Food stamps shutdown

How the fuck this legal though? I need to eat... not funny, what the fuck's going on and why Trump so stupid?

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>being too dumb to predict your income and adjust your tax pre payments accordingly to not give the state an interest free loan
you deserve to starve for not being ontop of your finances

Pay fo ma fukn bbq reabs

you know the drill

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concern trolls get the rope too

Fucking Nazis did this

That's not concern trolling you retard. Nobody here's concerned about starving black welfare leeches.

lurk 7 years before posting, faggot
self concern is concern
it's sad that I havr to school you in english

Don't worry Pedro, he'll be speaking spanish soon enough .

You're the nazi, NAZI

sadly, it will be mexican, which is a horrible


No you stupid fuck. The entire point of concern trolling is to act like the people on the forum you're posting pretending to share their views but expressing concern about one of their interests to sow doubt and disrupt loyalty. And only a nigger loving retard like yourself would think it's a bad thing welfare's getting cut off. That's the opposite of concern trolling when it's what we actually want to see happen.

Don't you think taxpayers deserve even just a short break from feeding you?

I thought you people invented tacos so why don’t you just invent another food?

nah, you're wrong
check it out

Brown man bad.

He's probably a spic that can't speak english or spanish properly. Many such cases

the worst, user
what can we do
we tried, and we failed

>I need to eat
Your country needs you not to eat

Just stop posting if you can't read. This isn't complicated. Here's concern trolling:
>I voted for President Trump and really thought we'd get somewhere with him, but he's never really going to get the wall built, is he?
And here's the sort of thing you're retardedly mistaking for concern trolling:
>Why did you assholes vote for Trump? I'm getting deported now and didn't do anything to deserve this!
Notice the difference yet? It's not concern trolling if it's a scenario everyone here wants to see happen. It's concern trolling if it's a scenario people here don't want to see happen. You don't take the definition of the word "concern" in isolation and out of context to call anything involving anyone's concerns "concern trolling," that's not how it works.

people of color btfo. Not only do we feed them, but they want us gone lol. Pick one.

So. Is it actually on the table? That it’ll be cut? There’s nothing I want more then to see blacks starving and killing each other. But I have a wife and daughter in a suburban area. How much ammo am I gonna need?
Also. What about tax returns?

Food stamps chimpouts will only help Trump win 2020

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Get. A. Job

this. If people starve they will do anything to get a job and unemployment will literally be close to 0%

Be patient tax returns are worth the looting and chimpouts that will redpill normies. it will btfo people saying, white people are bad. Without white Gibs our social net would fall so fast.

>So. Is it actually on the table? That it’ll be cut?
There's no funding past January. If a spending bill isn't passed there won't be funds for SNAP.
>How much ammo am I gonna need?
Probably none unless your wife or daughter work at the stores niggers will be rioting at and looting from.
>What about tax returns?
Those aren't being paid out as long as the shutdown continues according to the IRS. You still have to pay your taxes though, because that's how statist jewing works.

I mean, you can’t honestlt suggest the day the niggers don’t have gubment gibs and tax returns they aren’t gonna just be causing as much destruction as possible. You don’t think the riots are gonna make it into white neighborhoods?

It shows the parasites what it's like when you tax us the people and don't pass the policies we need. This shutdown represents "no taxation without representation". We sick of holding up the social net for no good reason to ourselves.


Looks like you'll have to forego your internet/phone for awhile.

Or, you know, get a job.

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And the news will actually be entertaining again

It's possible I guess, but I'm pretty sure they're mostly going to be fucking up stores because that's how they'll be able to get the free shit they feel they're entitled to. I doubt a mob of niggers is going to start trying to fuck up some random white family's house when they could be fucking up a convenience store and looting everything out of it instead.




As a white guy who has had to starve on many occasions while blacks get obese on stamps, I find this hilarious. Serves you right.

>You don’t think the riots are gonna make it into white neighborhoods?
No, I dont. They know they'll be signing their death warrant. Kinda like how you dont see whites riot in black neighborhoods.

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>Claims everybody is able to get one even if he is trying lie 24h a day
>Unemployment is just a measurement of people taking time off to play videogames and not living in their car eating ramen cookies

>You don’t think the riots are gonna make it into white neighborhoods?
The ones that keep guns will be just fine. Natural selection. I'm okay with this.
>Should probably buy a gun

But I hungry
user how am I supposed to pay dese bills if I can't sell muh food stamps?
I know someone who just got $240 food stamps for $40 the ratio was the card holders idea.
That nuckas eating steak every day. I'd figure as a starving Canadian you'd be happy for my fren?

>1 post by this ID

I literally voted for Trump so he could help out poor working whites like myself. I fixing to get my stamps dabbed on but it's OK if it'll purge the brown hordes. Don't let America become the southwest.

>I know someone who just got $240 food stamps for $40 the ratio was the card holders idea.
Wow I bet that bag of coke lasted all of five minutes.

I pay $10 a month for mobile broadband unlimited through a non profit charity organization. Stay mad wagie.

I ain't mad, bruh. I'm sure your girlfriend looks just like the type of girl that doesnt mind that her man has non-profits help pay his bills.

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so what is in the official Jow Forums winter chimpout survival/comfy kit?
>9mm handgun and 100 rounds
>assorted snacks
>dark beer
>extra blankets and pillows
>comfy spot on the couch
>multi-monitor setup
anything else?

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But I hungrier.
Do you want to compare tummies?
(Maybe our tummysticks?)
After paying rent, bills, insurance, weekly tools (gloves and maybe a dollar store measuring tape) I am left with so little, that compared to your friend, the only steak I can afford is of the tube variety.

Go to a fucking church you faggot. Do you realize how giving most people in Flyover country are? It's only you fucks in the inner cities who will be rioting over this.

Oh no! It looks like you'll just have to get a job now you worthless nigger.

Hopefully the shutdown lasts for years....

How long before they start cannibalizing each other?

3 days. They’ll be spit roasting the fattest nigger in sight at a barbuhqu

Good. Now i hope as even more protest to this evil capitalist (((republic))) people will go steal food from Jupermarkets.

spend your ebt on bulk rice and beans while you still can.

they will in blue states.

How does it feel being a domesticated animal waiting for the farmer to feed you?

Cancel your internet access.
That should free up all the money you need if you shop wisely.

I honestly would be surprised if we get to February

Kek has spoken!

Start eating dirt cookies, nigger.

relax with the racist remarks m8

>9mm handgun and 100 rounds

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I'm nigger tier broke, and only get $15/mo food stamps, I say this is necessary. We are in a solar minimum, people need to be shit tested with food to prepare them for what could happen.

>food stamps
Good. The jobs report just came out, and jobs are up, wages are up, and underemployment is down. Unemployment is up because the people who are actually struggling are now trying to get back into the workforce. In this labour market, the only people on food stamps are lazy free riders.
>Tax returns
Great, maybe people will learn how to set up their withholding properly like an adult so that they don't get a refund instead of treating tax refunds like lottery winnings.

Hopefully they keep it shut down for good.

Depends if you live in a propper subrub or a white inner city enclave
Most are too lazy to walk more than a mile or two

still better than me

I still have an AR user, but I think a 9mm is a good place to start for newbies. Plus a live in a low negro area so this will be more of a spectator sport for me.

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Oh, and one other thing with tax refunds. Plenty of people who don't pay taxes get big handouts at tax time because of bullshit like earned-income-credit and other buttfuckery like that, so I have no issue with refunds being froze.

just pick up a cheap handgun user, laws are fairly reasonable in Romania right?

I wish we could do that here. No more bennies would be amazing.

But my father has two jobs and my mom has one, and they get food stamps. You’re delusional.

Your parents are just pretending to have jobs because they don't want you to see your biggest role models not working, because they don't want you to think that's an okay way to live. No 3 job household qualifies for food stamps unless they have 16 kids, or they have 'jobs' but they're 4 hour per week jobs helping kids cross the street on the way to school.

If he were concern trolling he'd ask if any of us were worried niggers would increase their criminal activities if we took away their gibs.

Democrats voters die of starvation lol hilarious.

Haha holy shit I hope you starve to death you failure

This is the best thing ever and the true MAGA

Ch Ch Ch checked

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Quit being such as shill. SNAP is a supplemental food program anyway, you need more if you actually want a wholesome diet. If you're that desperate, you should use the dumpster. Or a charity. Or a food bank. There is literally free food everywhere.

Post yfw Trump singlehandedly eliminated welfare

They won't die, they'll just get hungry, pissed off, and chimp out.
Which is fine acoording to the Democrats, because they don't give a shit about their well-being.
Their voter base will blame Trump anyway.

Starve, faggot. Suffer and next time, tell your masters not to cross the Aryan race.

>I need to eat
No you don't fatty.

Will work for food. Be honest and hard working. I've paid vagrants well with signs like these.

Get a job son. They're widely available now but won't be for long.

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I only have a 38spl 120 rounds. Am I fucked?

I have 7 kids, just my one job, 64 hrs a week, don't qualify for stamps.

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Are you white?

Starve, parasite

Get a fucking job.
I moved to a new state, no college and got 3 job offers the second day there. 3rd day i was working 2 of those jobs, living out of my truck making sure i had food for my doges.

Quit being a lazy nigger, get to work.

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As a white guy, can I get food stamps?

One time I applied and had a 10 minute window at 8 am in the morning to talk to the lady. I missed the call and they said I was then ineligible.

What gives frens?

Found the jdif kike

jet a gob gommie

maybe try having some more kids you fucking rabbit.

>got 3 job offers the second day

Were these decent jobs or shitty retail/food industry positions? you know there's a big difference

You have to meet a goofy set of criteria in order to qualify for food stamps. I tried last year out of curiosity but I was making just over the threshold of financial stability to qualify. I think also not looking like trailer trash or a ghetto banger worked against me as well

One was a job as a dog trainer the other was a cash under the table job that paid 140 a night. I just slept with a bunch of dogs.

I use to work for a venture capitalist doing federal contracts with weapons, dogs and explosives on fedbid, fbo, and gov tribe.

Im also a paramedic but over helping people who should/deserve to die. I didnt kike interfering with darwinism.

Im a veteran who went the trade school route and just knows how to hustle. I quit my job and make more money training doges for cash.

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I live in leafland, but my wife has 2 old friends from highschool who are not doing well.

One of them is a chronic coalburner with a niglet, whom she neglects. She gets $2500/month from gibs that she uses on alcohol and malr strip clubs. She is morbidly obese, has no job and no education and generally no value to society.

The other is white and was working until she developed a medical condition that makes it impossible for her to work and almost impossible to leave the house unattended. She gets $700 total in gib and relies on handouts from family to survive.

No more food stamps?, good that means less niggers in the future.

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Saged shariablue, back to your Shill Discord faggot

Just goes to prove my point: if you look like a societal leech, you'll get societal support. It's a fucked up system