Listen here: USA has the most amount of muslims. Look it up. Now you'll say: Yes, but it's per capita!
Per capita does mean a lot, if you're only 56% white.
Get fucked. No matter how much you or your baltic cuckholes brag about "dunking" on russia, you never fought against ISIS in Syria. You didn't fight the jewish plans in Ukraine.
Get fucked, propaganda shill.
Bentley Bennett
he knows that islam is our friend. unlike those kike "right wingers" who will gladly accept based subsaharan niggers Islam in Russia is the nation's second most widely professed religion. According to a nationwide survey conducted in 2012,[2] Muslims in Russia numbered 9,400,000 or 6.5% of the total population. However, the populations of two federal subjects with Islamic majorities were not surveyed due to social unrest, which together had a population of nearly 2 million, namely Chechnya and Ingushetia,[2] thus the total number of Muslims may be larger. >Scientists claim that almost half of the Russian population inherited Mongol genes consequently causing more alcohol to be absorbed by blood. Russians also require more time to fully digest alcohol than Europeans for instance. This means that Russians drink more heavily, suffer from severe hang-over and are overall more susceptible to become alcohol dependent. >Doctor Nuzhny claims that he conducts the first research of alcohol effects specifically on Russians with Mongol genes