Trump can’t stop the progress taking place across America. You lost

Trump can’t stop the progress taking place across America. You lost.

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Nazis like you are leading to a rise in Nazis.

[_] Not told

[X] Told

How is Pence about to go down?

Pence isn't afraid of gays

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She's got some fryceps going on.

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Pure pottery

pull further left, more progress
I dare you
There will be no pushback from regular people, trust me
Just like in 1933

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>Mom against hate
>Hate the bible
>Hate's trump
>Hate's trump supporter
Why are liberals such a hypocrite

I've sent in my applications to her and AOC to become their eunuch foot maintenance servant. As a white male, I feel it's only right to step aside and let immigrants populate the future.


>Nazis like you are leading to a rise in Nazis.
dude wall street is the nazis, USA is nazis, at the CIA and in the media and in business

ALL NAZIS, also the royal family, NAZIS

>How is Pence about to go down?
some shit about pedo biz in Indiana supposedly

>Pence isn't afraid of gays
Pence is a member of congress, so most likely 100% pedo

>muh Jesus, muh bible
You Americans are pathetic.

I also sent in my application. I want to get the job so that I can get close enough to cut her head off.

>some shit about pedo biz in Indiana supposedly
But I thought pedo rings didn't exist?

Where are the Kristin sienna cum tributes?
I want to tweet them to her

>Be Arizonanon
>McCain dies
>Flake retires
>Sinema wins
>McSally is chosen to replace McCain

This is the wrong answer.
Get close enough to her to drop red pills. She needs to be converted, not killed.
She is young enough that she can still be brought over to the right. It wouldnt be easy, but red pilling her would be a fatal blow to the left. While harming her would bolster them. They WANT us to kill her.

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Women are not leaders.


t. Dying race

>moms against hate
These people have zero self awareness.

that discord server is the most retarded cesspool of degenerates are mentally handicapped zoomers.

youve got to admit, liberals are passionate folks.

nevermind the fact she already said she was going to vote for the WALL


Women can’t be red pilled because they are not rational thinkers

Women have never been leaders

About to go down on dat puss if ya know what I mean.

A true roastie in every sense of the word.

Katherine of Kievian Rus is the only one that comes of mind

She looks like she's between 20 and 65

It's a year round chow down with pence.

>evangelical cunnilingus

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Progress looks like THAT?!

Regressive and America lost.

*we lost
Fixed that for you.

>How is Pence about to go down?
He's been working on the FAG Conversion 3000 and it's almost operational.
Fear will keep the fags in line.

lmao imagine considering that winning unironically and then being expected to be taken seriously

>So help you God?

She affirms.


Why is progress adding another letter to LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ? Why isnt progress blacks improving themselves?why isnt progress american balancing its budget? Why isnt progress space travel. I know you are baiting for yous but I genuinely want to hear from leftists on why someone claiming to be a sexaul tyrannous is progress.

Member of code pink

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The conservatives are battling those you do all those things left and right. Ask Elon how they fought tooth and nails that he can't just sell his car in a shop.
The minimum you can do in this place is just a little bit of transparency and expanding that is.

>sworn on some random law book
>human laws are based on god's law

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>getting sworn to uphold the Constitution on a koran that specifically forbids you from doing that

>busted for weed possession
>show up in court in a purple pin-stripe suit
>against my lawyer's recommendation


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Friendly reminder: the entire premise of Pence hating gays was that one time he suggested funding be cut to charities that didn't promote safe sex to gay men. That's it.

Maximum cringe.

Mike Pence is like nices guy in the wold, yet liberals think he's some kind of evil christian who will start the homocaust because liberals need these types of muh evil figures.

It's like when British liberals hate Theresa May for having the conservative label, even though almost all her views are far left and progressive, she's just slightly more to the right of labour

Death cults usually are.

>1 post by this id

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You probably think that a guy who cuts off his dick is a woman.

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Low iq niggers and women getting elected is progress? I'm fine with the Democrats destroying their own party in the name of diversity.

Do they actually think they are causing "infighting" here?

We literally get mad for fun on this board.

Who are these losers with no life?

fuck him and fuck Trump.

Nobody goes to Jow Forums because if you hang around here long enough it changes you.

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I've personally had quite a few of these sorts of responses lately. The bizarre thing is that I'm not your typical stormfag type, but the "cucky" ethnonationalism for everyone type. I don't say anything that is objectively untoward, yet because I don't go out of my way to explicitly and constantly state that certain ethnic groups need to be wiped out, I get hit like I just said "gas the kikes, race war now".

LOL that comment Jesus that’s fucking sad when you think about it

>when your bisexual senator is literally just another neo-liberal who believes exactly what the american centre has believed for decades

That's okay their only saving grace, Prep, is only going to work for so long. We really should have just let them pozz each other to death. Why the hell should we even try to stop it?

1 post by this drive by troll.

they virtue signal that they love accepted things so they have permission to hate everything else
theyll assassinate him before they go after trump, liberals fear pence because hes good cop and trump is bad cop, pence would be white conservative obama that nobody can hate if he were president

>that nobody can hate if he were president
Not quite true. The LGBTQBRAP crowd would hate him. Then again they are actually a tiny minority so it wouldn't matter all that much.

Got here! Surely that means she has accepted the Jewish make beliefs as truths! Jesus will straighten her out!

(Ya retards)

A nasty hellbound skank

What is it with these modern day pup commie mongos and sex? Your whole gender shtick is retarded. Fudge packing and muff diving isn't progressing humanity. You've been had by heebs.

the word is decay. The only progress being made is toward Hell and damnation.