Hey Jow Forums I could really use some help

Hey Jow Forums I could really use some help.
I went on vacation with my gf of 2 months and this was supposed to be when we finally had sex. When we got here we got real hot and heavy, and we almost did but I held off because I had a special evening planned. So that night after our dinner and stuff, I got the room ready, and we started again.
And I couldn't get it up.

I figure it was just the pressure of it all, combined with alcohol and her already getting me off earlier in the day. But fuck I was embarrassed. She said it wasn't a big deal and not to worry about it but I'm out of my head overthinking it and wondering it it means the end of us. We had built up to this so heavily and I feel like I let her down. I tried again the following night and she just didn't want to because now it felt "forced" and unnatural to her. I asked her if this had caused a rift between us and if we're okay and she said it's just sex, that there's no difference and that we're fine but my mind just sees issues where there are none. Every little thing she does or says now I see as loss of affection and interest.
How do I fix this? How do I get her to try with me again, or at least how do I calm down and not spiral my way into destroying our relationship over it? Do you guys think I seriously fucked up?

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Just chill out mate.
Don't get too drunk before sex and do no fap for a week, then try again.
And absolutely do not keep bringing this up because you're insecure about it, move on, seize the initiative and deliver the touch down.

I've already brought it up with her 2 times since it happened, I won't do it again but did I already fuck myself? I just feel so embarrassed. You think I should wait a few days before trying again or if I have the opportunity say tonight, should I go for it?

Don't be dumb. just calm down and give her some time. It happens dude and if she really cares for you it won't affect you in her eyes.

No, you're fine and you should wait a bit.
Keep the status quo going and plan a good old gay romantic night to make it up for her.

Stop being retarded, google term
>whiskey dick
and STOP BEING RETARDED. Besides women rarely ever cum from penetration alone. It is all about cuddling, foreplay and clit stimulation.

Now go and test out how many times she can cum under one hour. And no, she feels even worse than you about it
>i am so ugly he didnt even get boner

Foreplay foreplay foreplay!

You're right if she's not understanding then what good is she. Just wish it hadnt happened

Alright, good idea. Just hope it's not awkward between us from now til then, and that she'll actually want to try again.

I did tell her that it wasn't her, and that it was just me being nervous. I was actually hard when we started and during foreplay is when I lost it and it just wouldn't come back.

She's just been kinda affectionately/sexually distant since and I want the opportunity to make it up and try again but she doesn't seem interested/ is avoiding it. It's also entirely possible she's just tired from our vacation and I'm just paranoid and seeing problems where there aren't and should just trust her when she says things are fine between us. Who knows

She still wants to do it OP and she's probably worried about your dick, so stay strong and give it to her.
Godspeed OP.

You people are a fucking mess

As soon as she lets me, I'll get at it.

Just always been an overthinker and not gonna lie, relationship issues really make me paranoid. I've had a really Rocky past with girls leaving for stupid and minute reasons and so when something goes wrong between me and someone I'm with, yeah I tend to freak out. I don't feel secure entirely I'll admit that

You're not screwed dude you just need to relax. Women can notice worry and insecurity and it is a turnoff to them. You had your talk with her, she said she's fine, you have to understand the ball is in your court now, you made all the right moves. If something goes wrong from here that's on her, not you. So approach it like so. Next time you're alone together, take her, and try again. 1 bad dick night shouldn't destroy 2 months of emotional build.

She just seems different since then is all. Idk I feel like she's less affectionate since. And her actually avoiding trying again the second night bothered me a lot, her "legit" reasoning aside. This was supposed to be the week our relationship took the next step forward, and I just feel like I blew that opportunity.

Don't freak out bruh. It's gonna be fine, just wait a lil bit and try again. You're clearly overreacting

I know. Im calmer now and like I said im not gonna keep bringing it up or anything. I just have this pit in my stomach and she's not the best communicator so I just can't tell if it's really affecting her or not.

You guys have any idea how to initiate and get past this whole stupid "forced" shit she's on about? Or at least how to deal with the anxiety so I can get in an actually positive headspace?

>but I held off because I had a special evening planned
Just a different perspective OP. I don't mind being teased a little or a lot but when I am ready, I'm ready. For you to stop to go do whatever you ruin the climax and then expect hours later to work me up again only to disappoint me AGAIN I wouldn't give you another chance.

Really, what goes through you guys heads?

We didn't just stop there, we gave each other head at that point. What was going through my head was that I had a special dinner at an expensive restaurant and candles and gay romantic shit planned for her and idk I thought she'd like that more than just me being weak and caving in at that moment.

But I totally get that. It just in the moment felt like the right thing to do. I didn't plan on not getting hard later.....
I just need another shot to satisfy her, and I can and will I just had one fluke ya know. She just made such a big deal about our first time being special that I didn't wanna show weakness by just caving in the first shot I had.

you got a lot to learn about women then. while that romantic expensive dinner was your focus she was ready for intercourse and you didn't give. You over planned and sucked (pardon the pun) the spontaneity out of it. I'll say it again. You get me worked up you better FUCK me.

Well now I know for the future. I want to give to this girl and satisfy her I just need her to give me another shot now. Think I should just toss her on the bed next time I see her and work her up again?

>Think I should just toss her on the bed next time
whatever you do don't plan the whole thing out, let it be spontaneous but finish it. I'm not joking, its not an easy come down. I understand there are times you can be interrupted but to worry about your plans. If you take me away for the weekend and start me up you better fuck me sore.

I intend on it, hell I tried again the day after it happened, but she just wasn't into it. Was still "forced" to her. We're driving back home today I'll try when we get there. If she just lets me I'll show her the time of her life.

The absolute state of this board

>Someone goes to an advice board for advice when something goes awry
The horror

>Was still "forced" to her
well it probably seemed that way to her because you probably waited around all day till everything was over and got settled and then tried. Like a script.

Oh, you mentioned several times you didn't want to appear weak and why you stopped. Actually had you took her when she was ready she would have been on you all weekend.

I tried again midday when we had other plans in a bit. Look I'm not retarded I just made one stupid call. I get that spontaneity is important and I should've taken that shot I just thought she wanted something else. It doesn't mean I'm going to give up now

good luck then user