
how does this make you feel Jow Forums?

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fuck off

I'm just here to talk about politics, I don't give a shit about the dead board that is /qa/


Chink genocide is near

why, they been drinking your water?

poor little dogs, chinks are wank.

Why do they have to torture everything before they eat it

they think it makes it taste better

Bad. Why would you show that to us?


school is out for you?

>killing dogs is evil
>vegans are retarded

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>caring about /qa/

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i have no problem with chinks eating pets
but for the love of god just end their lives quick and painless

yea i thought the japs told them how to kill fast and not really painlessly at nanking

Looksie here, the uma delicia-guy is telling me to not distinguish between pork and dog. let's just suck on aborted fetuses to gain their protein.

Vegans are retarded, because every nutritionist will tell you that you need to eat in variation, everyone needs their veggies and greens, but if you don't get your piece of grinded hamster every now and then you'll turn opaque and gray and keel over.


Makes me feel like there is some Pajeet behind that Ancap flag pretending to bear emotions while frantically collecting gore media from Asian countries to shill on Jow Forums

>pork and dog
pigs are intelligent too
>but if you don't get your piece of grinded hamster every now and then you'll turn opaque and gray and keel over.
just a meme you fell for
also, do you get your meat killed in humane fashion?

its not the first time shitskins tried to delete pee oh el
someone post the glorious bastion of free speech mod post

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They consume the fear and then they are stronger

Unironically can confirm.