Gun owners are a bigger threat than actual terrorists

Gun owners are a bigger threat than actual terrorists.

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Only the black ones

You can not be serious.
PS: Relatable picture

Except they usually just shoot eachother, which is fine.

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People who want to take guns are a greater threat than anyone. Go live in the UK where you get arrested for having the wrong opinions and having pointy objects. People didn't stop killing each other because of gun laws and faggots like you still kept banning everything.

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>civil defense meme HPs

inb4 he can't take the safety off on his $289 handgun and gets shot by jamal and his .40

I don't really agree.

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Bad OP’s are weak sauce.
Heil Hortler Forever

>tear your fucking head apart

Why post a graph from 1979-1985 as if it's relevant in 2019?

People who post on social media about their guns are retarded.

>facts have a use-by date

I really don't agree, yet again.

Are you sure you're not just a troll? I will report u

>t. gubmint

9mm is almost worthless.

I thought SAS liked 9mm for accuracy and trained to double tap

Maybe if you are scared anybody could have a gun you'd stop fucking with everyone so much. However, the internet has emboldened a new generation of faggot cowards who endless criticize and seek to destroy the good name of decent men.

>9mm tearing a human skull apart.

Top kek. Dumb fuck probably uses FMJ as his carry rounds too

Sure are, if you happen to be a government rat.

>Gun owners are a bigger threat to actual terrorists.

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it's the only way to get through to liberals is to talk on their level, so here goes:
Don't ban wands, ban Slytherin.
Don't ban guns, ban Democrats owning them.

>I gut da .40 fur da stahping power

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They like it because they faggots that can't handle recoil. It's powerful weak so they have to train to double tap.

If they were men they'd use 45 AARP and one shot one kill

>He doesn't us 45-70 gov for EDC
It's like you want to be a victim. Pussy ass nigga.

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Gun owners are actual terrorists.

They use threats and terror to get what they want.

That's the whole point...
Behind every blade of grass.

>NIGGER gun owners are a bigger threat than actual terrorists.

Fixed that for you

is that a pic of your penis substitute? LOL

a bigger threat to who?

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Why the fuck aren't threads like this nuked immediately. This site is spammed the fuck up. There is leftypol for a reason. Go there and jerk off to trannies.

That's clearly not the case. You're still around, after all.

Who cares? You should just be happy that they are here. If we weren't under attack I'd be worried.

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Retard alert

His picture literally shows hollow points, retard.

Based paddy

if we count out boomers we don‘t have a demographics problem, your argument?

>jew gun