Tfw I just measured myself at 4'11"

>tfw I just measured myself at 4'11"
>ugly face (anywhere from 2-6/10
>small peen (4.5")
So I am going through with that suicide plan after all. what else could I possible do with myself
I'll post proof of my height/penis size whenever my phone charges enough

Attached: (02).png (1366x705, 724K)

>I'll post proof of my height/penis size
Nah, we're good senpai, no need. Good luck with the suicide.

Well your dick will look proportionally big, so there's that.

it's for the best of everyone that I rid the world of such a disgusting creature.
thanks for being supportive too. most people buy into the delusion that every life is valuable, but I know that is simply untrue
not really. especially with all my fat.
and before you tell me to get fit I want you to remember that it doesn't matter. I will fail at it. I might as well give up

Why are you saying you'll fail at getting fit? I don't think that's true.

Women are not the same as men. You can still get a chick easy, if you have something to sell to her. Since your body isnt a good sell, use your personality. You could be fucking 3 ft tall and still get a chick if you are funny. The idea that women just want chads is not true

"You should always look on human life as short and cheap: yesterday sperm, tomorrow a mummy or ashes."

Who am I to argue with one of Rome's greatest emperors?

Attached: MA.png (1404x1504, 3.32M)

because I've tried dieting and exercise and I give in after only a short period of time. I cannot stay dedicated I always give in.
I disagree. while you could pull out some anecdotal exceptions the general rule stands that women prefer tall good looking men.

Is it true those of your race are very good at mining and enchanting weapons?

Attached: dwarf.jpg (587x479, 34K)

>Women are not the same as men. You can still get a chick easy
Retards like you deserve their skulls caved in.

God I really hope there's a higher power to punish you delusional, scummy retards.

I have ventured far from my fellow dwarves and since lost those talents

While the majority probably do, you have to work harder but, its not immpossible

Atleast go to some european shithole and blow all your money on cheap hookers. Since you don‘t want to live anymore it doesn‘t matter anymore if they have 10000 std‘s and their pimp will kill you. Whilst you‘re at it, you could also try every drug on the planet.
Or you could just do some really stupid shit like just walking into a war zone.
How about you move to fukushima to „proove that the radiation isn‘t dangerous anymore“?
How about you try to bust some human trafficking ring?

I mean, your life is worthless to you, why not blow it on something that‘s not worthless to others? Plus you‘ll be a hero. Win win.

>mean angry man wonders why girls don't like him.

so go full hedonist? sound fun. should I do it untill I eventually die? or untill i get bored?

t. delusional, privileged retards

I'm not OP, but if my life was anymore fucked, if for example I was a few inches shorter or uglier, there would be no hope for me at all. It's easy to talk shit when you're extremely privileged by life in terms of wealth, attractiveness, race, etc.

Eat whatever the fuck you want. Be as sluggish as you desire.

Whatever comes first.

Nigga I'm as ugly as they come and haven't been on a date in my life, but I know for a fact having op's personality wouldn't make it any better.

tye only major problem I have with taht is that I have a brother who depends on me and I actually care for him. in fact he is the only person keeping me from killing myself today

Yeah, that‘s an issue. But then again, you do have a reason to not kill yourself. That‘s something.

How does he depend on you?

well really I help pay the bills. He would barely make it if it weren't for me. maybe 'depend' was too strong

How old is he? Why do you have to pay your brother‘s bills?

>You could be fucking 3 ft tall and still get a chick if you are funny

Cool story bro. You watch too many movies and read too many fairytales.

I think there is no beating around the bush that being 4'11'' will make it very difficult to attract quality women. That does not mean you should just give up on trying to live a fulfilled life OP.

Work on yourself, get fit, build up a career, try to make money etc.

The only escape route you have to get girls is to either go after girls who are of equal length as you, or to become rich and successful. You can also focus on things like hobbies that make you happy.

>That does not mean you should just give up on trying to live a fulfilled life OP.
Yes, it does. He is a pygmy and there is NO good woman for him to be with.

He's gonna kill himself anyway and it's better that people don't lie to him.

well I neglected to mention that i live with him

have you ever gone to a social convention before?
how introverted are you?
could you approach and speak with a woman?

>have you ever gone to a social convention before?
no, what kind if events does that include?
>how introverted are you
depends on my mood. generally really bad at conversation. I can only really make stupid small talk or just kind of joke around and try to make them laugh
>would you ever approach a girl
No, never.

your problem then is pretty much the following, not going out and believing anything this echochamber says about the real world. Try to go on a party with a friend or if you fucked up by not having friends you could start with a hobby that also involves other people and try to interact with them, look for hints on people's clothes or apparel they use in order to start a a conversation that could go on and become a friendship. when you get to the stage of going to parties try to drink a little (not to much) to overcome your shyness and approach women, you have no idea how this could go on and neither do i but the funny thing is that most men are introverts unless they're shitfaced or drunk, the "Chads" you see posted here are literal instagram models that wouldn't ever go to a normal party you'd be attending so you don't have to worry about that. I've gone to my fair share of parties and also have life experience to realize that some really ugly people can manage to get pussy.
just for clarification on my appearence, i'm balding since my 19 i have 1,75m, brown eyes, dark black hair and very pale skin and all the classic features everyone likes to bring up here like weak jaw, brow, etc

I appreciate you trying to help, I really do, but you are around normal height. you have no idea what it's like to be short. Of course you could just go out and it happened to you. I have some people I would call friends, but idk if they would do the same

>normal height
Sure but to Jow Forums standards it's pretty much over for me especially the balding part. What i'm trying to say here is to at least attempt something before giving up, taking a last shot. Maybe the reason i started going out and doing something about my life was my diagnosis of a chronic disease (reason why i started balding), i pretty much realized staying the whole week fapping and playing video games wasn't making me happy, at all actually so i decided to try to do something, what i'm trying to say here is just go out a little and see for yourself that the world isn't as shitty as this place makes it seem. give me just the benefit of doubt because i was also hopeless not long ago.