist and ridiculously comfortable. You can dress it up or down. It doesn't feel fitted either and it comes in loads of different colours.

I'd recommend popping in store and trying it on. If it doesn't work for you then you can just wipe it off the options going forwards. You're definitely slimmer than I am so you'll probably look amazing in it. I swear, I don't work for them but this dress changed the way I dress myself and my perception of my own body. I get a tonne of compliments in it!

Sometimes it's about challenging those preconceptions of what you think will suit you. And you may as well get comfortable with your body now because I promise you, those wedding dresses do not pull any punches.

Good luck user :)

How long did it take you to lose it?

Keep dressing up like this, OP
Guys love a woman who look like Bruce Springsteen

A little over a year.
I lost more at the beginning and less when I was near goal weight, but that's it.

I'll go check it out! Thank you.
If I buy it, I'll give my boyfriend a heart attack. For our anniversary I got myself in a dress for the first time in my life and he was giggling to himself all night, but I'd like to wear them more regularly because they really flatter my figure.
I just feel ridiculously uncomfortable in them.

I even have the brown, medium length, wavy hair. I could basically cosplay at this point.

just don't participate

I would suggest finding a serious bra-fitting boutique first.

I don't mean some lingere store either. A place where they are serious about fittings.

made a world of difference to my GF and sister who are both north of E cups.

from there, it becomes a less taxing job to fit your tops, wether you chose shirts, blouses, or actual dresses.

OP, I'm a stylist for a couple of the stores in the malls in my area. Post a body pic (a silhouette is fine even) and I can help you out.

Lots of clothing is dependent on your proportions, height, fat distribution, etc etc.

Wear a fucking dress. Any dress. You can be a fairly ugly pig and still turn heads if you just put on a dress. It’s the sexiest thing ever, it’s feminine.

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>convert to Islam
>wear hijab/burka/etc

I think you got a thing for white girls in dresses lad

I'm happy for your bf. I think I'd have the same reaction if my gf did that.

I was fucking obese dude, in a dress I just looked like a circus tent.

>Also I hate that feeling of my legs rubbing against each other since the inside of my thighs is kinda flabby with loose skin. Is there a way to avoid this?

I put on deodorant there to help reduce the chaffing but then I also wear biker shorts as well because hate the feeling too.

If I if they are actually called biker shorts but they are the little fabric shorts that some people wear under skirts and dresses that they sell at forever 21.

Fatties look bad in everything. You know what's worse than circus tent? Some pig having her fat folds spilling out of her leggings.

Not the other user, but damn. That's really good actually

They sell clothes made for fat people. Like jeans.

I bought H&M jeans and they were my size, high waisted, no rolls anywhere.

Thanks. It wasn't always fun but it was alright.

I'm not so sure about jeans sweetie. Sure, you can cover them rolls, but you still end up with that huge bulge, wich then you need to cover with another long fabric, just like dress.
I'm not trying to be mean just for the sake of being mean, I wish you well.

I am 120 lbs now, I lost more than half of my body weight.
You are so busy being an asshole you can't even read.

I did saw 120 lbs thing, but didn't bother to convert it to superior measurements.
55kg and 170cm seems not that fat so jeans would be fine.
The thing is you asked in OP how to dress like a girl and girls don't wear pants, silly. Thats for guys. You can be basic bitch in pants though.

Not a girl but here's how I buy clothes when I'm unsure of what to get:

>go to clothing store
>ask the most attractive girl there to help me
>try the things she suggests
>buy some/all of what I like

I have a bf, feel like he wouldn't appreciate.

buy some beginner style books off amazon/create accounts on sites just for an 'inspiration' folder. it will actually take you a while to stop looking like shit since you're so clueless you've asked Jow Forums. just like weight loss; it is a process.

Shop at thrift stores. More interesting selections, way cheaper prices, it allows you to experiment in a way that conventional shopping doesn't.
Thrift store items are also often better quality these days. Fast fashion means a lot of new-clothing shops peddle shit that'll start looking weird after a few washes, that stuff never lasts long enough to even make it to a thrift store, they only end up with clothes that are made to last.

I mean you ask the most attractive shop assistant, not some random person.

Can you post a before/ after picture without ur face?

Those dudes unironically dress like children. horrible advice

That's a good idea.
A friend of mine told me I'd look good with more "vintage" clothing because of my figure, so maybe that'd be good idea too.

You don’t understand what it’s like being a guy going through life with all these ridiculous mannish entitled slobs in sweats. I’d take a girlish pig in a tent over a slob in sweats. Wear a dress.

That’s because I’m normal.

I didn't read the thread and this might have been posted but go shopping with your girly girl friends and let them help you choose something perhaps?

Post this on /cgl

Go to a women's section in a clothing store. Jesus Christ are all women this dense?

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