Taiwan needs to be absorbed. Fuck their (((democracy))).
Fuck this asian Jewess
if China is allowed to take Taiwan then you're giving them the entirety of Asia or simply leading us into a direct confrontation
Taiwan is a neoliberal shill nation.
Taiwan is the REAL China. You're a coward, Chang. Get some balls, stand up to your evil government.
"Allowed" to take back their own land from the losers of a war that blockaded themselves there 50+ years ago? Taiwanese government is a US puppet government of exiled failures.
You're a good slave. Keep licking Xi Jinping's nutsack, faggot.
>then you're giving them the entirety of Asia
>or simply leading us into a direct confrontation
Why? They are not trying to take over America.
Look who is talking. You let the Jews literally run your nation into the ground despite being armed. China is becoming better and better for the Chinese people.
>run your nation into the ground
We have the best economy in the world, the best military, lowest unemployment in 50 years. Do you read the news ever, idiot?