Why am i so easily disappointed by girls?

Why am i so easily disappointed by girls?

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Because your expectations are unrealistic.

Unrealistic expectations. Blame porn and anime.

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It's probably because you haven't yet accepted they're different from guys.

This. The "girls are humans" meme just confuses guys. Yes they're humans, but they're a different type of human from men, and if you want to interact with them you have to understand this. Don't treat women like men, treat women like women.


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Beta or homo genes

How do you treat women compared to men?

Depends on the situation.

In general I treat men like my siblings and women like child who need to be entertained.

That‘s probably why you‘re still single

Who said I was single?

You're gonna get a whole lot of different answers to that question, and I honestly can't say for sure which are right.
To really exaggerate it so you can understand, women are all timid and emotional. Don't try to think about most of what they do in terms of pure logic. It sounds sexist (and it is) but whenever you can't understand why a girl would do something, it's not because there's some hidden plan in her mind, its because she just felt like it. Now that's all an extremely exaggerated version of the differences, really we're more similar than different, but if you keep that in mind things will make more sense.
To really grasp this you've gotta accept that logic isn't the be all and end all in reasons to do a thing. It sounds weird but doing something because you thought it through logically for hours is no more correct than doing something because you sat and felt through your emotions to figure out how you feel about it.

This is generally a good rule to go by when interacting with people you don't know. Smarter women may think you're being condescending when you treat them like children, but you still have to entertain them regardless. Realistically speaking they're the best you'll interact with outside of some dream where you find one that you can genuinely be yourself and she'll be ok with it.

That makes logical sense and anwsers a lot of questions with girls.

It‘s obvious

desu you sound more like an incel than he does

How so?

Because most women are unoriginal pieces of trash just like men are.

This "treat women like women" saying is such absolute garbage. I've gotten so much more positive responses from women when I treat them like I would anyone else. I know, it's a wild concept huh?

As a woman, i agree. But it‘s also true that in some areas, men and woman simply have different approaches, which can lead to confusion and issues. Namely sexuality, problem solving and ambitions.

I'm trying to help him out because he obviously doesn't really grasp the differences between women and men and this obviously screwing with him. When a woman is telling me all her problems and being emotionally open with me I know better than to take it as a sign of interest. Treating women like men is exactly how you turn into a bitter niceguy who thinks being nice = being attractive.

It's absolutely wild watching people give what I call "woman courtesy". Like, they'll approach the same problem completely differently if they're dealing with a woman as opposed to a man and be much more polite and forgiving. I almost feel like a lot of women learn to use this to their benefit and get surprised when I don't cut them any slack. The vile shit I've heard from "nice angels" is hilarious as they've pulled the wool over so many people's (mostly dudes) eyes.

Once you ladies drop your act you put up because you've been socially conditioned to do so you're a lot easier to be around, btw.

People interpret things differently, so stuff like this helps people understand concepts that you may understand differently. And if they don't, then we have people like you that set 'em straight.

Just sounds like you're an asshole, and have been hanging around some really rotten girls. Bad company attracts like, I guess