A little birdie told me Israel has plans to nuke Baltimore. ITS HAPPENING


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>nothing of value was lost that day


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It wouldnt even be noticed by anyone if a nuke hits the west end
Kikes are too greedy to just waste a nuke

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bump for justice

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>meme flag
Save and spread!


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No one cares about baltimore, it's literally all niggers

Well, they better not hit Detroit, the 'Crown Jewel of the Midwest'.

Why would they improve Baltimore?

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You joke but it's unironically true which just demonstrates how shit every major city in the midwest is


I'm in northern Indiana, it's not just the major cities. It's gotten dark everywhere.

Wtf I love kikes now! #GasTheWhites

This is so fucking twisted. They are forcing the idea that the human population is somehow on a path of extinction, to which massive uncontrolled migration is the answer. All this without addressing in any way the failing rates of nature itself, the running out of resources to sustain us, the massive pollution of soil, air and anything in between, and without any regard to race, culture, nationality. Literally suiciding the planet with overcrowding and never ending violence...it makes no fucking sense?

Do they have some insight into an apocalyptic event in the near future and only want to create chaos for a last big jolly kick?

>nuke baltimore during a foolsball game
Dafug lads, we're not supposed to be on the Sum Of All Fears timeline.

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Indiana is still around 80% white overall, you're just too close to chicago and detroit.

That 80% includes hispanics. It's a clever way to candy-coat the poison.

Please choose Detroit instead.

hopefully it hits just east of the inner harbor aquarium where every block has a liquor store with bars on the windows and doors

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They wouldn't nuke Baltimore or New York or Cleveland or Chicago, they would nuke Fargo or Des Moines or Seattle or Boise.


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suitcase or ICBM?

NYC is prime target, possibly trump tower

oh boy ... baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-kelly-column-football-20190104-story.html

(((they))) will put it on Iran fault and it will be the beginning of the end ..

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no they won't, you're a faggot and nothing ever happens.

ohhhh goy .. .wbaltv.com/article/vehicle-fire-blocks-northbound-mlk-in-downtown-baltimore/25752629

problem solved

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to whom would i send the thank you card?

And nothing of value was lost

I don't like it ..


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Well, my asshole bipolar half-brother lives there, so go for it. Fuck him.

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Discord is filled with security hole .. but nice try faggot

Thanks. At least they're not all bad.

Because they're a nation of friendly merchants

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Uh, I live about 15 minutes outside Baltimore City. How about no. This place has no value anyway -- small, crime-ridden, not much industry, no military value, etc.

Nov 2017
Do we know what those constructions are? How can we know?

San Francisco not Baltimore

this shit is awful... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_(2017_film)

What the fuck -- I'm supposed to be in the city for the game. You guys are fucking my plans up.

There's massive construction all over Baltimore City, you retard.

look at my flag fucking burger
do you think I think often about fucking Baltimore?

Live just by the PA border outside of Baltimore. Second this. Whatever value Baltimore had disappeared years ago. It'd be a waste of a nuke to destroy the city.

Based Israel. Baltimore is a fucking shithole. They're going to do us a massive favor

Both pls

this is a meme. bartimore is home to some of the most complex and important naval bases on the atlantic.

sure ... The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (/ˈkaJkəl/ KY-kəl), and for "little circle", kikeleh (/ˈkaJkələ/ KY-kə-lə). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an "O" in place of an "X" a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.

Don't call me a fucking burger, you fucking Mexican.
Based Maryland poster.

Ima go save my nigger friend before that happens you mother fuckers!

I'm in Baltimore City near every single day. I work there, party there, and chase single mothers around there.

>The ravens will starve.

Double cheese burger with extra bacon you fatty faggot reprehending your Mediterranean ethnic superiors

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I'm actually Greek. And we both know the Greek race is the most powerful race in the world, you smelly Honduran.

Yeah, that's in a neighborhood called Mt. Vernon -- the BSO plays at the venue appearing in the picture. It's a block or two from Baltimore Law School, about a mile north of the Inner Harbor.

What do you think is under that fenced-off hole?

JEEEEEEEESUS it's happening
see you goyim on the other side, it was an honor to shitpost with you

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Is this finally the end?

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Israeli nuke

go see if you can ear a tic-toc kind of sound ... you tell me faggot ...

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I'll be in Mt. Vernon around 3 o'clock today. I'll check it out. Dead serious.

I love the LARPer edition of Monopoly

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its near some major infrastructure if a small nuke blow on this location it may cause major chaos

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I mean, not really. You have Camden Yards and M&T Bank Stadium. University of Baltimore. The Harbor Tunnel. There no major industry, though. Perhaps the Domino Sugar Factory. The Harbor is a trade port, but I will maintain that there isn't much value in doing anything to Baltimore. It would blow-up a bunch of Yuppies in Station North and Charles Village.

remember how much of a giant faggot you are and how i am laughing when nothing happens

you can't justify your worthless existence with any of your schizo theories. man up and become the happening you want to see.

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Look like Iran are moving ships to the Atlantic to Venezuela they may put it on there fault for you to die for "greater" Israel AGAIN just like its 9/11 all over again


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Why nuke Bodymore, Murdaland? The nig nogs kill themselves and don't need any new help doing it.

they are luciferian waiting for the return of some Anti-christ (((Messiah))) they fucking degenerate dude .. what do you expect ?!


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the fucking highway you dumb fuck

Um. What highway? It's 83. 95 heads around Baltimore City, but there's another ways to get to the outside areas.

>it makes no fucking sense?

It doesnt to you. It all makes perfect sense when your power is bound to the structures and systems of the current epoch. They would rather destroy the world than give up their status as slave- master. Not that they would actually ever destroy the world, their power is bound to it and by it. They would simply reduce humanity and earth to various forms of cancer and degeneracy in order to maintain their arrogance and hubris. Never before in history have we seen such evil. The conversion of the free and living into the grotesque and imprisoned all due to some faggots vanity and addiction to god complex. Maybe evil isnt the right word. Its stupidity. Against which the gods themselves clearly contend in vain.


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While I live here and gladly welcome it, it would really fuck up a lot shit for the rest of the the east coast. If the kikes were smart, they'd focus on taking out the big port on the eastside near Dundalk. Don't listen to the retard county anons here in that there's no major industry, etc.. Just because shit like Bethlehem Steel was moved to China in the 90's does not mean that there isn't important infrastructure that millions depend on.

The star will gorge itself on clay?

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I’m ok with this

you see this is the kind of shit I don't like when the meme flaggot talk about druids and stuff

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>Did not worship light in the manner of the Druids
Druids hill park and Druid Heights ..
Pure coincidence .. permit me to doubt it ..

Looks like the raven is getting JUSTED. I think I may be here too long.

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you may want to pact your shit and take a walk for a few days bruh ...

Suitcase most likely. You would think an ICBM might trigger nuclear systems to go off. But who knows with these kikes?

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These fucking vague and cripitc sentences could mean literally anything, and you fags are still 2 behind, Sad!

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it's called the kingdom of satan, moron, they
do this to every world they've been on, they
are world killers. what's happening to earth
is exactly what happened to mars. ask
yourself, how many other worlds are there
with OXYGEN and an atmosphere.

you guys are lost forever in captivity.

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It’s about time someone started improving Baltimore.


The real question is how can we kill 99.999999% of human life.

Man they are gonna go all out to stop spacey from testifying.

>isis takes control in philippines
sauce on this one? can't find it online....

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why do i get the feeling these 9/11 (((leaks))) are a distraction?
post a screen cap of the most damning leak or gtfo meme flagger

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>Man they are gonna go all out to stop spacey from testifying.
checked spacey will btfo the cabal

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Over the years I came to the conclusion that you can NEVER predict what (((they))) will do. Or when.

Cry me a river.....

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burn it all. i bet mr. silverstein has bought up all of baltimore and has insurance policies on it

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its not from me