Jow Forums BTFO

Jow Forums BTFO

Attached: ourgirl.jpg (745x510, 100K)

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That's pretty fucking racist

Sounds like deep seeded jealousy and anger to me lol

dude wants a tiny, submissive woman

"how about you try meeting a woman with self respect who takes care of herself" - fat woman

really BTFO'd that guy. But yes, race traitors should be gassed. Fat women too.

so she's not denying submissiveness is a positive trait in women?

if you don't want to instantly marry a girl like this you're a MISOGNOY!

Attached: tumblr_ndytl7nuKi1t1cfk5o6_1280.jpg (1280x1920, 654K)

>white women with actual self respect

Lmao this whole tweet

Is that pearchan? I havent seen that landwhale in a while

>roastie seething

The current state of roastie jealousy

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