What are some lesser known red flags for women?
I'll start:
>owns dogs
What are some lesser known red flags for women?
I'll start:
>owns dogs
Can we stop with these threads? They're never productive.
red flags for everyone
>is on Jow Forums
How many dogs do you own?
she has nigger friends
Nigger I'm not a woman.
ok sweetie ;)
Dates or dated a 4channer
>has tattoos
>has dyed hair
>wear make-up
>has piercings other than regular ear-rings
>wears a choker
>has brothers
>has a father
>has a cell phone
>goes to a post-secondary learning institute
>is non-white
>wants to have sex before marriage
>wants to get married
>is a woman
>doesn't have a penis
there, I spared you 300 posts of the same shit everyday
Someone's clearly a bit of a faggot.
>Has had more boyfriends than half her age (ex: she is 24 but has had 15 boyfriends)
>Uncommon hair color
>Says she sometimes sees weird shit/has contact with spirits or the like
>Parents are crazy and have very bad issues
>Likes magic and or belives in things totally not compatible for you.
>Says she has been dead before
>Says family has a curse of some sort making her be alone and getting into toxic and unstable relationships
>After dumping you, she gets into another relationship within weeks
Just a few things
>owns dogs
>a red flag
u wot
Women use dogs as substitutes for children.
>makes meta threads on Jow Forums
Rather have one with a dog than one with kids.
I want it to be our kids if any.
>doesn't understand or know of cats
Oh, sweetie
>>Likes magic
I would marry her if she was into magic.
Why would that be bad thing?
I don't think he meant mtg.
>her snapchat has over 50k whatever-the-fuck that-is
Some of these things seem oddly specific. Did you get meme'd on by some Wicca chick?
Dogs are superior to children and if you don't like them ur a fag
The only good post in this thread
>picky eater
>any strong political beliefs, doesn't matter if it's SJW or right wing
>wears Instagram clown makeup OR doesn't wear makeup at all
>complains of vague health problems (always feeling tired, chronic pain, etc)
>"loves to travel"
>>complains of vague health problems
kind of a weird one m8, why?
It's usually an excuse for laziness. When those kinds of women get into long term relationships they refuse to do anything around the house because "i'm sooooo tired" and sit around watching netflix all day
Underrated post. Even worse, she talks like a black person and submersed in nigger culture
>Very sassy and loud (girls like this are usually extremely controlling) a lot of men don't realize these to be a red flag but its actually a huge indicator of what she will turn into once you start dating her
>Is on any medication for anxiety, depression or anything in between
>i will not date x,y,z, etc.
>wahh i'm a virgin
she talks openly to anyone about her sex toys
You just described my ex girlfriend perfectly.
>"Sarcastic", "snarky" sense of humor
>Into knitting or crochet - these women are always insane
>Reads YA novels as an adult
> Talks to ex
> Tells you sob stories about family
> Attracts beta-male "friends" who don't realize they don't have a chance
> No girl friends
> has kids
>talks to ex and takes his side
>says "you'll get used to him/them" about friends
that's just code for 'they're actually a shitty person, I just lack the wherewithal to tell them that and extract a toxic element from my life.'
>>Reads YA novels as an adult
shit thats my oneitis
i hated it before but now...why is it a red flag?
It's a sign of immaturity and bad taste
Realtalk, if she gets emotional over petty things or even worse, has good and bad periods (not those periods).
It can mean many things and none of them are good. Say you win the lottery and the girl is actually nice...she'll still be immature and annoying. That's not counting the more common, worse causes of this behavior.
t. Red flag
what if i like a little immaturity
>implying that any thread on this board is productive..
It's not the good kind
>is female
fuck how do i tell the difference
not Jow Forums
Typical childfree shitlib. Enjoy dying alone.
lol no strong right wing beliefs is everything but a red flag.
this, so much.
More like threatning to you huh? Either butthurt woman or faggot recognizing female redflags in himself. lel
dude, lesser known. Not fucking obvious run for your life signs...
Once again. Lesser known. Not Las Vegas tier glowing billboards.
Not really female redflags. More like complete nut case indicators.
Well you are a furfag. Thats even worse you retard.
enjoy not having money.
it absolutely is. women aren't meant to be involved in politics.
I've noticed if they own a few pets it's a red flag. Girls over the top about animals, they're fucked in the head for whatever reason. I'm sure there's anomalies
>bad relationship with parents
>crazy mom or dad
>sleeps with you straight away (they think sex will get you close to them)
women shouldnt be political. doesnt matter what she believes.
None of your Business bloke. Walk away.
When you're rotting away in a nursing home with nothing to show for your life, I'm sure you'll be happy that you were able to buy a slightly nicer car than you'd be able to if you'd had kids.
One is a role played. The other a pain in the ass.
I love dogs, why is it a red flag?
Red flag is
>they are loud and opinionated
>interupts people
>say they are right all the time and arent joking
Woah. Too soon.
I get that but there are some that do wear people out. My arthritis really affects me physically making me tired all the time. But I dont use it as an excuse to be lazy, I just point out to people why I am sweating so much or struggle to something physcal.
For me it is
>the 'rotting away, dying alone' argument
alzheimer runs in my family, so when i get close to 60-70, i plan on suicide. i have the common courtesy to die and get it over with. you, meanwhile, will be living for your kids, likely in a nursing home because like fuck if anyone can afford keeping you at home.
so enjoy living life on someone else's behalf, for kids in and of themselves are sure as shit no achievement.
With our advances in medicine and technology soon the funeral business is the only thing rotting.
Cyborgs will be real in some sense. Maybe it even is real already. Artificial limbs and organs are already a thing. Just not mainstream and not yet mass production ready.
This thread turned very quickly into a KHV general.
>breathes oxygen
>exhales co2
If she does this she's a thot
All women, are queens.
Why in gods name would ou want to know if you can't think of them yourself ? Surely not for any interaction with a woman ?
Moderate Democrat here, I honestly don’t think I could love a hard right wing chick, but I have met the ultra liberal type in college, and she was very annoying.
like i said, alz in my family. i will die when i am still free, not confined by infirmity nor enslaved by children and a wife.
but keep thinking that children make your life inherently better.
So very this.
Has a kid.
Vague allusion to bisexuality
Trust fund
Daddy issues, not the kind that make her horny
Dike haircut
Honestly, I'd rather date a woman with dogs than a woman with cats, kids, or exotic pets (iguanas, tarantulas, etc.).
Kind of specific but any girl who has you go with them to festivals/concerts/fairs that they've been to previously with former boyfriends. It just means that they don't value you and just want you around as their temporary companion in the book that is their life
>Has a kid that's not yours
Here's a rogue one.. She obsesses over you utube celebrities and their drama. It shows they have the mentality of a young teen still.
I love the incels in these threads
It's just satisfying to see virgins calling out red flags they heard from their friends and not realizing that it's by caring about bullshit that they're still alone
No, this is Rogue One.
>lel look at these indehyds
>they should just drink swamp water if they're so thirsty
>if every voicemail you get from her is her crying
she's great but i can't take this
>Owns dogs
Speak for yourself, Achmed.
Could you explain why you think this? It just seems kind of silly.
it is silly, he's speaking out of his ass
When they describe themselves as "quirky"
They love any Elder Scrolls game
Psychology major
>knitting or crochet
what if you're a guy who knits?
>I am a bit insane tho
Honestly a girl who tells me she loves Daggerfall would raise my interest. If she mentions Skyrim I'm out.
I stay away from blondes.
If she's too easy, I know she's a slut and I'm wasting my time. If she plays hard to get, she doesn't know what she wants, so I'm wasting my time. I cut contact and delete her number. If she has too many male friends, I can't trust her, and I know I'm wasting my time. If she doesn't have enough male friends I know there must be something about her that's repulsive to men, and it's only a matter of time before I discover it for myself, and I'm just wasting my time so I move to a new apartment and change my phone number and never talk to that bitch again.
If she has a bad relationship with her dad, she has daddy issues and she can never have a healthy relationship with a man and I'm wasting my time. If she loves her dad, she has daddy issues and I can never take her father's place or live up to her unrealistic example and I'm wasting my time. She's a fucked-up incestuous slut anyway, who needs her, not me. If she's ugly she's wasting my fucking time and I'm not the kind of fucking loser that needs to settle for that. If she's hot, I know it's only a matter of time before she cheats on me with Chad, so I make a pre-emptive strike and smash the windows on my car and legally change my name and get a new job in a different state and cut contact with that fucking slut. If she's not a virgin she's used goods, not marriage material, waste of my time. If she's a virgin there must be something wrong with her. Waste of my time.
>makes stupid faces on photos (duckfaces or full tongue out and similiar vulgarities)