Female Roommate

My female roommate has a gf, she knows I know yet we still shag on the regular. He doesn't live here and sometimes I feel like shit seeing him kiss her with the same lips that sucked me dry.

Wha do?

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Why make a thread you already know the answer to?

Think about the time she kisses you with the lips that sucked him dry.

Why are you being a shitty person?

>I feel like shit seeing him kiss her with the same lips that sucked me dry.

By the transitive property, doesn’t that mean that HE also sucked you dry?

You gay bro?

Whores are whores, you can't change much. Enjoy your time, and if she gets boring, tell her bf so he can stop wasting his time with a slut.

lol, this.
Moralfags need not apply.

For (You)'s

I don't kiss the bitch
can't if she's paying most of the rent
might leave

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So basically you're her slut.
You satisfy her sexually in exchange for rent?

So she just sucks your dick, and you fuck her?
Who initiated it?

Do the right thing op. First ask how things are with him and why she cheats. Maybe she's considering leaving him. If so tell her that you will just back off until then. If things are going well between them, sit her down and tell her as much as you enjoy it you have a conscious and want to stop doing her and her man wrong.

EITHER WAY say you want her to stay because she's cool and y'all both help each other out.

>so your her slut
Cracks me up every time. Is this supposed to be an insult to a man?

How is it not an insult? I guess if you have zero pride or intelligence then you might be ecstatic to have any value whatsoever, but to most people who have some kind of self-worth, being treated like an object whose only use is sexual satisfaction would be insulting.

don't remember really
there's two other guys living here
it's really kinda like one of those Netflix show New Girls

dude she pays the most rent and her living here makes the other guys clean up after themselves to impress her

should see when we have the place to ourselves

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I got the hots for my roommate but I'm too much of a pussy to tell him. Also, I'm worried he'd reject me and we'd lose our awesome friendship. Should I just stay frustrated?

Living off women is kind of pathetic.

So she's a huge slut and all of you are her harem.

Do you have a boyfriend?

No, we are both single. I would never in a million years do that shit. Cheating is for slime. I just want to be the person that makes him really happy.

Then go for it. Just don't do it directly. Start dressing sexy when he's around, be suggestive, seek his company more, keep staying physically close to him, etc. Give him the final word, but be seductive, that way you can enjoy being pussy and back out whenever you want, but also have a high chance of making him fall right into your pussy.

>dude she pays the most rent and her living here makes the other guys clean up after themselves to impress her
Has nothing to do with what I just said. Is it her house or yours?

Yeah I can't say I know any womanizers who would be genuinely hurt by being called a slut.

It's our landlord's house wdym

I mean you could have said that in the first place. Roommates is just vague, it could mean anything.

And you can still tell her what I just said, your dick isn’t the only thing keeping her in the house.