Haven't been friend zoned in a while... For context, I used to work with this chick and we've hung out on a few occasions recently. Never explicitly told her I was interested in her (keeping my options open) but she seemed pretty receptive to keno, so I'm genuinely unsure how to respond. Normally I would just move on and cut contact but that feels like too much of a dick move.
Haven't been friend zoned in a while... For context...
Eh, she's just womaning over there. Go hit up taco Tuesday nyukka
Move on and move past. Don't gotta cut contact but nobody's forcing you to strictly keep it and keep talking to her.
A very gentle ghosting
>Never explicitly told her I was interested in her (keeping my options open)
If you try to date people with this attitude they give you the same attitude back and nobody will take you seriously.
Just cut contact a wee bit till she's begging for your dick.
Highly unlikely.
>how to respond
"Ok, no problem" and don't text again.
Then turn into someone so hot it will be certain. That's what we must do, mate, leave humanity behind.
I'm not OP, it's just silly to think that moving on from rejection will make women want your dick. Win some, lose some. Can't win them all.
He'll get other ones then, what's the problem?
Plenty of fish in the sea. How old is op?
Find yourself a good girl and stay with her
You must genuinely like her. She might be playing hard to get to see your interest level.
OP here. I'm 27. And yeah, I wouldn't say I'm hurt by this, but it did seem like she was interested. More confused than anything
Also nice dubs!
I like to keep a little air of mystery. I thought chicks dig that shit? A lil hot... A lil cold...
reply with "ok" and instandly block her. at least thats what I do when I get rejected
She said no bro. Move on. it's not a dick move.
Welp... Shut ER down boys. We're done here.
It really upsets me how they type 'im'. I think you dodged a bullet.
Are you in high school? Adults don't do that.
Lmao what a dick. Did you actually want to be friends with her?
>She's honest
>What a dick
Does this bitch things that "friends" means "never meeting up irl" or am i a spergie?
you guys are too fucking dramatic. You don't have to "cut contact" or block the girl, just stop texting. Rejection is part of dating, you're not gonna be a perfect love match with every girl you meet.
You're right but it's a tricky balance. If you spill out all your feelings and make yourself too vulnerable in some big confession, you give her too much power, the "chase" is over, and she will lose interest. But if you're TOO aloof, if you act like you're not taking her seriously or make it seem like you're just playing the field, then she will feel like she's wasting her time, and move on.
If you were trying to make this girl your girlfriend - you have to be clear about your interest and what you're looking for in a relationship. Just don't get too clingy or heavy, don't make her feel too smothered. Like you shouldn't be intentionally acting aloof, you should just have other things going on in your life that are important to you, so she isn't the sole focus and constant #1 priority of all your attention and feelings. You get what I mean? This all works better if you're not just faking it.
The chad response is to tell her you only ever saw her as a friend too and that you don't know why she had to go a make things weird by assuming you were interested.
The plot thickens...
Not the greatest execution, but a solid play nonetheless.
You're coming off as kind of butthurt lol
>"I-I w-wasn't actually asking you on a d-date lol joke's on you!"
Jesus Christ you're pathetic man.
You're embarrasing yourself by pretending to be a tough guy who doesn't care about anything.
Are you 15?
you don't have sufficient information to know that :P
Maybe I don't. Maybe nothing matters and entropy if unavoidable?
She texts like a thot.
The way he said it just came off as a little insecure to me, that's all.
Maybe he's playing a big game and prospecting Jow Forums's opinion on it. This could be from months ago and he's just bored.
No I'm saying op is the dick, dick.
No dude, it was poorly executed. You just needed to say "I always thought we were just hanging out as friends", if that's actually as far as your interactions went. Now if you were really trying to get with her when you hung out, then she probably knows, and there's no reason to even try what you're doing.
Yeah, also the time on the phone matches the time of the post.
I'm just saying though, sometimes I pretend to be an idiot to girls who think I'm an idiot, combined with the fact that I sometimes post on Jow Forums just to see how people respond and interpret it.