Uh guys?

How is it going to look if he has to give the State of the Union in 3 weeks and the government is still shut down literally because he threw a temper tantrum?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Kek. Trump is about to become the absolute sovereign of the USA when he issues a national emergency.

"Dems don't want to give 5B for a wall. We spent more than that on bombing the shit out of the middle East" done. Fuck off jew

>The government is shut down because he threw a tantrum
It's shut down because 50 years of treason turned us into a shithole.

>because he threw a temper tantrum
Nice try

A President is not required to give any kind of speech. He can write a letter and release it. Presidents in the past have done that.


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>securing national security is a temper tantrum

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I need to get a transcript of my taxes but the IRS website is down.
Still, hope it stays shutdown until the left caves and funds the wall.

OP post ends in 556 which is the number of millimeters in diameter of the bullets I will use for FREE to DEFEND AND PROTECT President Trump because he has my full unwavering support.

desu they might have a case if they were trying to use that money for the good of the country. Their master plan to gain votes is to give other countries money? In what world does that make sense??

The State of the Union will be used to address the nation on the crimes of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama when President Trump finally declassifies everything including the FISA warrants, and we learn that the entire time everything Donald Trump has said is true and that Obama really was a non-american and that Hillary really is a 3rd degree wiccan witch who was the second part of the 16 year plan to completely destroy America.

It's all coming out folks. It's going to unearth so much information, much of which Jow Forums was exactly correct about.

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The Democrats are just as responsible for the Shutdown. Roughly half of Americans want the wall. Half of the government's revenue comes from them. So why not pay for the wall? $5 billion is a tiny fraction of the Federal budget.

I don't know faggot, but it will look better than last year when the DemonicRats just sat on their overly fat asses as Trump detailed all the positive accomplishments for the American people by his and his administration:


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no government is better than a Kiked government full of treasonous traders.

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you know what would be based OP?
if he shut down the government, PERMANENTLY.

He's not going to be president in three weeks, so that shouldn't be a problem

shillfags still trying this line of attack? WE ARE GLAD ITS SHUT DOWN. fucking retard

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>Keeping election promises is throwing a temper tantrum
I'm only wondering why he didn't finance the wall as the first thing he did when he got into office.

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The government shutdown is fucking great. TSA is getting fucked, gibs will get delayed, but for your average dude everything is fine. Our govt is fucking worthless.

He'll just look like as much a retard as he typically does.

Two-pronged approach, he can frame the shutdown differently depending on if it's still running or not
>If it is then weaponize it against the Dems
>If it's not then claim it as a victory

No, the Dems threw a temper tantrum, and said that they would only accept a budget on THEIR terms. No compromise, their way, or the highway. So, he will veto whatever they come up with. If the Dems wanted to open the government, they could put in $5 billion for the wall. That is 1/800th of the budget. 1/8 of 1%. And they refuse to do it. Their problem, not his.

>We spent more than that on bombing the shit out of the middle East
Republitards like wasting money on bullshit so Democrats should waste money on bullshit too. Solid logic.

(You) must be one of those guys holding down the fort...pic related

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Now slowdown there, it might be too early to do something like that.

>which is the number of millimeters in diameter of the bullets
Nice artillery piece.

Source: Wash Post - LMAO
KYS Faggot


not as well as his UN speech did.

Attached: UN-Trump.gif (250x152, 336K)

He will more than likely troll the Left like he always does and insert some more cryptic Q connections and the Left will kvetch about every word. Like always.

Did you watch the procession of world leaders fellate Trump and him basically tell the world how the fuck it's going to be? Or just that stupid twisted around sound bite?

Truth hurts

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It’ll look fine. Republicans don’t care that the govt is shut down

This. Welfare leeches are the only ones stressing, and we know which side they're on. Can't wait to see the Libturds screaming at the sky. Again.

>Truth hurts

Exactly, which is why after two years you're still crying like a little bitch.

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Wtf this meme has convinced me that the billionaire president sucks at business.

>Republitards like wasting money on bullshit
you mental children are so transparently moronic

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>never ending flow of illegals entering US
>build wall to stop it

Your logic at work.

was that on the gorilla channel?

what happened here:
“In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country,” Individual 1 proclaimed. There was a smattering of audible laughter from the assembled diplomats, representing 193 countries.

Individual 1 paused his prepared remarks.

“So true,” Individual 1 said with a tight-lipped smile, adding: “Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s OK.”

More laughter and applause followed as translations were being acknowledged by the assembly.

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Congress was unanimous and only because dems don't mind spending

>inb4 the muslim congresswoman blows herself up at the state of the union

It was the very same broadcast. He was introduced as "his Excellency". I saw the part you broke down btw, repeating it doesn't convince anyone you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

Cut off all aid to the jews and pull out of Iraq, Afghanistan and syria and as a leftist I would happily double the funding in full for Trump's wall

>the billionaire president
now that is pure fantasy.
>sucks at business
pure gold, jerry.

America First
Holding the country to ransom.

This morning, 5 Jan 2019, while Mike Pence led negotiations to reopen the government, Trump used Twitter to:
- Thank Kanye West
- Invent a Border Crisis
- Attack Democrats
- Scorn Public Servants
- Defend his own Criminality
- Undermine the Free Press

America has no president.

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the whole world is laughing

...a Wall that is see through... Makes sense to me!
- Individual 1

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Neck yourself, kike.

It's amazing how no one gives a shit about this shutdown. Usually, the media is able to whip people into a frenzy, but shutting it down over the holiday season fucked that plan up. If it goes on long enough, maybe some normies will realize just how little they need the Federal government in their day-to-day lives

Yeah, that'd look great. Trump supporters really going for gold

Didn't trump just approve sending money to help Latin countries? That's your guy

No, roughly half don't want the wall. Where were your biased numbers found?

Goddamn I fucking love my President. Anybody who doesn't is either a foreigner or a cuck who isn't reproducing anyway. Glad those shitty bloodlines are coming to an end

Great. Republicans want small government. Can't get much smaller then a shutdown.

>shutdown because muh Drumpf has snowflake ego

How does it look to be a fucking brainlet...

It was dumb he accepted responsibility for the shutdown, but it was largely because the House Dems refused to pass funding for Trump's border wall.

people too busy spending money thanks to Trump's Economy to worry about some "shutdown" that doesn't seem to affect anything

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>thinks a reference to a poem is going to make 'orange man bad' seem reasonable

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This. I'm perfectly happy to lay off 25% of Federal employees anyway.

I'm a little annoyed that my tax return may be delayed but I'm still getting it whenever the government eventually gets funding again and we need that damn wall and we need border security. If we don't get those things then we need to drag every democrat politician from their homes and execute them on their front lawns with video cameras filming. The punishment for being a traitor is execution and justice will be done.


>thread #574839027 trying to get someone to care that the fed is shut down
Someone is scared

holy fucking shit why are conservatives so violent and deranged

Because that is the fate traitors deserve.
Supporting the Democrats at this point is literally saying you would rather have $5Bil go to other countries rather than to build a wall to prevent invaders from entering.

He’ll look like a winner. Fuck the fed.

Steel rain bitches!
Reminds me of Obamas shut down....where all the open air monuments were "closed" with signs that said "closed due to government shut down" that were printed by a company months in advance and cost the tax payers millions. ...except in this case the fort is a private business that houses a monument.....strange...

is this real?

who cares about the federal government? I don't need it and don't use it. the only thing i can think of is air traffic controllers.

It'll be great, because he isn't taking a salary... so he's basically working for free. Meanwhile all the other fools in government are complaining about the pay.

Remember serving the public and being in the government is a sacrifice not a privilege. You shouldn't expect a giant salary.

you mean democrats wont agree to spend just 5billion for the wall? nearly 4 billion is already earmarked for PRIVATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT in Mexico. Get fucked and jump off a bridge you disingenuous faggot.



Fuck off...

Taxing Americans to pay for the wall. He said Mexico would pay.

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Haha, he was hundreds of millions of people watching and a free pass to throw all the Dems under the bus. It will be epic. Songs will be sung about that day.

These numbers have been widely reported for years. Do ever read or watch the news?

'Fifty-six percent of voters do not support President Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the southern border, compared to 44 percent who do, a new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll reveals.'


>he threw a temper tantrum
The country's being invaded. If your view of him being a man about the situation for once is that it's merely a temper tantrum, your political opinions are irrelevant.