You will fail. Don't set goals like that, because ultimately you will fail and you'll hate yourself for it. Better to approach nofap differently and just try to keep breaking your records, and when you fail it's not a big deal.
Also, for getting laid, house parties are king
Joseph Hill
Day 13 of no fap and having my own place user. Just moved to my new place, after moving back in with my parents for financial reasons as I finished required undergrad courses. The next time I cum, its gonna be in a nice juicy vagina.
Eli Brooks
I can relate except for the virgin and no gf part. I feel lonely as fuck and other than my girlfriend i really have just three friends. I know so many people but stablishing true connections is too hard for me.
Brandon Perez
>boo boo I’m so pathetic for being a virgin Literally no one cares. Once you accept this, you’ll be free.
Eli Evans
It varies from person to person, so don't expect it to be some silver bullet to all your problems. It will actually make you want to get laid though, none of the wishy washy 'I wish I had a gf to hug' but the primal 'I want to fuck' amazing for motivation to actually go and talk to women
Besides that, find a hobby you like that requires meeting other people, whatever the fuck it might be. Then make friends, it's okay to start only with males but if you want to get a gf having female friends is key because they will hook you up with their single friends
Adam Sullivan
do people go to house parties alone?
I don't know about any of this, I became very sheltered after switching schools and losing all my friends at 13-14
Justin Evans
>do people go to house parties alone? It seems creepy so I wouldn't but I'd guess it varies from culture to culture.
Kayden Bailey
that wasn't the point of the thread man
it's a big problem to be 23 and scared of girls
yeah i was thinking of taking up boxing soon, hoping I can make friends there
Been doing nofap. It is worth it; do not listen to the low-life faggots who tell you that you're wasting your time. I can say for sure that since doing it, my quality of life has noticeably increased through elevated mood, higher energy and creativity, and a clear head. I know for sure that the worst days of my life are consumed by indulging in any available immediate pleasure, and jacking off happens to be one of the most easy, immediate rushes of dopamine I can get. When you indulge in empty pleasures like this, life begins to become meaningless and you get depressed. Usually I find myself getting urges to jack off whenever I'm alone and/or am not doing anything, so I think the key to resisting any urges is to continuously be doing something productive. The easiest last resorts for finding something productive to do is either reading a book or going to the gym.
>soon sign up right now you lazy shit after a while of being there and getting acquainted with people, invite one or two of them out to chill, go to a bar or whatever. Just shooting the shit with the lads. It's great for making real friends and getting into their circles.
Michael Taylor
Do nofap. If you start reading books, working out, and getting a hobby, the girl situation will inevitably work itself out because you will be spending your time becoming a more interesting person instead of jacking off to sluts on the internet.
Henry Brooks
I need to start working to save up for boxing, I'm a student rn
If you're invited by someone you know and you're at least familiar with the people going then sure. It's pretty normal as long as you were actually invited by someone you know. I've gone to plenty of parties only knowing the host or one or two people, and as long as you're willing to talk to people you should be fine. Alcohol also helps
Keep this in mind user, sex is overrated. If you feel like you're a loser or unworthy because you haven't gotten any odds are you'll just find another reason to hate yourself further down the road. You might have some serious issues you need to confront about yourself, and while socializing and sex might help you start off, don't for a minute think that your life will fix itself the moment you get laid. It won't
Kevin Diaz
Then apply for one or ten Stop with the excuses and do it Right Now It's ezpz honestly You'll thank me tomorrow and you know it
Jacob Cox
Bro I won't lie, I've tried reading as a hobby and could never do it
A month ago, I started no fap and within a week I was reading every day
I'm not so worried about being a virgin, it's more that I can't talk to girls
I have 0 experience
Joshua Rogers
Was also in your position, just force yourself to initiate the contact and the rest will come....
Adam Edwards
Pay a whore, youre going to make a mess in your first time, at least a whore its not going to tell everyone that you suck at sex, etc. Get some skills then fuck real girls
Joseph Gonzalez
If you're trying to not fap, quit posting pictures of women. You don't even know these women. You just save them onto your computer because you think they look pretty. It's shallow and pathetic. Would you want your future daughter to go out with a pathetic faggot like you? quit beating around the bush like a faggot and go outside and stay away from the internet for a while.
Christian Butler
I don't save any pictures of women, they're copy pasted off instagram LOL
that's why they all have the same file name dumbass
I can hit it off with a hot girl, get a date and cancel at the last second because of how shitty I feel from social anxiety
Jaxson Perez
Well, try to refrain from cranking your pecker for as long as possible. When you refrain from doing so, you have a lot of energy that keeps building up. Instead of releasing that energy on jacking off, try to redirect it towards productive activity such as reading or a hobby. Over time, you will become more and more productive and it will be much easier to not jerk it
Mason Sanders
Your "point" was useless
"Stop saving hot girls it's pathetic" ... I don't, I literally posted them just to bring more attention to the thread
Anthony Ramirez
back to r*ddit
Juan Rivera
well my dude, then i think you should see a doctor, really, anxiety is serious and may lead to depression
Hudson Smith
Remember that nofap only works if you deprive yourself of any artificial sexual stimulation. Stop looking at porn, stop edging, stop posting sexually suggestive images to this site. Basically pretend you're an animal with no means of sexual release except intercourse
Robert Bell
It goes without saying since it's kind of implied when you cut off masturbation, but I think NoPorn is way more important. IMO, the more realistic your goal is the better.
Fact is, you're not gonna be on NoFap the rest of your life, that's simply impossible for any human and would be torture. HOW you're gonna fap is what matters. You CAN, and should, stop watching porn forever, as it only serves to taint the mind. The problem is pornography and not masturbation.
Being exposed to it as early as 11, I have such a corrupt and nasty view of the world nowadays that I become disgusted at my own thoughts. I sometimes spend nearly an hour just trying to find something remotely exciting for my now extremely picky tastes, and lose sleep, be late for appointments, etc., not to mention work less for real sex since I know I can get porn anytime, anywhere.
Focus on developing a good brain and imagination. It's simply fucking retarded to go DUDE I'M GONNA DO NOFAP but then post a picture like that for the OP. You fucking retard. You're retarded.
you're literally me, i also moved on at 14 and lost all my friends and got severely depressed but at my twenties i started talking to some new people from the last year of high school and decided to do a house party, people invited their acquaintances and suddenly there were like 20 people in my house when i invited 7, it was pretty great for a practice on social skills
Hudson Miller
Stop visiting echo chambers OP, that fucks you up thanks to confirmation bias. I could post a photoshopped facebook post in some incel forum saying that only face maters and not height and get praised as God repiller thanks to these people being with their head so far up their asses they can't think for themselves or actually experience real life.
William Foster
Protip, you will never stop masturbating even after you get laid Even if you get a gf and have regular sex, whenever you're apart, you can bet your ass she'll be fingering herself and it's completely normal Jerking off is only harmful when it interrupts with other activities, but beating your meat once in a while doesn't affect you negatively whatsoever
Isaac Lewis
This. Noporn honestly feels really good every time. It's weirdly satisfying, like eating your vegetables.