What is the most effective way to make sure that my future kids are high IQ individuals ?
What is the most effective way to make sure that my future kids are high IQ individuals ?
Talk to them a lot when they’re babies, even if they’re too young to understand
Get them vaccinated.
Read to them EVERY DAY as babies, then teach them to read as early as possible. The rest will follow.
Keep them white, well fed (with good nutrition) and well educated from an early age.
A high IQ mother
necessity is the mother of invention. So try to learn more then you kids and support them when they surpass you.
Marry a jew.
Unironically good advice.
No TV. Teach them to read and speak foreign languages.
Provide for them but allow them to struggle.
Also, teach them to play an instrument. All the Asians do this.
>Try to find the most intelligent woman you can to breed with. Intelligence has a predominantly hereditary.
>Potentiate the genetics by talking to your children and exposing them to information from a young age.
>Teach them to think criticaly and to question everything and everyone.
Going to be a father later this year.
I’ve already pictured that I’ll be the silent, but observant type. I don’t plan to hold, or talk to the child much. Only stare and observe it all day everyday.
I’m already aware that the silent staring could instill anxiety in the child. but you’re telling me that by not talking - I can, in fact, make my child dumb?
Childhood nutrition you dumb faggot. THEN, engage them in reading and support their creative endeavors. Ignore all autism posters
Speak to them while they're a baby. No fucking bullshit "babyspeak", if your wife does this tell her immediately to stop.
Choose what they're exposed to, think about what stories you read to them before sleep, what music you listen to around them and what movies they watch.
Teach them an instrument and a language when they're still very young.
Make sure to answer the questions they ask, even the stupidest ones.
Make sure they breathe through the nose, not the mouth.
Eugenics based on birth control, no MSM shit, no public schooling, keep them away from normies.
Avoid STDs, feed them organic vegetables grown without heavy metals. breast feed.
read to them and teach them puzzles, even ones you have to work hard to solve yourself at a young age.
Expose them to multiple languages and some of the basic rules of those languages before they reach age six.
Expose them to difficult math formulas and explain how they work, before the age of six.
Expose them to varieties of music, but avoid repetition nigger dance style except as an awareness tool.
Speak to them in adult sentences, not like they are infants.
No TV until they are able to distinguish between themselves and others (age 7 or 8).
Expose them to animals and animal care.
These are very good advice, their environment inside the home is important when they're crawling around, so put down things like word blocks, and an abacus for instance, as they will instinctively learn letters, numbers and will have a head start when they comprehend them later
>I’ve already pictured that I’ll be the silent, but observant type. I don’t plan to hold, or talk to the child much. Only stare and observe it all day everyday.
Why would you do this?
>I can, in fact, make my child dumb?
Yes. You can best think what you can identify.
You must hold your child, often, this is needed for security in the early years. Children who have a strong caretaker are bold enough to risk failing.
this is unironically the only thing on this list that matters
Video games all day. And Jow Forums
Croatia is never wrong
Don't spank. It's nigger tier.
Make them read starting young. Real books, not Go Dog Go and Dr Seuss bullshit.
have your wife fuck a real man
Don't breed with a nigger
don't bang a brown chick
I don't mean dangerous, I mean concerned for safety and capable of removing dangers (or at least perceived that way). Children must be touched for affirmation, we start in the womb of our mother, touched all the time, we are comforted this way. Hug your child. Comforted children, again, can risk failing.
Be very aware of your words. Tell your child what to do right, instruct them in what they did wrong only if they don't see it themselves and always only with the intent of showing them how to get it right, not with the intent of shaming them.
Do not tell your child they "cannot," or "that throw was terrible," tell them that if they continue to work at it, that they might make it happen. If they obviously fail, let them know it wasn't enough to pass, but they will do it better next time.
Don't be afraid to say "I don't know, but if look for a way, maybe we can figure it out together." (or if it's old enough, maybe "you")
Where they have strengths, don't be afraid to guide them into those strengths and give them as much training as they can absorb. Not everyone will be a mathematician that can also write a symphony, but maybe they can be a country music singer who can keep their own business books, or a Physicist who also plays guitar.
The more ways you have seen to solve problems, the easier the solutions.
Genetically engineered retrovirus
Less "make them dumb" and more "make them bot as smart as they could be". It trains their brain to recognize the peculiars on languages early on and allows them to have a better head start (generally, someone with a better handle on developmental health could give better/more info) early on and makes it harder for them to be fooled by what people are saying.
Giving them simple riddles or word puzzles early on (4-6) can really help. On car trips, my grandpa would play this weird game that was a mix of Clue and 20 questions where I would have to ask yes or no questions about a crime to try to solve it. They were great memories and got me into the habit of looking into all the details before shouting an answer early on.
He also taught me all the states and they're capitals by teaching me easy to remember rhymes or ways to look at them that I can remember (eg Oklahoma is the state that looks like an axe used to chop down an Oak tree).
Tldr teach them while they're young so that the brain can develop in a way to deal with society better.
Slow down and take the time to help them struggle. And be openly pleased when they make steps that help them succeed. If they're struggling to get up a step, even if you assist them the last few inches, it's reasonable to smile and show that you are happy they have joined you at the top of the stairs, and now we go to do the next thing.
LET THEM SLEEP AT NIGHT. Turn off the lights, everyone needs dark to sleep. Put them to bed at sunset. Cut down outside noise sources, if this means extra sound insulation and quad paned windows for their rooms, quiet sleep is necessary.
Niggers in the US are literally dumber because their culture doesn't sleep properly, compounding a lower racial IQ in general.
teach them well, I guess
Best advice. Kids will rise to whatever standard you hold them to. Always communicate one level above your kids when addressing them. Not enough to alienate them, but enough to force them into always mentally exerting themselves. If they're asking you what your words mean, that's good.
Genetics go a very long way towards determining your potential, but it's meaningless if your potential isn't cultivated. It's literally impossible to make a dumb person smarter, but it's pretty easy to make a smart person dumber. Having an intelligent wife is meaningless if you just give the little bastard an iPad and let him watch Spiderman & Elsa eight hours a day.
Spanking is fine. Some kids won't fly right without physical intervention and the threat of spanking is good for them. It teaches them that if they aren't civil and don't learn to negotiate to solve problems, physical violence is a legitimate possibility.
Feed them shellfish.
Thats why whites are so smart and swim so well, we are made to live from the sea.
>And be openly pleased when they make steps that help them succeed.
Praise them with specifics about what they did and how hard they worked, not just "you are so smart," "you are perfect," etc.
>Spanking is fine.
Yes. Until they can rationalize threats of running into the street, it's better that they understand that they have hurt you in some way by disobeying.
Also, never hit anywhere but the buttocks. Can't explain how many niggers and white-trash I've seen slap their children in the head or neck.
Brain and nervous system damage in action.
Speaking of, don't put your child into a contact sport. It's one thing to teach basic self-defense, it's another to have your child's head being banged around.
Literally and figuratively, you get a big NO.
Shellfish are filter feeders, they literally pull the heavy metals from the waters.
Beef, Venison, Buffalo, Farm Raised Chicken and Turkey. Fish, in this age, and I hate to say it, I would only feed my child fresh-water farmed, and I hate it because fish is actually very healthy.
Beating kids is for low IQ parents that have exhausted their limited faculties and have to resort to violence to instill something in their kids. If your kids get to the point where you need to hit them, you fucked up long ago.
>Praise them with specifics about what they did and how hard they worked, not just "you are so smart," "you are perfect," etc.
This is unironically good advice. Being told you are smart and perfect leads to laziness and does not leave room for improvement. Praising hard work can lead the child to value actually putting in effort and that can lead to far greater success.
My dog was just accepted into a top 10 STEM university, and I'm pretty sure it's because I talked to it non-stop when it was a puppy.
You don't even have to use words, just smiling or giving a hug, making it known that you saw them make an effort and you're pleased they succeeded. Yes, if they conquer something that is absolutely impressive, or conquer it for the first time you might say something as well. "You tied your shoe very well that time, you got over that problem you were having with the loops not staying even. Do you think you'll remember how to do that again?"
>I don’t plan to hold, or talk to the child much. Only stare and observe it all day everyday.
......... what
>Beating kids is for low IQ parents
Yes, beating them. Placing a pain signal with certain behaviors is not a bad thing. Trust me, the automobile does far worse harm to the inattentive child, than the belt on the ass.
Smoke weed every day. Make sure your wife and children all smoke, too.
High value stimulus, like this
High vocabulary parents who talk to their kids a lot. But also no tv, not even sesame street tv, have books around, creative toys. Play.
Also exercise (just active play when young), increases blood flow to brain when heart lungs and muscles are strong.
But trust me on the diet
Breed with a black woman
>But also no tv,
But also no tv,
>But also no tv,
But also no tv,
>But also no tv,
Um yes? It is well proven talking with your kids and reading with your kids, especially at young ages, helps their language and math skills.
Kids at young ages are just huge sponges
Don't father them yourself.
Homeschooling is complicated. On one hand kids aren't wasting several hours a day in the terrible public education system, but on the other they aren't getting the full microcosmic socialization it provides, and a child who's interested in learning is going to get that in elsewhere. That's what I did as a kid. I don't think it's necessarily guaranteed that the benefits of homeschooling outweigh the potential disadvantage. I've known several people who were homeschooled and they were all very socially busted. That might have more to do with the type of parent that typically homeschools, though. It usually takes an overbearing, overconfident person to think they can properly homeschool their kid, so they raise an awkward, sheltered adult born to ride in the backseat.
>If your kids get to the point where you need to hit them, you fucked up long ago.
Have you ever raised, talked to, or even seen a child? That's Children don't have the same faculties that adults do, and you aren't doing them any favors by pretending that they do. There's a difference between beating your children and using spanking as a simple deterrent they can understand and appreciate. A communicative parent that's willing to spank their child practically never has to do it. And their kid also won't grow up to be a disruptive, fearless little shit that has zero positive relationships with adults outside of the family.
>high IQ individuals
Why? Better give them happy life and freedom of being decent and productive members of the society without your power fantasies involved.
The math thing is tricky.
You can learn most of the early math around grade 6th in one fast year because that is when the brain is really ready. Language on the other hand can be learned really first at grade 1
The slav is almost right. The more intelligent people become, the less happy they are. It is both a blessing and a curse to be highly intelligent.
Which is why the highly intelligent seek power, it's the only thing left for them.
So your kids can either be stupid and happy or intelligent and miserable.
I have two nephews that are regularly spanked for 'bad behaviour' and they're two of the most spoiled brats I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. Their parents communicate with them, but in a way that is not conducive to anything more than entitlement and when they step out of line, it's spanking time. So, yes. They don't fear anything but the most extreme punishments because they know how far they can go before a spanking and even then they do not care that much because it is pretty much routine.
Funnily enough, I have also been a child, I wasn't born in a cloning vat. I am also the highest achiever in my family, having gone to two universities that are ranked in the top 10 in the world, and one of them for medical school. I never had a hand raised at me, and most of my colleagues are similar. Because we were raised by parents that didn't need to resort to acting like fucking chimps.
Your best bet is to find a high IQ girl to impregnate. Otherwise focus on nutrition, puzzles, language, and music before the age of 6.
Except people in the 120-130 range are the happiest, retarded savant.
t. brainlet
I see children as living experiments. I am fascinated by the prospect of watching them, as consciousness grows.
Autism also drives me to behave like so
>Autism also drives me to behave like so
stop being autistic
>full microcosmic socialization
Absolutely overrated. What is it about life which a six year old can teach a six year old? There is some need for play, and there is nothing wrong with friends of the same age, but both of these can come after education is completed, not necessarily in the middle. Further, you could have had more kids, and they would have helped each other in this sense.
Most of school "socialization" is dealing with jealousies and dumb, middle-school tier theories of sexuality. There may be some learning about hierarchy in groups, but this doesn't take an awful lot of practice, and frankly is questionable in success. Raising a child that is only competent when others are in the vicinity seems like a risk.
Molest them.
>I never had a hand raised at me, and most of my colleagues are similar. Because we were raised by parents that didn't need to resort to acting like fucking chimps.
And so you don't see that perhaps your impulse control is also the reason you are successful in pleasing the Queen's Knights and getting their professions. But this is only one form of success, and is only useful when the society has hard boundaries.
have enough money that your in a high income bracket AND be white or east asian with a spouse who is white or east asian
those are the only confirmed methods for having high iq children that work. sadly the white iq has been slipping a few points over the years and no longer is on track to be 115 average in america and will be a baseline 100 or so . for america as a whole its 98 soo yea thats kind of sad
Minecraft starting at age 3
My parents worked hard so I wanted to emulate not being a failure shit, and due to moving state to state, I had to do brief stints of schooling with niggers and learned quickly that people arent equal.
So essentially, be competent and expose them in their teen years to coons like some sort of chicken pox immunization
>is only useful
No, this is probably not correct, but it is probably correct to say it is most useful for group survival when there are boundaries which allow you to never need to raise a hand.
Marry an Asian woman
Keep them away from niggers and nigger related stuff. Teach them to know when a jew is trying to subvert them.
teach them perfect pitch.
Nurture is basically irrelevant for adult intelligence. Reading to your kids might make them smarter KIDS but the effects taper off in later life; then only genes have an effect.
make sure they learn from their mistake
Get a real man to fuck your partner, Eurocuck.
Marry a jew
It starts with having a high IQ spouse and continues with a lot of investment in childhood development. Encourage them to talk, give them stimulating toys, give them a diet of intellectual art and media.
move away from nigger infested schools
marry very inteligent womens
People like this make me wonder if it would genuinely be a bad thing for me to raise a kid because of my sexuality. on the one hand, fuck lgbt, on the other hand, this is our competition?
>I have two nephews that are regularly spanked
"Regularly spanked." That's an indication that the parents are unable to control their child and fall back on spanking too soon. If you do it right and communicate with your children, you will probably have to spank less than ten times total. Some children require the threat of spanking. Some don't. If you actually had gone to medical school, then you'd probably be aware of why this is the case.
>having gone to two universities that are ranked in the top 10 in the world
I'm skeptical and unimpressed all at the same time.
>Absolutely overrated.
>What is it about life which a six year old can teach a six year old?
If by the time they're a teenager your child hasn't learned what it's like to deal with some asshole who can't be negotiated with and couldn't possibly give any less of a shit about what others want, then you've done them a great disservice. Shelter doesn't make for strong or smart kids. Again, I'm not advocating for public schools at all. They're shit. I was just pointing out that there are some things about it that you can't replicate with homeschooling, especially for boys.
Asians are not intelligent in the European sense mate.
A computer can do complex equations but it isn't intelligent. So too with gooks.
Wrong. Moms shouldn't spank
Neither should soiboi dads
And you should only have to do it once if you do need to resort to it
Imo spanking instills respect for authority
Rebels without a cause exist because they weren't spanked
>t. Former rebel without a cause
>I can, in fact, make my child dumb?
whatever you do dont expose them to TV/Internet
Choose a higher IQ mother, with perhaps a bit of a stern streak. Don't go for the dopey sweet girls...you'll have dopey children.
Have the mother listen to classical music where the baby can hear it too. (While baby is still in womb)
Read, read read to them from the start, and do it daily, a few times daily if possible.
Have the mother take prenatal vitamins from the beginning of the pregnancy.
A mother's diet while pregnant, will be the eating habits of the baby growing into adulthood. Stick with minimal processed foods, refined grains and high fructose corn syrup. Eat approved fish and whole milk Greek yogurt. (Those probiotics in the yogurt are huge in baby development.
If she can, have the mom breastfeed, pump it out and put it in a regular feeding bottle if needed for whatever reasons.
Do not baby talk them. Boy or girl, talk to them like you would an adult, as far as tone.
Look at Fatbrain website for fun, educational toys.
I am mother of three boys all under 9 years old, and they all test in the in the top 10% of their class.
If your genetics are average exposing your child to chess,reading,and sports will probably make him high iq 120+ if your genetics are good he can get to genius level easy.
Most people are dumb because all they do is watch tv and be lazy as kids,obviously he should have fun too
Also...if you have a boy, spank.
If you have a girl, do NOT spank.
Boys need to have more aggression instilled in them from physical discipline. After the age of 6 yes old, they should only have to be told to do something once.
If you use that kind of force on a daughter, you will be creating an aggressive girl wanting to compete with males...and no male wants a woman to compete with them
These are also great suggestions. Chess is conditioning a child to learn to plan and think ahead. Also, keep the TV turned off. Don't even turn the depressing news on if you can help it. Keep pop culture out of your home.
removing the memeflag