Femanon here. Why do people avoid looking at me in my face? I don’t look too ugly. However...

Femanon here. Why do people avoid looking at me in my face? I don’t look too ugly. However, my eyes are larger proportionally to the rest of my face. What are some reasons for this?

Attached: 2D7F6ECD-A4B0-46A2-9AA2-23EB1719A468.jpg (499x455, 92K)

You can't possibly think we'd know the answer to this without seeing your face, right?

Literally what

Pic plz.

>without seeing your face, right?
It's the pic she posted.

Jesus fucking Christ

Because most people are timid and shy. It all comes down to basic body language. It's a normal thing to just glance at a person's face then look away. People with an alpha personality will look you directly in the eyes and won't look away very easily. It's not because of how you look.

Fuck off Josh. You're not fooling anyone

Autism and Asperger, as it is rapidly increasing among the population.
Autism caused by vaccines.
Nowdays more people than ever are being vaccinated, which is helping to spread chromosomic diseases like Autism, Down or ADHD further.

>autism caused by vaccines
Do you get your medical information from Facebook?

Staring at other people's faces is rude and creepy.

Maybe you're just intimidatingly attractive.

>chromosomic diseases like Autism, Down or ADHD
You know only downs is chromosomal right?

>ADHD is chromosomal

Attached: isthatright.png (420x420, 288K)

Do you have bitchface? Most women do when they're in public. That can be part of it.

>Autism caused by vaccines.

Attached: 1510961077968.gif (384x216, 499K)

How high is the salary Soros does pay all of you pesky liberals?

Attached: based god emperor.png (960x392, 187K)

>autism caused by vaccines

Attached: 1533514685108.jpg (480x480, 18K)

Attached: bluepilled vaccines.jpg (1200x1200, 153K)

Thanks user i had a good laugh

I'm still waiting on the tweet that says ADHD is chromosomal, since that's obviously where you get your medical advice.

>Cases of X increase while cases of NOT X also occur
>'Look! Something is occurring but I cannot explain why!'

You mean George? O-o no. I've never met George before....

Attached: tinfoilhat.jpg (1024x768, 414K)

You do realise that he's not a doctor right? He in fact, has no medical training whatsoever

Attached: nigga-you-retarded.jpg (191x214, 29K)

Attached: download.png (225x225, 7K)

You need a larger version of this image user. It's too high energy to be so small.

Attached: df5.jpg (600x600, 27K)

Healthy young child goes to doctor, doesn't feel good and changes
Many such cases.

Attached: download (1).png (224x225, 13K)

Max KeKs



People don’t socialize anymore like they used to.
Are you overweight?