Impeach for what?

Maybe I’m slow, but what exactly are they going to impeach Trump for? There hasn’t been any indictment for collusion nor any other high crime or legitimate treason committed. As of right now, what in God’s name could they impeach him for?

Help me out /pol, what am I missing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

he's a meanie, obviously

>what am I missing?

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Because he's huwhite and smarter than them.

>indictment for collusion nor any other high crime or legitimate treason committed
Impeachment is a pipe dream without these

Inciting violence over Twitter

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...Orange. Orange!!! BLUMPFTPF ORANGE!!!!!!!

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Because orange man bad

Shhh sweetie, the adults are talking. Tick tock tick tock. The noose is tightening. Any day now. It’s Mueller time. Sweet summer child, bless your heart.

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There are idiots, and there are useful idiots.

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Russia collusion is fake (it was an Israel collusion, but they don't have the guts to say it), so what is the excuse?

You believe a corrupt government operates legitimately.
>Maybe I’m slow
ok let me spell it out for you.

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Yeah, that doesn’t help.

But are you actually implying that the buffoon from the OP pic is somehow in on the deep state? I’m really asking what any thinking civilian might think he’d be impeached for.

add a beard and that would look like Ricky Gervais

they could do it only for a show, knowing that the Senate won't go along with it, they can grandstand. .

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Nothing. They have nothing to impeach Trump for. They use words to elicit emotional reaction, not to accurately describe the world they live in.

This is what I’m afraid of. But I keep seeing old friends, very smart people, in my FB feed posting about impeachment. And I’m starting to wonder if it I’m the dolt.

I kinda want to go back to the 00s, when the left and the libertarians were the people with the balls to question the deep state. Now they’ve all gone cuck mode.

>irrelevant pic
>thinking civilian

i only write on the lines exactly what i mean, so trying to read in-between them is pointless.
those with the experience on the butt end of the law already know its rigged as soon as the cuffs are slapped on. Even if you are free and clear to go home after 2 days of "time served" waiting a trial, they purposely find you innocent to keep from having to make reports. It's all about money, lawyers, bullshit from left to right, who your friends are and who back stabs who. And what does it matter if they find anything in the current investigations they are ramping up? Impeachment is a process, not an end-result.
If they can make a big stinky mess in the press as some sort of excuse, 2020 elections will be theirs. This HAS happened before; twice in the past 50 years.

Corrupt governments do whatever they please.

They can impeach him for jaywalking. Impeachment isn't a matter of breaking the law, it is a matter of politics.

It's as simple as getting the votes in the house and senate, nothing more.

Your president has committed no crimes.
If he had done, we'd know about it already.
There'd have been a public show trial so that they could dismiss him and Pence if they had any grounds to do so on.
They don't.
"MUH IMPEACHMENT" is the latest in a long line of demoralization masquerading as news, and a lot of people are buying it.

He said bad words in a mean way. He was apologetically himself.

To that effect because it is about politics it should be treated as nothing more than politics.

Incessant insensitive tweeting!

because he hurt their feels

they're going to vote to impeach more times than they voted to repeal obamacare
they know it won't pass the senate but it gives them another chance to trash trump on TV

While it is true that they should have at least some evidence of a real crime that fact is they can impeach him if they don’t like his haircut since it is a political process. Of course this will precipitate CWII which a good number of us have been itching for so it would be suicide for them to proceed but they are dumb enough to do it.

The entire fucking government needs to be overthrown and rebuilt using the original constitution as the base. Things were fine until they started fucking with it.


[x] - White Skin
[x] - Male
[x] - Straight
[x] - Supports 2nd Amendment
[x] - Supports Border Wall

that's five strikes right there, enough for half of the nuts in Congress to impeach him

Someone post the nipples protruding trump bants

Was it a landslide victory that got Gerald Ford elected?
What was one of the very first things he did as POTUS?
What happened to Mike Pence, erm... i mean Spiro Agnew?
Corrupt governments do whatever they like.

This is completely wrong. How dare you smear this good website with untruths. There are specific criteria for impeachment.

Being a white male and stopping white ethnocide.

>If I keep saying theres no evidence of collusion that makes it true!

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Very disrespectful!
But to answer OP’s question, they want to impeach him for beating Hillary fist and foremost. He’s putting a stop to undocumented Democrats at the southern border and this absolutely will not do.
Were you looking for a legitimate reason? It doesn’t exist.

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>collusion is a crime
>democrats aren't also guilty of this non-crime
>demanding non-crimes be impeachable offenses
>having any evidence said non-crime even took place

Inb4 "muh rushuh lawyur", which by the way got her revoked visa approved by Obama's DoJ. Guess we need to start investigating Obama for Russia collusion.

>>If I keep saying theres no evidence of collusion that makes it true!

so, just believing that there is evidence even though there isn't makes it true? what kind of nigger logic is that?

>Obama for Russia collusion.
you can't investigate king, faggot nigger..that would be raysissississsisssiss! what are you? a raysissississsisss?

It's a process, and he's right. They vote it in as a proceeding. once it's started, it lasts a long time, takes up all the President's time, he gets nothing done, nothing passes, and even if they let him walk for whatever vote count it is at the end... his chances of re-election are seriously thin. HRC will be free, the wall will be stalled, etc.

There’s evidence sure. There’s also evidence that Santa Claus exists. And that Obama is a secret Muslim.

One thing that is a matter of fact is that you are a lot dumber than you think you are for posting that dumb shit.

Would still passionately fuck her desu

>Obama is a secret Muslim
i don't think that's it's such a big secret...

Firing Comey was textbook obstruction of justice, and corruption on a level never seen in American history. If Trump is not impeached, removed from office, imprisoned, and possibly executed, we are nothing but a banana republic and I pray God has mercy on all of us.


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Constitution allows impeachment for misdemeanors too.

>And that Obama is a secret Muslim.
Wait a moment...

Attached: 1540607496415.jpg (880x558, 46K)

You got me.
>secret Muslim
It wasn't secret.
It also wasn't secret that Michael is a tranny.

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we are already past that stage by the mere evidence that you can point it out. If Trump was able to arrest anyone, it's been two years. The only serious way anything will change is if you take that exact statement you just said, paint it on a sign and get 3 million people to march with you to Washington DC. The last time anything actually changed, was the Civil Rights Act and that's exactly how it actually got done.

>Firing Comey was textbook obstruction of justice,

the director of the FIB works at the discretion of the president....he's his BOSS and a boss can fire an employee.

ok good, you said it, and it's true. I believe you.

i'm waiting to see if there's any evidence...until then, THERE IS NONE! if there were, dirty cop mueller and his team would've leaked it by now...btw, show me the statute that makes collusion a can't ! there isn't one!
"tell vlad i'll have more flexibility after the election" said some homo, faggot , nigger that was COLLUDING with putin caught on a live microphone . that nigger isn't being prosecuted....

Nobody intelligent is dumb enough to buy into the impeachment nonsense, it's been 2 years of the Dems chasing their tail and making a show of it.

>Corrupt governments do whatever they please.

>Were you looking for a legitimate reason?
good question

>we are nothing but a banana republic

>The last time anything actually changed, was the Civil Rights Act and that's exactly how it actually got done
so we can either march to make something happen or just sit and larp, waiting for some savior to make things happen.

i think you hit the wrong user, user.
But he said....
to which i replied:
ok good, you said it, and it's true. I believe you.

to whi

>Civil Rights Act
the biggest fucking scam foisted upon the citizens of this country.....i needs to be gotten rid of!

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>i think you hit the wrong user, user
sorry for the friendly fire...but these fucking tools, with their made up laws and constitutional "knowledge" just make my blood boil.....

FUCKING HELL JUST READ THE NEWS YOU DAFT MORONS!!! Why the fuck is this board filled with such stupid trash? I bet most of you are dumbass guys who don't even keep up to date with what's going on. Must be hard to with literally zero friends. Trump is a Russian agent, when this all blows open you guys are going to look so goddamn stupid, it's going to be amazing. I hope we ban the Republican party once it gets purged.

i knew those who ran the nation were a bit
fruity but this is getting out of foot and mouth.

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i'd love to call you newfag or some shit
but it'd be kinda pointless.

unapologetically neck yourself, newfag

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Is this the motherfucking congressperson?
That's right, she's fucked her mother. Now she's after you.

racist loser

I hope they and the traitor repubs in the senate do it. Basically Trump's next big gaffe.

>muh CNN!!

memefag newfag obvious a moe
gtfo sandnigger

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they're going to IMPEACH THE MOTHERFUCKER because your dick is tiny, OP

That’s what’s killing me. I know these people aren’t stupid. One of the biggest impeachment-monkeys on my FB feed is a GOP appointed prosecutor in a Western state. Haven’t really had the balls to ask him what I’m missing. So I ask /pol.

>reddit spacing
But I'm the newfag? fucking hell this board was so much better when they knew Trump was a puppet.

Obama youth... weened on the nipples of black rule

Which news item? The Manafort conviction for tax fraud 10 years ago? The Flynn process crime? Cohens Stormy payoff? These prove collusion how?


You can’t answer because you haven’t even ask that question yourself. You’re not intelligent enough to question anything.

I’m so old, I remember when Dems were the anti-authority types. Wasn’t that long ago either.

.era uoy tahw dna ohw yltcaxe gniwonk rewop emosewa ym ot leenK .tuo detniop
ydaerla i sa reggindnas gafemem gafwen eht er'uoy ,sey

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Do you seriously think that Trump became a Russian agent over night? Of course it has to take places of decades for someone to be trained and brought out to the light. Moron, Trump surrounded himself with people who are connected to Russia.

>reddit spacing
>thinks he's clever for typing backwards
>replies to an obvious troll
Fuck this is why this website went to shit, you redditfags can't help yourselves but give low quality posts (you)'s every time.

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Is this a male or a fat lesbian? Legit can't tell.

and yet here you are cucking your reddit words
advertising for them
>Muh CNN!!!
proving you're a Daesh nigger, oh...
as if you were clueless... right...
you being here for a whole two days.
Look at all your memes, memeflag
Everyone knows why you can't meme.

Attached: aoc_will_be_hung_for_treason_as_daesh.png (1267x1203, 2.14M)

(You) faggot

>and yet here you are cucking your reddit words
Yes I changed it from retard because that would have made it too obvious I was trolling.
>advertising for them
I was calling you out because you are one, you can't even format correctly on this site.
>Muh CNN!!!
What? Are you still seriously trying to argue with me? I make an obviously kiked post and you take the bait so hard you're still trying to argue, that's incredible. KYS nigger, you guys shit up this site.

Attached: 1512838553511.jpg (717x880, 141K)

Are you able to argue without the speculation? Or are you so intellectually obese from hanging out with your dorky friends that you never learned how?

Trump-as-Russian-agent is not currently a matter-of-fact in the real world. Despite what CNN has told you, it just has not been proven. So you can’t build your arguments around that if you want to be taken seriously.

fuck off and die you sand nigger apologist.
you think i believe you bullshit story?
Fucking daesh always the same shit, different day.
You call a stolen photo a meme. You've been here a total of two days max. You couldn't even lift the original photo, derp.
Take the bait, bullshit, faggot sandnigger.
We kill your kind, and you know that for a fact.
All your bullshit about Trump. You don't know jack shit about Trump.

Attached: cnn_daesh.png (762x393, 78K)

Threatening the deep state

I can't believe idiots still believe in this "muh impeachment" pipe dream. Even if Trump does get impeached by the House he cannot be removed from office unless the Republican majority senate votes to eliminate him with a 2/3 super majority vote. The chances of this happening is 0.0% for fucks sakes. The whole charade might make the deranged #resist Dem faction happy and stomp around the streets screaming "orange man Hitler" for a few months (which is nothing new) but when all is said and done absolutely nothing will change - Trump will remain in office. The net effect of it all would more likely be a backlash against the Dems for embarking on this power grab farce while unwittingly playing into the Trump war on media and fake news, only energizing his largely forgotten base and making him stronger in 2020.

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They're mad that "hackers" got into the DNC emails and exposed that Hillary and Donna Brazil rigged the debates against Bernie Sanders so she would win the primary. The charge is that Trump colludded with these "hackers" to rig the election by revealing how hillary rigged the election.

I wish I was joking
Fucking sandnigger.

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Been wonder what Gibbys been up to

Any day now. Dumpy will be in prison. I can guarantee you Don Jr. will be in prison by the end of the year 2018

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The leaf is correct. The Democrats need 20 Republican Senators and Mitt Romney to make impeachment anything besides a dead letter. What is known so far is not going to convince 20 senators to give up their careers.
>but secret evidence
Doesn't hurt Trump or it would have leaked
>but tight-lipped Mueller don't leak
He isn't alone and the CIA, Justice, and State all leak like an open sewer whenever there's something that partisans think they can spin to hurt Bad Orange 45.
>but Mueller will prove collusion
Not when he's running away from every "Russia" link to 2016. He's never interviewed Assange or Wikileaks. He didn't interview Vesselnitskya. He let Mifsud flee the country and disappear. Last but certainly not least, there's Carter "The Russian Superspy" Page who's a free and unindicted man even after the NSA spent a year straight spellunking his anus. Flynn is broke and plead out after two phone transcripts, but Page with his 4 FISA warrants(at least 270 days of solid, actionable intelligence) gets a pass? Russian collusion goes much deeper than most of America understands....

Mueller is Putin's guy.