Indre-et-Loire: A man killed by 28 stab wounds by a migrant he lodged

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Not deserved but still kinda ironic

why isn't it deserved?

post stories of migrants killing whites

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Right, because the actions of one lone migrant clearly reflect the intentions of all the others, just like Elliot Rogers is the absolute represention of every single white man on the planet. Stop being a useless good for nothing racist scumbag and shitposting on the net, immigrants are here to stay like it or not, not everybody is a worthless nazi psychopath like you.

>elliot rodgers

He made frequent references to the fact he was half asian, why do you memeflags have to be deliberately disingenuously lying human garbage?
Does it so burn your tongue to be honest?

>Elliot Rogers
does this improve or detract from the quality of this bait bros?

dude was obviously gay
nothing of value was lost

yeah because letting strangers into your home is always the intelligent choice.

same story a while back, a millionaire in his early 50s took in a migrant and got the same treatment

>one lone migrant
what about the scores of other violent crimes migrants have made? do those not count?

>Elliot Rodger

It is deserved.

Fine, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson or all the thousands of other white scumbags to choose from. Point is one man does not represent the actions of millions of others, so stop fixating on one little mistake you worthless moron

>one lone migrant

Saint dyro would be a better person. Supreme gentleman was the worse of the worse. A jink probably has the worse case of sociopathy imaginable.

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What about scores of crimes other whites have commited? You act like migrants are the only cause of evil on Europe, theres a literal shithole 2 blocks from me where you'd have to be mad to venture into after dark unless you are looking to get stabbed by some jumkie meth head.

Fucking paki rape gangs and responible for 90% of my countries knife crime and murders.
Very over represented for 10-15% of the population you dumb kike.

Jew, Jew and didn't kill anybody. Try saint Bower.

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>Australia calling memeflag
wew boy


Go tell that to the families of the victims of Sandy Hook. Oh right, that was fake cause whites are gods blessing upon this planet arent they? This board is literal ass cancer

>one lone migrant
lol. You should let some illegals/rafugees to live with you, since they are such good people.

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What a shit argument.
>White people so it too
So if whites are such a problem why invite more into our countries?
>I have ants so it doesn't matter if I have rats and roaches
Nigger, call an exterminator.

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Fuck the "victims" of sandy hook.
Might wanna choose a shooting that wasnt orchestrated, you could have gone for my nationality and said breivik but he only killed faggots like you so you wont find any sympathy there.

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"You knew I was a snake when you took me in!"

What aboutisms aren't arguments! Jews killed a lot ruling the soviet union and so did the chinks, does that proves chinks and jews are inherently murderers? Other races did far worse!

Europe and South Korea are the most peaceful places and their populations should be brought to other countries, not a violent people to their place.

Clearly war weary victims tired of the carnage and bloodbath they were forced to endure are nothing but rapist murdering scum cause their skin is a shade darker than mine. Pathetic.

>Stop shitposting on Pol

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I hate myself

>natural selection no longer work-

>Complains about the board
>Posts here anyway

hm, the excessive stabbing murder points to the migrant being a sandnigger, they love their knives.

Nobody said whites are a problem imbecile, all I am saying is whites are no more angels than their darker skinned counterparts. Ignoring all crimes by whites through the usual "muh jews" or the "staged by kikes" while fixating on immigrant crimes is boderline retarded and disgustingly racist

Nobody cares.
They'll probably give the immigrant a reward.

In the modern world, "Nazi" has become synonymous with "person who tells the truth".

>Right, because the actions of one lone migrant clearly reflect the intentions of all the others,


My point still stands. You failed to provide an actual counter to my statement. I would focus on whites if there didn't exist an existential threat. Diversity makes it easier for me to ignore white crimes as when adjusted percapita it's not an issue. It's not criminal whites being pushed into places they don't belong. Spreading criminals only spreads the crime it doesn't fix it.

We can statistically prove to you, mathematically that certain groups are more likely to do certain crimes to you based on what this analysis bears out.
Your face deserves to be spat in at full velocity for the bullshit your try and propagate, it is as certain as you are a lying fuckweasel that you are more likely to have violence visited upon you by particular people, every human being is not exactly the same and there are factors and on the accumulation of these factors we can infer future behavior.

For example, you can't tell the truth so it's reliable for me and others to assume you will continue to not tell the truth.

I piss on your absolutely worthless fake outrage, piss I say, piss.
Get fucked, loser.

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Is the migrant going to keep the lodging or do we have to find him another Good Samaritan to house him?

you were picked on at school weren't you?

>Bait post
2/10, you tried

>"this man doesn't represent shitskins"
>"but all of Jow Forums is subhuman racist scumbag shitpost"
the absolute double think of libshits

all sandniggers need to be brutally murdered
Hail Israel, we're all jewophiles in here, fag

House the coal, pay the toll

Your claim of immigrants being an "existential threat" is in itself biased and therefore skews your judgement. Any single crine by an immigrant is blown fully outta proportion and devolves into chants of genocide, whereas all manner of excuses are made for whites.

Case in point Morroco. A single crime is all it took to label them as shitskins and subhumans, completely ignoring the fact that millions of tourists have had a pleasant time there and it is statistically impossible to completely negate crimes against a tourist there or anywhere in the world

>Yes some of these immigrants will rape and murder your people. But not all of them. So just let them all in you big nazi.

Great argument.

Gtfo here u scumbag

I hope an immigrant pulls out your eyes and fucks the socket while your kids watch you filthy kike.

If my brother steals some money out of my wallet it doesn't mean I stop locking my front door at night.

Not only will I not, but I also look forward to welcoming more of my darker skinned brethren in, just to spite racist pieces of shits like you

I don't care about shit skins killing whites in their own countries. I care about them existing in white countries period. We have our own issues and don't need anymore. It's that fucking simple. They do not have a right to access white countries.

Rofl u progressive retards dont understand that your heads will be the first to roll once sharia gets established in europe, which is inevitable as long as cucks like you are in power. I will laugh so hard when it happens

Fucking niggers.

This is exactly why you don't belong. You have a false sense of entitlement and a tribalism were not "allowed" to have. Remember traitors get the rope first.

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>naivety is only cute in children
Grow up, take some responsibility, face the truth because although the truth may be an ugly maiden, lies are a syphilitic virgin

Because providing a safe haven to those in need is the same as allowing ultra radical Islamists to magically subvert all nationalist europeans and establish their laws upon our lands. You see why nobody takes alt righties seriously?

I'm not even mad at migrants, they're basically wild animals that acts purely on instinct. Housing a wild animal would have yielded the same result.

No I do not belong HERE cause I'm educated and rational, while most others here are actual retards that deflect any and all blame upon other races or the omnipotent Jew, while LARPing about the glory of the white race

Lmaooo god youre naive. I mock and spit at people like u irl.


You'll still be a nigger though.
We can build nice countries all over the world, so if we have to move to Siberia we will do that.

Hopefully there is a place somewhere where niggers won't follow us once we build nice places. Maybe Antarctica?

>cannot counter sound logic so proceeds to attack personally

Wow you're real smart arent you

Memeflagnigger GTFO

That's my city. I live here. The city is white. Almost no niggers. But still, I'm not surprised.

Lol, of that was the case why if you aren't European are you in a white country? Go make where you from better.
>You are a monster
>No no don't send me back
Education obviously means jack shit as you can't into logic. You've been taught how to explain that you're a retard in new ways congrats.

based migrant

And you'll always be a stupid nigger. Never forget that.

By letting everyone in we are opening them up for further attacks by (((Islamic extremists))). What are you going to do when "we" team up with them or they eventually take power?

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my brother works as a doctor in germany. according to him the refugees en masse suffer from severe PTS. They should be held in special psychiatric facilities in countryside.

the day will come when you realise /pol was right again and on that day you will realise that your "intelligence" and "education" is a phantom and you will glow with shame, that day is coming, it's your
>Appointment in Samara
there are no words sadder than
>/pol was right again

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>cannot counter sound logic so proceeds to attack personally
What is the sound logic again? I see none.

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If whites ever got so tired of being raped, killed, attacked and blamed for everything and decided to set up a new country, how long would it take the rest of the world to see how good we have it and beg to join us? Queuing up within a year, calling us heartless racists who need to provide sanctuary for people fleeing hardship.

And any white person on the island who calls for diversity gets kicked out.

We could colonize fucking antarctica and they would demand to be let in.


Toll paid.

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Shit i remember this one. The video was pretty fucking graphicBlacks still do 54% of the murders cuckhold
"Oslo has witnessed annual spikes insexual assaultcases in years leading up to 2012.[11]Immigrants from Africa and the Middle East were found by Oslo police to be overrepresented as perpetrators"
August 2018SVTreported thatrape statisticsin Sweden show that 58% of men convicted of rape and attempted rape over the past five years were born outside of theEuropean Union:Southern Africans,Northern Africans,Arabs,Middle Easterns, andAfghans.[11][12]Swedish Television's investigating journalists found that in cases where the victims didn't know the attackers, the proportion of foreign-bornsex offenderswas more than 80%"
There can you kindly fuck off now

>whites deciding to set up a new culture
>mongrelizing all european cultures into muh white ethnostate
Your mind has been pozzed by ameritard racial ideas. I want to preserve my culture just as much as you want yours and your culture certainly isn't like mine, John. We europeans have the immense privilege of having cultures and countries. Muh white ethnostate is a lower-quality solution for white amerilards who have been robbed of their heritage. It cannot apply here because we'll have a war.

kys faglord

Classic Boomer.Dumber than a millennial white girl.

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Hard to figure out helping minorities will bite us in the ass in the long run........
Everyone wants to be the big dog, even small-minded niggers

funny i havent heard about it on TV today