Definition of Trans

Have transfolk finally agreed upon what it means to be trans?

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shameless self bump with a cute trap

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It means they get the rope. Where taking back America!! MAGA

New rule: the courts shouldn't try to regulate or rule on anything they don't understand

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Entirely possible and provable that a tiny, tiny minority of people are born with indeterminate sex, others may have inclination to identify strongly with other sex due to hormonal states or socio-environmental factors.

Even quite happy to address trannies by preferred he/she depending on circumstance for the sake of politeness, expedience and not giving someone with issues any more weight to bear. FINE.

But the definition of trans is basically like all Marxian concepts - deliberately Unicorn, undefinable, changeable, circumstantial. The present one is that trans women are social women, carry some 'essence' of woman that is indelible to women despite the obvious sexism of this belief and the diversion of the 32390832098 Unicorn subgenders. I have difficulty assimilating this into my logic circuits. Reject pending further evidence, or giving a shit... Forcing me to believe it on pain of being unpersoned unpicks my first two assertions and it's time for the FLAMMENWERFER

they'll eventually couch it in non-binary because its "inclusive language". If they don't, furries will be the next to come out of the woodwork as an oppressed minority. Non-binary as you can tell is just not male or female which is dumb because instead of telling you I ate my partners shit for dinner I can just tell you is not a non-steak dinner

No, you're a bigot and you need to go to jail for not validating my fetishes. The suggestion is destroying visibility for men who like injecting silicone into our nuts.

To think that this curious and stunning market is still in it's infancy. The only limit is our imaginations.

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The majority of trannies are pedophiles and sometimes serial killers.

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Legally define the word: Understand.

They can't define "man" or "woman," but Slate says they can define the trans experience.

Hopefully there will be a screening test a child can have so the trans can be pumped full of blockers before they can grow up into AGP tampon fetish troons. That or gas chambers. Some of these freaks need to be treated like we treat sex offenders and chemically castrate them.

>One of these days they'll be able to prove it's more than just a learned behavioral disorder.

>Some of these freaks need to be treated like we treat sex offenders and chemically castrate them.
What's the point? Why do we tolerate this?

Did anyone figure out who this is?

the point is so they don't go on to do more degenerate things. Like I said, gas chambers unironically for those beyond salvation.

I have literally no proble with this as long as she never becomes a taxpayers financial burden. Cut your dick off and stick toothpicks in your eyes as much as you want. But I refuse to pay for it

That fucking pic.


u tryna smash?

>the point is so they don't go on to do more degenerate things.
So we take away a piece of their humanity because it's more convenient for us and somehow more morally correct than just euthanizing them.

40% of them have a pretty killer identity already.

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The ideal would be screening it out before birth, and aborting those with dysgenic traits. There is probably slim chance of chemically castrated contributing something positive to society.

You fellas are looking at this whole tranny problem the wrong way. I live in liberal Massachusetts and shits already getting weird here, but that's the best part.
I got a story about earlier this week. I go to a bar with my coworkers for lunch break. The place is a little hipster type bar with good and a small area for music shows. After a few beers and a shot of tequila it's time to drain my dick. I walk over to the bathrooms and instead of "MENS" or "WOMANS" on the doors, they have little signs that read "Stalls" and "Stalls and Urinals" so I go into the "stalls" room and piss all over the seat and toliet paper. I cant wait till there's a band I wanna see go there. I'm gonna spend the whole time in the "Stalls" bathroom listening to chicks blow ass with a band I like as background music. 2019 rules!!!!

Why not allow trannies in the military? Namely in the cannon fodder brigades? Seriously, why aren't we sending useless eaters to the front like King David?

What the fuck are with all these threads im seeing about trannies? Is this JIDF?

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They don't get deployed on the front lines, they just work desk jobs and virtue signal on twitter.

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