How do I find an Otaku girlfriend?

Serious question.

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Join an anime club, go to conventions, meet people

>how do I find a high maintenance shut in

Not fucking easy.
The ones that are actually good gf material don't actually give that weeaboo air. The rest all got some sort of catch that usually are big deal breakers.

My gf likes anime moderately and plays vyidia and TCG with me. She fucking hates conventions because all those greasy fucks will at least try to hit on her. One at a time.
They tend to avoid those weaboo get-toghethers because they tend to be sausage fests with attention whores.

Like a weeb? Or full on shut in lack of vitmin d tier?

Because I love anime and it's my primary form of entertainment. However I have a stable joke and am pretty chill.
usually just hang around geeky events and you will find people like me

Go to a Food Addiction Centre to help "addicts" from recovery. You'll find plenty of obese girls there like the ones you're searching.

Weeaboo chicks usually hang out in book stores and libraries in my experience

And latinas are all weebs too

I'm a latin weeb with a gf and I atest to this statement.

>And latinas are all weebs too
Actually that's accurate.
I don't know why but if you search any anime or hentai online chances are that most of them were first subbed to Spanish than to English.

Why did I smile?

What do you mean by them not giving off that weeb air? That they keep their interests hidden?
Geeky events as in conventions?

As a weeb female, I can only say a lot of us enjoy Yaoi, maybe looks at some forums or smthing idk

Good luck almost all are ugly

A weaboo gf here.

The problem is that if you go to cons and other anime-related activities where you would be guaranteed to find girls interested in anime, you'll find out that those who go to such events tend to be messed up. I only went to one con and regretted it immediately. Guys were all thirsty betas, girls either cosplay sluts or obvious female incels with zero social skills who thought we were suddenly best friends because we had a common interest. Never again.

I recommend going for girls who are keeping their power level down. Alternatively, get a non-weaboo gf and make her a weaboo by recommending titles she could like.

>tfw this is me

Yeah, conventions. Geeky games reunions. Announcements. Videogame tournaments. Asian food gathering or festivals. Japanese/korean eventos. Interesting weeabo movie nights.

I'm back.
I mean that they can be weebs also, but you'd be hard pressed to find one that doesn't have a massive deal breaker with her. Like crippling depression, be an attention whore, a whore in general etc.

The ones that are gf material are on and about doing normal people stuff most of the time. They don't hide their interests, but they don't go out in public with a shirt saying "your waifu is shit" either.
So they aren't really different from normal girls, maybe a bit more introverted... big maybe.

I pray for whatever idiot dates my sister just for liking anime.

She unironically ;-; uwu :3 baka! Every discord server she joins while watching himouto-tier anime on the side. She likes to roleplay and show off her DEEP LORE storytelling and draws deviant art OC's and as much as I've tried to push her away from it or encourage her to get better at the things she wants to do like draw anime, but she has a shit fixed mindset "I'm not that good at it, this is my artstyle". She makes no attempt to lose weight and I hear her all the time on vc "im never going to get married, boys suck amirite xD", "real life sucks haha". She spends all her money from the job my parents forced her to get on anime loot crates.

Send her to The Keep, lol

Otaku are very antisocial and, speaking from experience, I think an otaku girl would fuck you over.

Send her to me, she'll stop watching that anime shit after I creampie her pussy.

It goes against the natural law of the universe to find a decent one. Most of them are cosplay sluts who probably camwhore too


I figure most "otaku" shut in types are probably shut ins for a reason. If you are like me, you probably have some idealized "otaku" gf, or any type of gf for that matter, that most likely does not exist, or if it does, the odds are extremely low that it is even near you and if it was, you would probably never meet her. It fucking sucks.

>I have a stable joke
Does that mean you laugh 24/7?
Do you ever sleep?

They're not going to be how you imagine them to be. It's a fantasy, and a true neet weeb is going to have mental issues. I'll never date another one again.

I meant a job.
I just meant I'm pretty normal. Maybe a little introverted but that's it.

I see anime as an art form. Specially things made by creators like tezuka.
I think that relationship with weebs are going to be good if they have royalty taste and aren't into isekai's and haremshit/moeshit. I think.

But yeh.. most people that like anime are full on retarded. Eh, not my problem.