Is the key to life to just not give a fuck and do what you like doing ?

Is the key to life to just not give a fuck and do what you like doing ?

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Maybe. Certainly better than doing things you hate because your mom told you to.


Everybody is alive. What do you mean "key to life?"

Feeling happy

What ?

The key to happiness is self discipline.

Examples please ?

yes just ask the homeless

It depends. Do you like doing healthy, mind-stimulating activities that allow you to improve as a person? You should probably do what you want then. If you just want to play games and browse Jow Forums all day you should probably "give a fuck" and do what your parents tell you to do.

I doubt being homeless is what they like doing.

Brock doesn't like wrestling he just exploits it to make mad fucking cash.

So maybe the key to life is getting paid.

No. Only the fortunate get by that way. Plenty of people will try hard to not give a fuck and do whatever makes them happy. They'll fail and get fucked.

I work btw guys

Are you fucking retarded?

Life don't got a key. You need a lock pick. And you better care enough to unlock the door.

Literally any successful person, and the greatest leaders in history. It's easy to do what you want. We act like there's this big divide between normies and NEETS but they do the same thing more or less; exactly what they want. Difference being normies are perfectly content living their average joe lives and NEETS are equally happy being shut ins shunning the sun.

The common denominator between anybody who has ever broken the mold is discipline to do so. They have what it takes to resist their urges to invest in pointless relationships that will ultimately lead nowhere or play a video game for hours on end, in search of something more ambitious, more fulfilling. They realize they have a greater calling in life and the nerve to chase it. They have an endgame in sight and the will to slog through years of getting up early, studying, hardships, and risk taking to achieve it.

Truth is not everybody is blessed with the heart to make it but those who do will definitely leave this life more satisfied with their goals than those who didn't, or as you put it did what they wanted.

So what should i put my time towards ?

Come on user, I’m a guy on the internet a million miles away. I can’t tell you that.
What does your tuition tell you your calling in life is?

the key to life isnt money or success, since suicide and depression is the highest in the rich class. it isnt secluding yourself from the rest to live in a jungle alone. it isnt having a lot of women. the hole in the heart cannot be filled and can only be mended by the one who made it. go and ask Him. He loves you

That won't do much for OP if he ends up destitute. Unless you're implying that He loves OP in death.


To be honest, you'd have to be a lunatic to still like wrestling in 2018

I play guitar and skateboard would that allows me to improve as a person?

Well, WWE yes.

Respond to my post you son of a bitch.

Feel fulfilled in the things you do. Spending one hour at the gym is better than a day of video games. An hour at the gym does not develop me socially as a person.

Figure out what you want and what will get you there.