Ever wondered why so many people have problems with sleep? not enough/too much/cant sleep/cant wake up?
Its because basing sleep off of 24 hour days is not natural. ~8 hours sleep and 16 awake consistently is not natural. People think its because of the sun, they think 24 hours of day and then night is what our monkey bodies are supposed to tune our sleep to. But the fact is, humans have evolved throughout periods of completely different sunshine amounts/hours of sunshine. And like everything else in the human body, it has learned to be mostly self-regulating.
I think if you discard the thinking that you must sleep every day, at least 8 hours, and be consistent.. you will find positive results. For instance, about a year ago I did this. I simply stayed up until I couldn't anymore, then slept until I didnt want to be in bed anymore. This has resulted in my body tuning itself to what I can best describe as a 1.5 day "hunters" schedule. I usually am awake anywhere from 20-30 hours, followed by 10-12 hours sleep. These numbers vary slightly, but not by much. Either way, I am awake for more hours then I am asleep more than any other time in my life.. by far. I also feel better and more alert.
I do feel sorry for you if you are forced into the unhealthy sun sleep cycle due to not being self employed. I also feel sorry for you if you cannot or will not test this for yourself because you are a member of the "circadian melatonin mysticism church". Nothing matters except your body telling you when you are tired and when you are no longer tired.
If you are staring at screens all day and not active, your sleep will never self regulate my good friend.
James Butler
Ya I don't buy the "6-8 hours is optimal" shit sleep scientists like to push. Some people need 10-12 to function properly and the elderly barely sleep. The body's need for whatever amount of rest is more convincing than some set number for all.
Jeremiah Torres
10-12 hours of sleep should accompany more than 24 hours of being awake IMO otherwise you are just sleeping half of your life and there may be underlying medical conditions that need attention before fixing sleep.
Connor James
Its hormone imbalance from xenoestrogens and shit like aluminum in deodorant.
Take pregnenolone to balance hormones. Research it first though
Angel Jones
I don't care about any of that, I just want to be able to sleep for 3 months at a time like other mammals can. Fuck winter.
Asher Gutierrez
I would not recommend taking pharmaceuticals unless you have an urgent life threatening condition that will result in imminent death without intervention. After exhausting all other possibilities. I certianly wouldnt recommend fucking around with your hormones using anything other than habit modification and diet.
Parker Turner
Lucas Wright
That will fuck up your sleep right good. Also certain games are bad for certain people. I can't play word games because my brain likes them so much that it starts playing them somewhere in my brain when I'm trying to sleep. Instead of real dreams I'm just kind of playing the game.
This was a problem for me starting like 15 years ago, before smartphones
Jeremiah Campbell
Glycine helps me fall asleep
Caleb Martin
Its not pharmaceuticals. Its a hormone precursor. Your body makes it anyway and then turns it into whatever hormone you need. Your hormone balance gets knocked off due to cleaning products and shit in meat and all sorts of stuff
Evan Carter
Was it available to cavemen? I wouldnt recommend it then.
Wyatt Robinson
yes goyim continue sleeping, yes in the meantime i'll harvest your organs and bring syrians and niggers to europe like the jew i am muhahahaha
Jacob Moore
Yes - your body produces it naturally. Cave men didnt spray shit on themselves and eat McDonalds and shit
Liam Cook
I guess it works the same way with food: if your body is regulated it doesn't follow a fixed schedule to feed.
Ryder Baker
Ok..... Well let me rephrase it for you, prevention is better than treatment in most cases. Nearly all cases.
Christopher Clark
I am explaining ways in which I was able to sleep less. Less sleep and better well being.
William Clark
>prevention is better than treatment Sure. So youre gonna not eat and drink and clean yourself or your environment?
Jaxson Hernandez
Sleepings good tho
Dylan Martin
I think diet is an entirely different thread topic. One that you are smart to investigate for sure. I am talking about sleep only. Obviously sleep is influenced by many other factors, but i am sticking to the amount and time with which to discuss currently.
Jayden Gonzalez
1 sleep of 4-5 hours 1 sleep of 2 hours Feels good man
Samuel Cooper
If it feels good.. great! Its all about listening to your body. For me, i have settled on the 1.5 dayish pattern as described.
Asher Wilson
>I usually am awake anywhere from 20-30 hours, followed by 10-12 hours sleep. What are you “hunting”? pixels on computer screen? Lay off the video games DUDE!!!!
Levi Lopez
I sleep 4/5 because job + kid and I feel like trash all the time
You fucking poltards lied to me, having children is not based is a nightmare and not worth it
Caleb Nguyen
It was a (possibly poor) analogy. However, i think humans are always on the hunt for something, that is their wiring.
Ian Cooper
Check your 23andme if you've the short sleeper gene.
Tyler Bell
Just use cbd
Jeremiah Perry
Evolutionary speaking, since you have reproduced, your childrens well being now takes precendent over your own. This is a bad thing only if you wish it to be.
Jackson Butler
I kind of noticed this too. When I was a student at university and didn't pay too much attention to the lectures, I would automatically have this 26-28 hours day with about 9-10 hours of sleep. This resulted in a shift of my night/day schedule (in terms of 24h) such that sometimes I'd make a complete "roundabout", where I could be awake at 5 a.m. with the best rest possible.
Daniel Thomas
Nolan King
I dont see how you can be so preoccupied with this? I go through the day, get tired around midnight and lay down to relax. fall asleep and wake up between 6-10hrs of sleep. Rinse repeat. I've known people that do the stuff you do and I'd like to hear you after 3-5 years of doing this. You're fucking yourself up and the reason you're 'feeling better' is because you forced your body into a modus of despair. You managed to make your body and brain think they NEED to be awake for 20-30hrs, so all fibers in your body are helping you with this. It's exhausting! That's why you need the 10-12hrs sleep afterwards and yes ofc you'll feel great after this because you finally give yourself what you needed.
Stop trying to be this special snowflake fool or face the consequences in a few years time. You'll grow old, really really fast.
your wife is doing a shitty job if the kid is keeping you up at night
Lucas Adams
Yes. I find this as well, and its terrible if you are one that must function with the sun sleep cycle society for sure. Otherwise it works quite well.
Benjamin Clark
I honestly cant blame her, he sleeps even less than me.
Thomas Robinson
Are you working out every day. Doesn't need to be much. But a good hour of stretching and movement is good
Thomas Martin
If your baby isn't sleeping enough then your wife is doing something wrong. She is not feeding him enough or correctly, she is not changing him enough, she is not spending enough time with him. She is probably neglecting him intentionally or not.
Get her to sleep with the kid in a recliner. She shouldnt leave his side
Easton Richardson
It's true and I found the same results, about 20-30 hrs awake and 10 - 12 asleep.
Matthew Thompson
Worse than the sleep jew, is the air jew. Have you stopped to think how much energy your lungs cost you?
Brandon Powell
You know that until about 100 years ago, people didn't sleep 8 hours a night. They slept for a little while then woke up in the middle of the night for a few hours then slept a few more. Before this they might have been doing differently. Electricity and the standard work week brought about the 8 hours of sleep standard.
Juan Morgan
i think you are on to something, i have been doing this on the weekend
Isaac Martinez
I do this sometimes and I find day 2 of being awake is my most productive time.
Nicholas Cruz
If it works, and you are sleeping less and feeling better overall.. that is good.
But like , its different for everyone, we each self regulate differently depending on personal situations.
The key is to listen to your body when it is tired or not. Im happy you have found something that works for you friend.
Landon Miller
Europeans are still hunter-gatherers biologically and even if we were closed in a basement 24/7, our minds would be still be that of hunters.
I don't get naturally tired enough unless I do 6-8 hours of physical activity. Which very rarely happens. When I try to force myself to sleep, it can take up to 2-3 hours to get sleep. No, I'm not playing with my phone in bed or anything stupid like that.
The natural human rhythm seems to be ~26 hours.
Brayden Roberts
I forced nothing on my body like you imply. If anything, i completely have in to my body and what it has been screaming at me to do.
Grayson Reyes
It's not some evil Jew sleep cycle. People don't get enough sleep because they don't get off their fat ass and work hard enough to actually be tired.
Exercise daily or work a manual labor job and you will sleep like a baby.
>work grave shift >have no schedule >sleep 4 hours one day 15 the next JUST
Leo Richardson
>If it works, and you are sleeping less and feeling better overall.. that is good.
only on the weekend. being a wage slave during the week is suffering
Adrian Russell
sleep when you are tired. eat when you are hungry.
Eli Jackson
I'm the same way but I have chronic fatigue. I could tell you how many hours I slept without counting them, if I get less than 6 it's like being drunk all day. But thus is life
Henry Ward
I’ve been sleeping 6 hours and get up before my alarm lately. Pretty good
Alexander Taylor
More important is to turn of the screens. Every moron I hear complaining about sleep watches TV for 3 hours before bed and then goes and watches another hour of TV in bed and somehow never figure it out.
Jose Reed
When I was working a normal nine-to-five I would awake at 9:00-10:00 the night before to start the week, push it back a couple of hours each day until I was waking up at the latest time possible to not be late, then start the process over again the following weekend.
I haven't kept a 'traditional' sleep schedule since I was like 13.
Noah Ramirez
>stayed awake until I couldn’t any more. Slept until I couldn’t any more. That’s me. But the doctors are of a different opinion to you. They tell me that I will either have heart failure and die or go get dementia. Doesn’t do much for my appearance or energy levels either. I’m just to lazy to go to bed. If I’m playing a game I’m playing a game. If I’m posting shit I’m posting shit. Ain’t got time to sleep. My old buddy sleep psychosis kicks in and it tells me sleeping is wasting time.
heres what I've found follow this and get good sleep. 1. blue lights on your screen mimic the sky during the day and trick your brain into staying up although this effect might depend on the person. 2.if your not tired at night, your'e not getting up and moving enough in the morning. very important has the most effect from what I've seen, if you move around and exercise in the morning you'll be tired and worn out at night. 3. melanin does not work, this is because melanin does not make you feel sleepy its the chemical the brain releases that tells your body to release all the other chemicals that make you sleepy. its a chemical flare nothing more and if anything has the potential to fuck you up worse. 4. onions really do seem to help you sleep although I'm not sure how much, sometimes nightshades can make it hard for some people to sleep. 5. sometimes people can have sleep anxiety, this is actually a form of performance anxiety, don't think about not getting sleep, I've actually had good success consciously thinking that I'm going to stay up all night and get NO sleep. sends me to sleep real good, also try reading boring ass shit, and remember have a routine to build those Pavlovian responses.
>sometimes people can have sleep anxiety Jesus H Christ, people have a medical condition excuse for everything. Just exercise and work hard.
James Perez
I do the 10 hours of sleep through the week.
Lucas Powell
>(((doctors))) Follow the NPC schedule, goy! Otherwise your heart will fail and you'll get dementia! Possibly fibromyalgia and a prolapsed rectum, too!
Robert Hall
Your acting like what you’re threatening is a meme?
its not a medical condition just a sort of frame of mind. it's just a way of saying they work themselves up about not sleeping and end up not sleeping even more. that's it its just an anxiety surrounding the act of sleep.
Julian Kelly
Sleeping on your stomach with no pillow is the only healthy way to sleep.
Tyler Barnes
>Just exercise and work hard. Kindly fuck off. I fell for this meme "exercise at night it helps you fall asleep". Literally gave me insomnia.
Some of us have a hard time falling asleep and need to do weird shit. Stop being a retarded normie
Dylan King
How were your pulls for New Year's, fellow Grubble player?
Camden Ward
Yeah exercise before bed will keep you up. You should wind down for an hour first.
Camden Lee
try instead exercisesing and being active in the morning instead. I find less exercise per se but more being active. Like as soon as you wake up shoot out of bed and take a shower or do something. a good easy exercise when your tired is radio taiso. its just a quick calisthenics.
Henry Davis
Ian Morales
People cant sleep cause they dont have a routine, they eat shit with no nutritional value and dont work out.
Jeremiah Thomas
I am a stomach sleeper to but you should sleep on your back.
Samuel Cruz
>exercise at night You didn't fall for shit. You were too retarded to use good advice. Exercising at night is obviously horrible. You exercise GENERALLY and work hard and you won't be able to do anything but sleep by 9pm. You probably drink caffeine all afternoon too. >pic related will save you from your own self
I already found ways to deal with sleep. My main strategy is not sleeping at all if I have to get
Chase Robinson
its kinda funny it not only forces your body to wake up for the day but at night it kicks your dick in the dirt and its like your a kid again your just cant stay up.
Leo Carter
>exercise at night Oh, sorry, I didn't know that you were retarded.
Jace Murphy
how come that when i wake up in the early morning at the end of the day i feel exhausted but when i wake up "late" i can go 24-36 hours straight?
Adam Wood
>try to handle stress >don’t eat any carbs besides some vegetables >exercise 5-7 times a week >be in bed before 10:30 I did this for several months early last year and I felt superhuman. Got 7-9 hours of sleep a night and felt totally energized all the time. Also never got sick. I think the biggest difference was diet. Maybe I’m in the minority but I’m very sensitive to having too much carbs, it makes me very tired.
Charles Torres
>mfw when I do this with porn
Aaron Morgan
Pic of my eye
Does anyone else feel really energized and productive at night? Like 2- 5AM?
Also, I used to be filled with thoughts and could make conclusions and remember thing but ever since I started taking these vitamin D things my doctor prescribed to me my head was been completely blank - the same doctor told me 100 grams of sugar a day is what you’re supposed to consume, which made me lose all trust in her
Because people drink coffee and energy drinks all day long and then wonder why they can't sleep.
Isaiah Myers
i am always tired. I feel just as bad at 6 hours as 12. I sleep six because I never feel rested, but I naturally wake up around six hours of sleep. It's been two years now. I even tried melotonin. I slept longer, I didn't feel better.
Jayden Nelson
Bad for your neck.
Cameron Perez
Absolutely not. Not even gonna try and educate you, but once you are functioning properly you will not be spending more than 8 hours in bed sleeping.
Also, if you don't sleep on your back, you are subhuman.
ok. you can learn about 'modern' (its very old) biophysics here. youtube.com/watch?v=Z_FD-ehf3Vs jack kruse is the master of the 'sleep jew.'
Lincoln Rodriguez
I moved away from the city and artificial lights. No street lamps. No cars going by. Just darkness after 5:30pm right now. My sleep schedule just immediately updated itself. I used to go to bed at 1am and get up at 7:30 for work. Now I'm in bed at 9:30 and up at 6am. And on weekends I wake up with the sun. It's been phenomenal for me. I've lost weight, gained muscle, and feel more energized than usual. Although I'll admit winter still has me in slow mode for sure. It's almost like camping. Where you're around the fire and feeling groggy, then you look down and realize it's 8:30pm and wonder how the hell time is passing so slowly.
Ayden Baker
What about sungazing? I'm going to try it, starting with just 10sec and then keep adding upto a few minutes. People talk about having better sleep and wake cycle from it and also cures the myopia plague.
Brandon Robinson
don't look directly at the sun. look towards it for 10-15 minutes, and if its warm outside, also go barefoot on your lawn as you do this.
check the video I linked above, it really is simple science. The properties of light at different times of day align your sympathetic and parasympaethic nervous system, but many others factors are important, also.
Ian Lewis
>Student >Usually sleep from 4-5am to 1pm How fucked am I ?
Colton Wright
Yea thanks I'll check it out.
Justin Price
holy shit, OP. I've been doing my 28 hour days for about a year. I have far more productivity than my peers. Cheers.
Josiah Foster
I can do 24 hours awake, but that really wears on me. For me, 8 hours of sleeping and 20 hours of being awake works best.
Ayden Green
Stare as long as you can at once. When it starts to really hurt, that means you're gonna get superpowers, so keep staring.
Jose Johnson
Circadian rithm of humans is a bit longer than 24 hours.