is it gay to sell nudes on the internet pretending to be a chick? I do it and its easy its just I see dick pics sometimes and its gross and gay and I get random dudes trying to flirt with the chick.
it feels dirty
is it gay to sell nudes on the internet pretending to be a chick? I do it and its easy its just I see dick pics sometimes and its gross and gay and I get random dudes trying to flirt with the chick.
it feels dirty
dude wtf
Yes it is, stop asking. It's not as gay as letting another guy ride your asshole but still gay bc normal hetero dudes don't do shit involving looking at other guys dicks maybe unless they are doctors
it seems less gay than being in jail or somethig which would have been the other option
does that make it better?
What? Being in jail is more tough and manly than role-playing with some horny dudes for a couple of bucks. Thats some pussy shit
But hey man if you don't mind then keep doing it though I would do everything to earn my money without dicks involved
in jail you shower with dudes
That's only gay if you are.
doctors, probation and parole officers, jailors, prison guard, and I think cops all see dicks daily
So what? Unless you are a bitchboy you just shower and leave? You obviously don't look at other guys dicks unless you're a poofter
I don't know mate, never been to prison but it still sounds less faggy than your stunt
yea but they don't roleplay with horny dudes unlike OP and they work involves more than pretending to be a girl which is faggy in itself and getting unwanted dick pics which is even more faggy
I dont really roleplay or anything like that I just sell shit and put up ads
maybe im overthinking it
its gay and you know it
ur gay
I still think selling shit online is less gay than showering with dudes
Unless you sell shit pretending to be a chick and get flooded with dicks
Showering with other dudes is gay if they make you your bitch
its not "flooded" with dick pics lol its like one once in awhile I dont even open up I see like 10x as much gay shit just going on Jow Forums easily
lol ok
whatever helps you sleep at night
it was my only job opportunity I had at the time though. im using the money to help save for an apartment so I can move close to a job or public transportation then I want to work a normal job but I was considering still doing it on the side.
it felt more like scamming and stealing and slightly shameful more than anything not necessarily gay but I just imagine people with good jobs or a lot money just saying "thats gay" its definetely better than poverty and white trash problems. I have a lot of trouble working too because I have realllllly bad chronic fatigue but im trying to get back to working a normal job
and I see girls actually doing porn for real and it still feels less shameful than them
>slightly shameful
>not gay
>a drug user with a "really bad fatigue"
Everything about you is gay and pathetic
im sure you're the spitting image of success and being cool
So you're lazy and stupid? Got it.
What's the point of this thread?
im actually disabled I can sleep 12 hours a day and my eyes are still black and tired as fuck and im falling asleep all day and cant think or do anything
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