What’s your opinion of John F. Kennedy?

What’s your opinion of John F. Kennedy?

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and redpilled

last good democrat, probably one of the only people to have lived a better life than trump. truly a king

A bad goy.


shot and killedpilled

He planned the most epic suicide in history.

He tried to stop
>the fed
>Israel's nuclear program
>the Soviet union
He was a good man

papist cunt

If he and my 1st president weren't killed vy cianiggers, our countries would have been besties.

He fucked my grandma

The last president to not to bow down to the international jewelry his death happened because he wanted to get rid of the fdr and liberate america from the nose behind the it all

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He was also butt buddies with the ADL who paid him to write that line about "nation of immigrants" thats still used to this day & his brother passed the immigration act that opened the flood gates to the 3rd world.
I don't care what he fought, he didn't win, he & his family's legacy is kosher as fuck.

Overrated based almost entirely on fanfiction of what he might have done. As president he generally didn't do much other a fucking whores and popping pain killers. He left a lot of the day to day stuff to his cabinet. He also made his share of bad decisions that are usually forgotten now while his successes are forever enshrined in legend. Honestly a lot of the Oliver Stone tier utopias envisioned had Kennedy lived probably would be more believable if talking about Robert F. Kennedy.

based and redpilled


>his brother passed the immigration act that opened the flood gates to the 3rd world.

lol he didn't

can u please stop being a fucking retard who gets all his information from pol

and the US is a nation of immigrants you fucking mongoloid. The Kennedys came from Ireland.

The Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965
Attorney General Robert Kennedy, brother of slain President John F. Kennedy, connected that legislation to the national origins quota system. "Everywhere else in our national life, we have eliminated discrimination based on national origins," he told a congressional hearing. "Yet this system is still the foundation of our immigration law."
We are a nation of COLONIZERS you fucktard, we didn't just immigrate to a fucking united states built by native fucking Americans, hence COLONIAL AMERICA.
Like I seriously can't tell if your just a retarded faggot leaf or trolling because it's seems impossible to be this retarded.

>The Hart-Celler Immigration Act

any idea why it was called Hart-Cellar? You absolutely fucking brain dead child.

>he promoted it & swore up & down that it wouldn't change the face of America but he has no blame whatsoever
Tell me about how the natives invented the wheel & colonial houses, leaf.

But Richard Nixon would have handled each ordeal better if he had won the 1960 election.

Building on a campaign promise by President Kennedy, and with a strong push by President Johnson amid the enactment of other major civil-rights legislation, the 1965 law abolished the national-origins quota system.
Campaign promise by Kennedy... Hmmmmm.

>Family was rotten to the core
>Shady connections with mafia and other crooks
>Fucked around and was suffering from addisons disease I believe
>Last good democrat
>Saw the glowniggers for what they were and wanted to eliminate them all
>Still decided to get Lyndon B. Johnson in as VP to rally all the faggot corrupted politicians in either the house or senate to carry out his plans
>Get assassinated because he was in a den of vipers and wanted to end crash their charade

>The Hart-Celler Immigration Act

any idea why it was called Hart-Cellar? You absolutely fucking brain dead child.

answer bitch

Was based
Wanted to destroy the fed and CIA
They'll kill trump like they killed JFK

They wrote the bill but if Kennedy hadn't sponsored it there is no way it would have gone through. He had the death of his brother two years prior giving him a moral edge that forced moderates to vote in favor of the bill. Since you're a leaf you don't know how untouchable Ted was at about this time he could get almost anything he wanted passed purely through public grief and the fact he was relatively clean.

murdered by zionists

Killed by israel. But you knew that, didn't you, Schlomo?

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You know why fuck face, now explain this speech & explain how the natives built colonial America.
You can't, all you can do is say Emanuel Celler created it. CELLER, spell it right retard. I said he was instrumental in getting it passed, that this is JFKs legacy & you have done nothing to disprove that besides cry "bu but muh wine cellar act."

"Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on ... what the bill will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset ... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia. In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think. Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals, illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is likely to become a public charge ... the charges I have mentioned are highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of our heritage."
Guess what that bill did, take a wild guess what happened right after the bill was passed. Yeah. You keep sucking that Kenedy kike cock & claiming natives built colonial America lol. Bye.

Kennedy never sponsored it.

kennedy is the first example of that meme that poorly paraphrased goes:

if i told you there was a vast conspiracy, you'd want to know more
if i told you they controlled the mic, the banks, the msm, you'd want to know more
but if i told you who it was doing this, you'd recoil back, gasping "he's a nazi!"


That's not even his voice. Holy shit you're fucking retarded

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Loved his country to the point (((they))) murdered him for it.
His dream will come true.

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>thats not ted Kennedy lol I don't know American history derp
We're done here nigger, kys.

>international jewelry

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Only decent (not good, decent) man in a family of criminals and traitors. Made overtures toward the shattering and scattering of some agency - got his skull shattered and scattered, instead. Curb your Enthusiasm music starts playing.

Finally somebody who doesn't regurgitate Boomer fanfiction.

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Based and redpilled, the last good president we ever had, (besides possibly Trump, all his talk is good but why isn't he going Pinochet yet?)
Idk why he ran as a democrat, literally nothing about him was in line with the democrats
Also he new about the NWO and tried to kill federal reserve which is why he was killed

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He was a male whore and humiliated his wife. I think that’s why I have a poor opinion of him as a human.
But as a president, perhaps he was a better president than human

He was Irish Catholic, they were all Catholic back then.
All immigrants went Democrat.
His grand pappy was mayor of Boston

Based and redpilled, probably would have ended the cold war, destroyed the CIA and crippled Israel while freeing us from the Fed and the (((banks))). The joint Russia/US space program he was pushing to replace cold war spending would have put us on mars in the 80s.

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A man who was literally killed because of his nepotism

You’re a stupid fucking nigger. Russell Bufalino ordered the hit.

He hated jews