
I'm leaving for college on the 22nd. Any advice?

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Try to bang college chicks, go work out now already and work on your inner game and shit


play oblivion before starting college, because college time can be pretty busy

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Pay off all debts and live cheaply
Build good credit
Buy reaistate and rent houses
Keep buying and renting houses

>Try to bang college chicks,
This is very important. I failed to do this last year and I know it's downhill from here on out.

Depending on who you are, one or more of these things is going to be really painful and challenging for you:
1) Physical improvement
2) Social improvement
3) Intellectual/mental improvement

You need to work on all three, because being particularly weak in any one of them will bite you in the ass. For my first three years, I really busted my ass physically and mentally, and I'm now much smarter, stronger, and in better shape, and working a much better job. But I made a huge mistake, and that's that I neglected to build a solid social life, because it was more painful for me than the physical and mental improvement that I could tackle by focusing on internally.

I won't lie, I've probably missed a lot of opportunities by taking the path I did. So whatever the most painful one of those three is for you, DO NOT neglect it. Pic related is your required reading before you start, and the only one that you'd be doing a disservice to by not reading is yourself.

Reading it won't work miracles, but it will give you a starting place.

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Study and have fun.

i would say the social improvement is most painful to me too, how do I work on it?

Try shrooms if you get a chance.


When you go, if you're living on campus you'll notice that all the freshman faggots in your dorm are trying to rub elbows and hang out together. This is the WRONG way to get lasting friends or get gud socially, your dorm floor is cancer and you won't talk to any of them past the first year unless they're in your major.

Join an extracurricular really fucking early. If you join a sport or some other club that starts working as soon as/before the semester starts, you have a great social starting point. I'm in the drumline of my uni's marching band and I've been living college on easy mode since freshman fall, they've been my closest friends and were my first connections to parties/women/etc., etc. Find a club or student group that fits your niche, get in there and find some people you vibe with, you can start blooming socially from there.

You have to find your own way to do it, and that can be tricky. I've personally found that I can't just walk into a bar with a group of people and become the life of the party, but I've been able to meet some really cool people through my hobby of mountain biking.

If you don't already have good time management skills, learn them. Studies get first priority.

Another incoming freshman bumping

be careful. dont get burnt out by trying too hard like I did. DONT TAKE TOO MANY CREDITS, STAY BELOW THE MAX IF POSSIBLE

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The first move in day is the best way to meet people before the commuter student show up. Go to any mixers, bbq’s or events the college does during that time and be outgoing. Otherwise you will just be another lonely face...

Meeting people is not the purpose of college. The purpose of college is to get a degree. GPA matters, even though all the C and D lazy fucks like to imagine it doesn't. It matters because you very well may want to or need to go to grad school for your career choice(which is not very predictable for a first year) and gpa is 100% important when it comes to getting accepted and getting scholarships to graduate programs. If you can live with your parents while in school, do it and save money. If you can't, find a living situation that works for you and don't let shitty roommates ruin the semester. If you are in the dorms, learn to sleep even though a lot of kids may be going to parties, get to your classes on time and pay attention, do your homework as soon as you have the oppurtunity too. If, like me, you have to work and go to school to be able to afford rent and food etc(tuition for me is covered by loans for the mean time), then take some time and find a job that works for your needs. You should never, ever have to skip class for a job. Also, get organized, keep clean living quarters, and stay sober. Sex can wait for winter and summer breaks, because relationships can be a serious drag on academic success.

Go out once a month tops. Studies and keeping a healthy are your priorities.

Do the work. College isn't hard but you can't just breeze through it like high school

When clubs and organizations open, attend every single one that interests you, even if you end up not joining any of them

get a part time job. seriously, just get one

be friendly with your professors and visit them during your office hours at least once every two or three weeks. This is gonna pay back big time once you need to start internships

FUCK SOCIAL MEDIA! FUCK ALL OF IT! DO NOT FALL FOR ITS TEMPTATION DONT SAY A GODDAMN THING ON IT BECAUSE IT CAN AND WILL BE TRACED BACK TO YOU. only have it so companies can reach out to you if they need to, and leave it at that.

Buying books is mostly a scam. You can pretty much find most of them online in a pdf file by many ways. Only buy a book if you have no other choice.

also whatsaid

Don’t go

Ey drum bud, what do you play?

Think 15, 15 credit hours is a good amount to finish in 4 years, not be overwhelmed and have a focused and easier junior and senior year