Where were you when you realized the Luciferian elite is made up of countless transvestites?

Where were you when you realized the Luciferian elite is made up of countless transvestites?


Watch this video. All you have to do is look at the photos he presents and judge for yourself. All of those queens, princesses, and "female" CEOs are OBVIOUSLY MEN.

There's this cute asian chick who runs another channel about this subject, you can probably find her by searching Transvestigations.

I'm not fucking kidding. This is so real it hurts. And they learned how to hide it better with hormones and plastic surgery around the time television became mainstream. But these photographs are self-evident, and plenty of the modern examples do not pass AT ALL.

Please discuss.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>the Luciferian elite is made up of countless transvestites

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>the Luciferian elite is made up of countless transvestites

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Yup. For what it's worth Mich(elle/ael) is pretty adorable, monstrosity that she is.

Sorry my bad

and for what reason?

I'd have to explain the Saturn cult to you and it's really bothersome. Are you asking because you don't believe or because you really don't know why they would?

If the former, look at their brows in the early examples. If you can't tell they're men just by glancing, their square non-angular brows are a dead give away.

If the latter, because Luciferians/Saturn worshippers believe in doing everything backwards and hate everything human, good, and natural. It's a cultural thing you wouldn't understand if you think they live by ANYTHING we consider normal.

You need to understand that objective evil exist. And by that, I mean there are people whose objective is to intentionally be evil. Partly a byproduct of a Machiavellian environment, partly a byproduct of ancient Babylonian culture which is based on existential materialism and consciously, purposefully spitting in the face of God.

Seriously look into it. There's a world of info on this. You'll figure out what's true and what's speculation by finding different sources that corroborate each other.

Some may be men.
Others are just plain ugly hags.

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I'm convinced at least half of those are definitely men. Ugly dysgenic hag is reasonable, no doubt, but the trans factor is too real for me.

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Who dis? One of the Bushes?
Yikes. Like I said a lot of these do not pass at all. Like they took some random fuckers from /v/ and dolled them up.

There are people in this world dumb enough to believe this bullshit

Fucking look at the early pre-television examples you absolute numbskull.

I always thought young Ozzy looked like a pretty girl. Also love this song. This live version has a totally different feel. It's so heavy.

People need to look more into Crowley. His connections were everywhere among high society. He influenced Luciferians for generations to come. Aquinas also comes to mind. They both contributed to MK Ultra ideologically.

When you give yourself to evil, your children get very bad genes, in one cumdrop you have a bilion sperm, the evil ones get the evil dysfunctional recombinations to hit the egg.
These genes are always carrying inversions.

This is true, heres a phenotype that has intergenerational cruelty

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Kys juden


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I have come to see this as true more and more. It makes me feel like a nigger hating on whitey. But that's gotta be more conditioning.

OK, some of those really look like guys, but was this something to do with passing titles?

Google queen Emma of Denmark. Look at any early royal wedding photos. Shits crazy

>These genes are always carrying inversions.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if this is scientifically true. Nothing's shocking, anymore.

It’s Chuck Schumer’s wife. Husband. Whatever.

I'm not sure what you mean, and honestly the exact details aren't something I'm confident about yet. I've had a glancing interest in the Saturn cult and the Luciferian elite for a while now, but it wasn't until fucking today that I took the trans rumors seriously.

That's how it is with conspiracies. They're obviously contradicted by what you know about the world --- until you realize they're all true and you've been lied to so much nothing you believe is real.

Brings a whole new meaning to Cuck Schumer.

To unleash Shiva, the destroyer.

Women now base their standards off trannies. Hence why all women are fucking up their eyebrows. They are emulating trannies in appearance and behaviour.

Masculine women are not attractive to men.
Feminine men are not attractive to women.
Ever wondered why male celebrities are all such utter faggots? Cus they are FTM.

like they don't want sons to fight for the crown or want daughters to marry off. Also might make them easier to control

Queen Elizabeth I, when she was born they announced she was a boy then decided they had made a mistake. Gender inversion is apparent even in tutor portraits

Hermes and the Hermaphrodites

The Return of Ishtar

The Noahide World Order

The Age of Androgyny

AGE OF DECEIT - The TRANSagenda + Breeding Program (FULL Version)

Many of you will find this difficult to accept. You have been trained to worship Canaanite trannies.

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That's fucking bizarre. I guess memory holing has existed since forever.

>Many of you will find this difficult to accept.
I don't know if I should weep for them, pull my hair out and scream, or just put as many people out of their misery as possible. God have mercy on us all.

Holy Fuck

(((Iris Weinshall))

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This. They are all MTF of FTM. Look at the skeleton.


eeeeh don't go after the danish queen, she is the only proper european nobility and she was qt 13.14 back then

They look like men without doubt, that or aliens, but definitely not female. Good find.

>I'd have to explain the Saturn cult to you
please Burger user, for us who are less informed tell us the Saturn redpill.

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op you're onto something
multigenerational incest, abuse, and gender reassignment. for centuries. all to please the god of this world (lower case g)

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I'm inclined to think that this has always been done

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Gosh I apologize, I have no energy to do such a thing right now. It's a massive subject. Check out Edge of Wonder on YouTube. They're ex-MSM journalists who are exposing the deep state, Cabal, Saturn worship, and more. They do a few episodes on Saturn, this is one of them:


I wish I had the energy to green text it all. I'll try to make that a goal of mine later. For now I just want to give this one last bump and get some rest.

Thanks to everyone in this thread except the gay memeflag guy. You've all proven to be capable of handling the truth. Let's try to make subjects like this a more regular thing here.

nice, will do appreciated.

Yes. The religion that practices it is over 5,000 years old and the elites are the direct descendents of its practicioners. I don't know how to reconcile Christ/the Bible with what I know about ancient history, but I definitely believe in God the Almighty Father and I know he transcends the lord of this world.

Happy huntin' hombre.

They always push the trannies on Jow Forums

Maybe time to take a second look at Trump
Not just a kike puppet

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Also wow I'm dumb I glanced over "travesti" the first time. Nice catch, that's no mere coincidence.

Jews believe a tranny jew is superior to a normal jew because he has YWHW and Shekinah.

I've heard the rumors Trump and Melania are a tranny pair, too. I definitely think Trump is our best hope right now, but I'm always willing to flip my worldview upside down if it means accepting the truth.

This reminds me of that time I read a pasta about Kurt Cobain and Love being a tranny couple raised by a Saturn cult. They have 9/11 symbolism in one of their videos and all sorts of shit.

This shit is sick. Did they really think they'd get away with it? That the whole world wouldn't find out? More people are catching on than ever. We must give them the death they so obviously crave.

solve et coagula, elites attempting to reach "godhood" goes through fusing both genders

This reminds me of how men have thicker bones, and how estrogen is supposed to prevent bone degradation so women can compensate. Put a man on estrogen and now you have the best of both worlds in terms of bones. I wonder if there are other weird little things like that?

My Dad has been complaining his whole life about skinny female celebrities.
Unconsciously he was calling this out all the time. Can't wait to show him this shit.

These videos I've posted above fill me with disgust. Some of the hardest conspiracy videos to watch, make me uncomfortable.

/\ = male
\/ = female
put them together

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Wow, it's like a couple of $0y boys discovered the truth and made faggy videos about it.
>we the mainstream now

>/\ = male
>\/ = female
>put them together


WOW. Nice. NICE catch.

Jesus. Also I'm watching your first vid atm. I've been thinking Ocasio-Cortez looks like a dude for days but didn't think too deeply about it. It's all so obvious now.

Yeah they're kinda cringy sometimes but they are the ultimate redpill source for normies and their information is always comprehensive. They're too nice for my jaded ass but I appreciate the accessibility of their work. Wonder if they'll delve into the tranny subject?

I tend to think of christ as a rebellious figure who attacked the elite priesthood with truth and love, a lot of course is metaphor but it's as true as the truth that is in your heart and once you make the transition from atheist to rational acceptance of the fact that as humans we know only what little enters our consciousness through our somewhat feeble senses then you begin to realise that the rejection of religion is kind of ignorant and that the rejection of your inherited faith is churlish and arrogant

`I approve but my /polness can't allow me to be less than cynical

>I've been thinking Ocasio-Cortez looks like a dude for days

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you think spotting jews everywhere is weird 'they live' shit?
wait til you start spotting crypto sodomite temple prostitutes everywhere

For those that don't know, Sabbatai Svei seems to be responsible for the current satanic faction, he was succeeded by Jacob Frank who teamed up with a Rothschilde and created the "illuminati"
Also Sabbatai was particularly keen on satanic inversion which is seems to me our elite are trying to accomplish on a mass scale
Also the links between the Frankists and the Frankfurt school

Secret History of Sabbatai Zevi Messiah of 1666
The Jewish Antinomian Origins of “Cultural Marxism”
Richard Wurmbrand - Was Karl Marx A Satanist? (Or A Sabbatean-Frankist/Kabbalist?) (Narration)

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very interesting links thanks

it's just satanic crap

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The ride truly never ends. I've been in They Live mode all year, whether they wanna call themselves jews, Luciferians, globalists, or straight up demons.

Nice. Thanks, this will help me argue these points to my friends better. They seldom do the research and it's a total pain in the ass paraphrasing for them like I have it all figured out. Sigh.

I'm on the Trump video right now. "This guy kinda hangs out with everybody doesn't he?" He sure does... That said, if it weren't for Q corroborating conspiracies I was already into, I wouldn't be here losing my fucking mind over this tranny shit.

You know what? I choose Christ. I can't say I believe in the Bible, but I definitely believe in God. And that... Thing... On the right, Baphomet, sure as hell isn't God.

I will find a way to reconcile my Vedic perspective on God with Christ. I think they are very compatible. I wish Christ would appear to me in the flesh so I could talk to him. I have so many questions. I refuse to trust the Bible unless Christ himself confirms it to me in a way I can prove isn't a voice to skull hallucination.

Those presenters in that youtube video look and act like homosexuals.
The Qu'ran says homosexuals should be punished!
They would would be thrown from a tall building in KSA and maybe stoned in Turkey.
Whyyou post this, are homosexual faggot?

LOL. Yeah I suspect they're possibly gay, but you have to understand that even straight men act like that in America now. The Jews have completely destroyed us. I completely cut that shit out this past year, but back when I didn't know better I acted a lot like them.

Give them a chance because their information is comprehensive and well sourced. Also? Your Islam is just another form of Saturn worship. Sorry. The symbol of Islam is literally a known Saturn symbol.

vedic are left hand path and incorporate errors, if you distill it you will come to pure Logos ( Spirit of Christ)
.It so goes for everything else .

About the body of Christ you know, since it's human .

Also JESUS that is ballin'. I gotta visit Arabia some time.

You don't think for all the power and influence he had he couldn't afford a tuck buddy?

ffs they are all so obviously men

If you want to know more look up Tartars
think how much of a lie the last decade of mainstream media is
think how much of a lie the last century of history is
apply that to millenia

What if?

How The NWO Killed The Old World Order And The Fake History Of The Earth

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average greek girl.

>if you distill it you will come to pure Logos ( Spirit of Christ)
>.It so goes for everything else .
Agreed. I say I'm Vedic because Vedics are the closest thing to describing what I believe. Also because Vedic history lines up well with Sumerian history (though we call it lore). I pray to God a lot and I believe I have a good connection. He's affirmed to me that Buddhism isn't evil, or bad, but that Buddha's goal of liberation of Samsara is not meant for me. The early Christian Church acknowledged reincarnation as real. Therefore, I believe Samsara is real.

God doesn't want me liberated from Samsara, yet, because I am not ready. I still have many lives to live and lessons to learn from them.

But hey that's between me and God. I pray in earnest so I think I'll be ok. But talking to Jesus in the flesh would be really helpful.

>even straight men act like that in America now
Ok no problem, take them to square and shoot them like we do.

>The Jews have completely destroyed us
Ok no problem take them to square and hang them like we do.

>Give them a chance because their information is comprehensive and well sourced
Ok give them a chance, then to square and throw them off tall building like we do.

>Your Islam is just another form of Saturn worship. Sorry. The symbol of Islam is literally a known Saturn symbol.
Ok we build big starship and take square to Saturn and we use big RPGs.

Anymore problems I can help with my friend?
In return, you tell your President to nuke Israel. then we talk and build your wall.
Ok, thank you.

>why do Greek homosexuals grow moustaches
>so they can look like their mums

Thank you. I will certainly review this.

I hate to say it but I must rest now, gentlemen. I'll make a new thread when I wake up and link it back to this one so we can continue from here. I assume this will be archived by then.

My apologies for not being able to view those just yet. But it's moot for me to study with brain fog. Catch you based Anons later. It's been a great thread. I'm proud of you guys for keeping it high quality.

why were both tranny leaders of Denmark also leaders of Greece, I'm no map expert but isn't that shit pretty far from eachother? Something to do with debts?

Jesus you're freaking hilarious. Based arabanon

I like your Greek jokes.
They will be in Caliphate soon

If you look through the 4plebs archive for "saturn cult" there's an user with a German flag who does a great worship write up every couple of months. They're a couple posts long, you'll know it when you see it. In my experience it's easier to read this stuff then watch a video.

Eleanor was a bit of a linebacker as well.
(S)he might have been just be a high test female, though.

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Cyprus was a better place when it was all greek

so we have deal?
I can not have twitter to talk to president Donald.
You ask him to nuke israel and I say President Erdogan will give you good woman in Turkey for maybe 100Try or 20euros.
I spit on hand American burger.
God wills it.

>But talking to Jesus in the flesh would be really helpful.
you should read the earlhy church faters of the gerontikon of the desert and the lausaikon , they describe how apparitions happen and other miracles but the onditions,but a lot of faith and purity is needed , I have only seen very little,but in times of fervour things can happen, remember Christ

israeli huh ? prolly a mossad agent

I spit on my burger hand too. I like deal. We make deal.

>Cyprus was a better place when it was all greek
yes their women are easier to rape than muslim.

Just wanted to say thank you before I hop off. I'll be back after rest. Peace blessed user.

> prolly a mossad agent
No you cannot mossad the Assad, god wills it.

good I watch for tweets.
thank you.
Turkey is happy you leave Syria, now we can remove kurd into what you say oven and take land

Christ have mercy on us, user.

Uhhh HELLO! You've studied the vedas and you really can't find its connection to the Christ??

It's KRSNA my friend! Christ is an energy, a divine Presence that is sometimes made incarnate in the flesh when we've fallen out of guidance.

Christ existed before Jesus, the Jews and greeks were well aware of the christ and messiah (perhaps because some vedic teachings bled across the Iranian plateau and made it to the Mediterranean). Christ was an established notion long before Jesus, the question the jews raised about jesus was whether or not he was THE Christ, which they already believed in and acknowledged. A lot of these ideas were already known in the east, Jesus took these beliefs and brought them to the west, where they were able to synchronize with the authoritarian moral tradition of Judaism and the rational inquiry of Greek Philosophy.

Mind/Body/Soul = Trinity. Greek/Jew/Veda = Another trinity, each offering one of the three necessary paths to salvation

If they are not women, how come they have children? Princess Nicholas of Greece had 3 children.

Zoomers are too stupid and miseducated to comprehend that women used to look more masculine. I bet they look at photos of the old West and think "these are all trannies."

God commands all

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The thing about samsara is, who ever said the goal of life was to cease suffering? Samsara IS real, and buddhism is an accurate path to attain it, but in order to cease suffering you have to abandon your entire sense of identity and personhood. Is that truly the goal? To slowly vanish out of this world and contribute nothing to it? Abandoning your brothers and sisters in your selfish pursuit of peace?

If you want peace, neutrality, and calm, then buddhism is certainly a path to achieve it. But ask yourself, were you put on this planet to find calm? To become one with the way things were before you were here? What is even the point then?

Can you experience joy if you don't understand what it means to suffer?

ITT: obvious bulldykes.

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