Fuck, I hate this country. The niggers here are some of the most retarded in the world and they think their pathetic existences mean something. There is no opportunity in this country with its shitty infrastructure. It's only a matter of time before this country goes to complete shit because of the niggers being stupid again. I need a way out. Who else here hates this country as much as I do.
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What would it take to bring all the whites from SA to the US?
Would they go for it?
I know how it feels to dislike your own country
Allow them to illegally immigrate, our system would never allow Europeans to come here the legal way. Plus we need more whites for the inveitable balkanization of America.
why is that flag literally penetrating our flag.
It's the Jews letting you know they intend to genocide your kin.
The saddest part is the niggers won't even care if the country goes to absolute shit. Only thing that matters to them is that it's "theirs", even if they're holding a literal turd.
>In South Africa
American education.
So Boers and Afrikaners aren’t people of European descendant? Or are you one of those people who agree with the Irish-American faggot that constantly spams SA threads.
It wouldn't fully work. Some of them are too proud of this nothing nation to leave and have land that they don't want to lose to niggers. It would be an easy way out for those that need to pretend to be nigger-lovers because of society.
We're seeing a big influx of South Africans here in Vietnam. Not a problem, you guys are welcome, come check it out and you might like it
>The niggers here are some of the most retarded in the world and they think their pathetic existences mean something.
Could be way way way worse mate.
t. grew up in zimbabwe
Look a retarded leaf what surprise
Can't believe I made it to the thread before
I hate that guy, does he not realize there are whites in places like Texas with even worse ancestry results? Even if it is true, 3% black/asian is literally nothing.
S.A. is a beacon for all self respecting black people in America. It is a symbol of their ability to succeed and more importantly, to succeed on their own. All black people should be immigrating from America to S.A., I say!
Organize and kill them. Its your country.
Yeah the Boers aren't of European descent... kys you are the reason leafs have such a bad name on here
Get fucked boer the time of white boys comes to an end.Now die already and make the world a better place.
You have to go back. Come home white man.
Europe / russia needs you
There is an idiot swiss family emigrating to SA.
I bet they will be back or dead in a year.
Move to southwest Florida like the rest of your friends.
True. Whites in sa are practically whiter than many mutt nations because they segregate so hardcore.
Remember this statement when the mainland comes to One China your ass and you'll be demanding white people protect you.
One of them wants to work in Mexico too? These people have a death wish.
Ironically enough, I'm a nigger myself that has come to realize what an inferior race we are
I am chinese already you subhuman brit, in a decade from now you will beg us to let you work in our country.
You dont even register at human more like wildlife than anything.
The globalist miners like it there. They get the mineral wealth for little in tax.
that's what you get for years of oppression and genocide of blacks
now its time for you to get a taste of your own medicine
i hope you enjoyed your apartheid while it lasted, white boi
the revolution is now
Rhodesia was given up as a colony to the USA
all your niggas are belong us
>I'm a nigger myself
yeah i doubt that
Pretty much how everyone else feels.
What do you find so funny brit animal?
Globalist miners from the USA made deals with the ANC . They helped them get into power for low tax on SA's mineral wealth.
>Move to one of the more mutted places on the planet
Fuck no, come to the Midwest or Northwest.
Why did you change flags mid-thread chinaman?
Because I can and I want? Now if you want to make a point start by getting some refugee cock in your mouth
look at this tiny dicked asian pussy. When whites rise up we will slaughter your weak race like the insects you are ;)
All they really need is there own ethnic enclave, like the Amish, German, and Native villages here.I think a small patch of arable land here is enough to get them going.
Although, I also heard Russia is providing refuge for White South Africans. I really wonder how that's going.
Z ero
I ntelligence
M ainly
B ecause
A ll
B loody
W hites
E vacuated
The pain of circumcision still causing you to hallucinate? Will it ever end? You can't just rage forever you know.
btw, what actually happened to your prepuce? Do they give to you in a little box or arc to take away with you at home time?
This is what I keep hearing about the oh so "powerful" white race but as we can all see in every possible point you are inferior, so you can act tough when you will be till then go on your knees Achmed needs his daily fellatio hour.
Yeah, no, absolutely wrong. I went to school there in the days of Apartheid (a white school), and there were plenty with 'niggers in the family woodpile'.
>This is what I keep hearing about the oh so "powerful" white race
That's what you get for listenning to jewish propaganda isn't it.
And that's what's making you sound like such a bitch.
You don't know the way out do you?
Must be hell.
You can talk down on me brit subhuman when you will be a great power till then keep your mouth shut little white boy.
Praying that China invades Taiwan and slaughters this faggot.
We dont need people, who made an antiracist traitor like de Klerk to their leading figure. Do you want Merkels cucks back like in the 40s?
I am Chinese already at worst they will give only a medal for helping them out.
Isn't SA practically Chinese now? They are being funded by them in the tens of billions. They are exporting their food to them. It just seems like the UN gave africa to china and we let them take the south china sea because shits going to hit the fan in a decade or so. Muh global warming and all that, it's the truth, they know major climate change is coming but want to control the narrative to be able to tax us for shit caused by the sun.
given that the term used in south africa is kaffir I'm pretty sure you're just the DNA test faggot
You're one to talk about genocide and oppression
>chinese pissed zambians off so much they got driven out
>chinese taking over the port of mombasa to in exchange for money
>hundreds of thousands of chinks flooding into south africa and taking over corporations and mines to funnel precious metals back to the middle kangdom
Chinks own half of africa
Today I was in the subway, going to work.
A fat niggeress felt onto me because she can not stand when the subway hit the brake pedal
Then she yells something at me in her language
Boomers tell me I should care more
Told him to fuck off I haven't done anything
Honestly thinking about leaving this city
Paris is now a shithole, no one want to stay
South Africa has always been a shithole, but to see your country to become one is very hurting.
It's leaving or doing a mass murder.
They will probably build one of those 50ft statues of you in honour of your powerful Jow Forums posts.
Then the subhumans will know of your powerful ways and you shall be emperor of all things.
'nigger in the woodpile' is not a South African saying. I don't know what the South African equivalent is, though there probably is one. Fok jou.
>I was in south africa
>but I use sayings from the american south with a confederate memeflag
No, "fok jou"
We’re coming for the land LOL
Then why don't you leave?
We need NGOs and a couple boats. We will pick them up and drop them off with our coast guard, Seems to work for other Africans.
>We need NGOs and a couple boats. We will pick them up and drop them off with our coast guard, Seems to work for other Africans.
It won’t work since South Africa still has a capable military.Plus you would be in violation of the Neutrality Act in the US and will most likely get stopped by the feds.
Come to Canada. We need you. It's cold in the winter but the growing season is fantastic. Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba is where you want to be. Y'all should just join the hutterites, that way they cant deny you entry cause religious minorities shit.
Oy vey, Canada No!
No. The answer is to send more white people to South Africa
Just went to the local spar to go get some chops:
>be me, walking along the street in sea point
>see nigs just sitting in a circle on the fucking pavement blocking it for eveyone in nig fashion.
>as I'm walking, I by mistake kicked a small stone from a plant bed in their direction
>I proceed to fling that little bitch by grazing it as I walked, causing it to shoot like fucking sharpenal.
>smacks alpa nog in back of head
They start all chimping out over a mistake
>'are you jas (colloquial world here for crazy/mad) jy poes, the fuck?'
>the nigs make the argument I must buy them a cool drink or give 20 bucks
My fucking face went from calm scared white boi to racist boer Kaffer killer in seconds.
>mfw that Literal apartheid mentality just showed itself, in the form of nigs wanting more handouts
Fucking neck me pls.
I'm tired of wagecucking
>In South Africa
>American education
No education
Saffers are high quality Europeans dude, we don't race mix a fortune here.
This is why jews will die.
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
they can take a page out of the NGO handbook transporting nigs into europe
>no safe harbour kek stop me fags
Just stage a few rowboating "incidents" while the boat responds to your "incident" whilst taking you to a safe harbour wich happens to be not in africa.
are there any majority boer enclaves left in SA?
want to visit but not deal with reparashion nigs
White guy in South AFRICA complaining about black people.
Kek.. it's like me going to China and saying. 'Fucking Chinese people, I can't stand them.'
Lolz... If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
>racist boer Kaffer killer
>sea point
LOL Jared you hipster stop talking kak
>lives in seapoint
ur a nigger
>Why can't Africans accept serfdom in their own motherland.....
Dude are you kidding me?
You 4ft fuck lol...
>Whites are better looking with larger frames and huge cocks...I hate them.
>Black are killing machines with huge cocks. I hate them.
>Mexicans are Bigger then me...waaaahh... yep their cocks dwarf me yet again waaahhh
>Arabs are so rich and have Ferari's with Big cocks...waaahhhh Im go burn some dogs to death Im so much cooler then them with my fully engorged inch of passion reeeeeeeeeeeee
I think your Herpes may have spread to your brain prolly need to call someone about that...
>South Africa
>Their own motherland
Maybe for the below 1% that were part of the tribe that lived there, but the Dutch settled it.
Just saying though, the rest of Africa is such a shithole they might want to take up serfdom anyway if only because it would mean the end of terrorists, shootings and rape attacks and whatnot. Not to mention those 60 IQ leaders of yours
Agreed, so all shitskins should leave the West. And whites will gladly leave shitskin countries to their own devices.
Sound like a plan?
So when are you leaving America and Europe? Since you know, blacks complaining about Europe would be included in that argument of yours there.
I heard floppy slotting season will start in March?
might aswell delete this comment too ya dreg
Post hand with time stamp
There's not but one town in the whole country that's not surrounded by kaffers, that's orania
You let yourself get taken over by women, and things went to shit almost instantly. Are you really surprised?
Just pose as a limpwristed homo NGO out to save the poor africans from persecution. They just happen to be white
Every single nigger and spic needs to leave white territory immediately
And Jewish areas
I left already OP, its way more comfy here
You fucks came here for gibs once you saw what white people were doing
7% white population owns 75% farmland. Any white guy that can't stand a change in this status quo should leave . This injustice won't last forever. Those willing to negotiate are welcome.
Btw, when is your ass leaving to Europe?
As you can see , your solution is too simple to work.
Meh, that comment wasn't spicy enough
Jews lives mostly in Sandton area and the southern suburbs of Cape Town, not quite surrounded by shanty towns but still have niggers in close proximity. Go look at Yeoville, the historical jew suburb of Jozi, it's in literal ruins cause of nigs
Maybe because we were here first?
>Those willing to negotiate are welcome.
How about, in exchange for whites giving up the property they've farmed for 400 years in South Africa and leaving, every single nigger and spic leaves all white territory around the world immediately?
>7% white population owns 75% farmland
wow the descendants of the only people who have ever farmed still form most of the farmers, and then by extension, own most of the farm land. Stop being a retard, kaffers could BARELY subsistence farm despite living in the areas with the highest rainfalls in the country
One day I'm going to own a farm bigger than the Netherlands
Why are you even arguing with niggers who obviously plan to kill all of you? Form an army and establish your own country