New Doom Movie Will Have A Female Lead

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why though?

As soon as jews detect that you like something they are compelled to ruin it.

Just to suffer.

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>the movie is intended to go straight to DVD or a streaming platform

I mean, okay. Let them do it. It didnt work with ghostbusters or with oceans so why do they think of all movies it would work with doom. Let jews waste money.

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Can't wait for the Metroid movie starring a man.

From screenrant:

>Universal Studios
Has only ever made a handful of decent R rated movies
>suggesting the movie is intended to go straight to DVD or a streaming platform.

If they were taking this movie seriously I would hope to see Tilda Swinton play Dr. Olivia Pierce. But it seems that this movie might pass by with but a whimper.

If they base it on the books rather than the games it would make sense. One of the main characters was a space marine girl named Arlene.

she was a girl all along you racist bigot. you just couldn't see it because of the mask

also she sounds like man bc of roids

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Wife material right here

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You ok?

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blasphemer !!

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do I need to add "/s" to my posts?

who cares. doom is degenerate. it's a brainrot dumb gore shooter and ruins souls and minds.

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They put that half-nigger in first doom movie and lead scientist woman and it already sucked ass. Don't they learn?

Did you know a Russian Guy made a music for doom?

not big surprize tbqh

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So why are you promoting it here? You'll probably even pay to watch it.


Let's make this clear. Hollywood has had 2 chances to make a DOOM movie now and neither of them involve Hell or the Doomslayer. This movie will be no more shit than the first abortion of a fucking attempt. How fucking hard is it you cunts? Just make a fucking movie about a super human cunt killing demons.

Who cares? Ignore it and it will be another failure for a dying Hollywood. Spend the next few months shitting on it and people will rally around it and make it a success, regardless of how shitty it actually is. Stop blindly running into these traps.

I still won't watch movies from Judenwood.

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>paying for music, movies, tv, video games, software, etc
literally no one does any of this except boomers

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Pay attention retards

The new movie does not actually star Doomguy, its been known for months its about a mercenary team
The girl is the leader of that team

Calm the fuck down and learn to read

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Who cares? The 2007 (i think) Doom was a fun ride. It wasn’t good by any conventional standard, but it’s great entertainment.

That sounds even more homosexual.

Doom Guy is half Jewish. Visual accuracy in the movies shouldn't be that difficult.

Can't wait to hear the story of this epic disabled latino who fights satans

I urge everyone to go and rewatch Doom 2005. Its actually great and holds up really well. The acring is actually better thanni thought, good atmosphere and actual consequences. I enjoyed it a lot watching it the other night.

t. Dwayne Johnson

>Doom Guy is half Jewish.
You take that back, fucker

Doom guy was trained by a girl
Her name is Crash

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it's like they almost hate your guts

All those square-jawed mischlings in hollywood and they chose a samoan. They're not giving us their best.

Guess I can skip it then.

oh, man.
you watch the whole movie, in record time, and at the end you see the screen flash black and white and... it's a dude in a bikini.

They should make a Metroid, Perfect Dark or No One Lives Forever movie. The only FPS series worse for this would be Duke Nukem.

hahaha /pol and incels btfo completely.

>doom movie
>without doomguy
why not have a superman movie without superman?

We need our own internet, own secret media network and own fucking safe space now. This is how jews started, this is how masons started, this is how illuminati started, this is how aliens started. If we don't start no one will know who incels were.

of courseeeeeee !!!!
What else is left to ruin ?
Warhammer ?

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Its not easy to make a movie where the protagonist is silent and his only character trait is that he likes to shoot stuff

And if they did make him speak and give him a character then everyone would bitch that its not like the video game

>27 April 2018

Fuck off kike

oh you naive bastard

stop coping senpai ! just...stop

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>what is end times/AoS
GW doesnt need jews' help for that. Honestly i'm very afraid for 40k.

>Dutchess Nukem coming 2020
>"Hail to the Queen, baby!"

And our own shitting streets.

>merc team lead
That sounds even worse than a solo female

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I think chinese actors in iconic jewish roles, Schindler's List perhaps, would rustle some feathers.

Thankfully the community at large is ignoring that shit like the fifth Rocky movie. But I doubt that it will stop there. it never stops there.

>Female Lead

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So maybe, Idunno, DONT make a fucking movie about him? A half hour long machinima is good enough.

Female version of Duke would actually be kino desu.
As long as they're not niggers I don't mind female leads


So? They're still intentionally doing it and trying to justify putting a female lead in a DOOM movie.

That's kind of like making a Sex and the City movie but it's about men who fuck a bunch of women.

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Universal has to make a movie with the license every 10 years or they lose the rights, this is just straight to DVD streaming nonsense to keep the franchise

Instant bomb.

but seriously its really good.

New Doom Movie Will Flop

Video games are bluepilled escapism.

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>Dwayne Johnson stars as Dwayne Johnson

As an action movie it was enjoyable, it just isn't Doom.

I'm sure it do really well

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>DONT make a fucking movie about him?
That is literally what they're doing you retard
Its a movie set in dooms universe but doesnt star Doomguy

There goes another movie I won’t watch

But the main character was Flynn Taggard. The entire series perspective is from him.

They had The Rock, great strong male lead, but they fucked up whole film. No thx, shitty film, not scary, not interesting, not good action, just bunch of fake ass wannabe imitation of some game play i do at 12 o clock when i am sleepy.

I want to see Pocahontas rebooted with The Rock in the lead role

This makes sense, and explains why it will be straight to streaming.


Guess I know what I won't be going to see. Hope it winds up just like that gay doll movie, deep red.

Who benefits from making women independent from men?

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The heebs paved the way for the retard invasion of entertainment. The old guard, like Spielberg is long gone, and so is the competence. Remember The last jedi? Shit skins and waman disemboweling the franchise and wearing it as a carcass suit, with screechingly ham fsted agit prop at every turn?
This is your entertainment future.

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Ah fuck, I was just beginning to like this franchise.

Rip and Tear,
until it is done.

I'm gonna make my own entertainment, with blackjack and hookers.

And there's nothing you can do to stop me.

>Get woke
>Go broke

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Why not?

fuck hollowood,, I' may just pirate that to see how it did end up

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also the wörst4 from Q3A lineup :DDD

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so doomguy is a woman?

Proof jews rule Hollywood:

No /comfy/ 40k. Secure all time blockbuster done right, with primal chills up every lads spine dwarfing 300 by miles.

Aus post best post

>In 2018, John Romero and Tom Hall confirmed on Twitter that Doomguy is the son of Commander Keen protagonist Billy Blaze and the great-grandson of Wolfenstein protagonist William "B.J." Blazkowicz,[7] and through him he is of Polish and Jewish descent.

It's all so tiresome.

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i think it would be great to have a to kill a mockingbird remake with an entirely black cast

Jews of course

no, see

The 40k issue isn't Jews in Hollywood
It's Jews in Games Workshop.

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>The girl is the leader of that team
Leader of a team.

Go prep Tyrone.

I thought the 40k universe was supposed to be the exact opposite of comfy

Blindman 1971, it has Ringo SStar in it.

Nah it would be a black tranny with a big dong

They’re doing this right after Battlefield 5 flopped? Jesus fucking Christ wtf do they think is going to happen

Good. Doesn’t this help with the bugmen disease? If the media they consume is so awful maybe they want be obsessed with it. Think of the opposite; if these people were putting out great works nonstop that roped men into a consumerist, escapist lifestyle. I’m glad they’re doubling down and fucking up every popular franchise.

As long as she's as hot as Lara Croft or The Bride, I fail to see what the problem is.

As long as they call her Crash, I'm alright with that.

isnt it past time for Prajeet to be making way with your dirty bum hole?

I thought Jow Forums wouldnt like the new DOOM game since it had anti capitalism themes and said that big corporations are bad and need to take better care of their workers