IF a man act all interested but won’t make a move is it safe to say he’s not interested enough?

IF a man act all interested but won’t make a move is it safe to say he’s not interested enough?

As a womtwhat can I do to not be too obvious when giving him hints?

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Nothing is safe to assume. Ask people what the fuck they want.


For fuck's sake, if you think he's interested, ask him out. Either he'll say yes or he'll say no and then you know for sure whether he's interested or not.

If he acts interested but doesn't make a move he's probably worried about getting rejected.

Give him your number.
Ask if he is single.
Invite him on a burger.

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But for crying out loud I don’t know if he’s single or not. My gut tells me he’s interested as well but I always surprised by the amount of people turning out to have girlfriends/partners

I break the ice with him first. His response was positive but after that he won’t use it as we are already made our acquaintances to talk to me. Idk what to do

No bro. It’s not that simple. We work together. We have mutual coworkers that we are close with. I can’t just go straight give him my number

Suuuure, it would be DISASTER if that bitch Susan knew you wanted to fuck John, but he refused you. It is all highschool all over again! Grow up woman. Soon you will be too old for marriage and all you worry about are worthless some social squabbles and gossip?

Coffe pause, work email, lunch together or even ask him for a favor. Bake him a cake, feel free to waggle your ass around him but one day you gotta make a move or buy a cat.

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>gives hints
>too scared to touch him

The guy wouldn't want to come off as creepy imo

You have no idea how many girls showed interest in me and I was super into then but I didnt act on it because I was a pussy. Some of us are autists.

Next time you talk to him, ask him what he did this weekend.
He could tell you anything really, an event or staying home alone, doesn't really matter.
If it was an event, you can follow up, so just you and your girlfriend or did you have friends with you?
Or if something alone, you can ask, girlfriend out of town? or something...
When things get awkward and he says, I don't have a girlfriend, you can just bring it off as, oh okay, I just thought a guy like you would have a girlfriend or something.
It is not impossible get that information without asking him out.

What the fuck?
Have you even talked to him?
Talk to him
THEN crush

I always had feeling one girl was interested in me, asked my sis about me, smiled so nicely, we spoke a lot and it was fun frankly and i dont remember her touching me ONCE other than accidental knee touch during break when she was sitting next to me.

Then she hit it ofd with some other guy, probably bored kf giving me hints.
maybe its for the better

>all interested but won’t make a move
>not interested enough?
Congratulations, now you know what its like to be an average guy hitting on the average girl.

And the lack of touch was weird because she clearly is touchy with other coworkers that arent of interest with her (like hand on shoulders etc casual touch)
We will play mental gymnastics to scare ourselves out of getting possibly rejected

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Life's too short just ask him out if you get shot down who cares then you can move on

This. I could have fucked 8 women so far without barely moving a finger and I'm not even good-looking. Still a virgin. Two of them literally asked me to kiss them and I didn't do it.

Walked out of party when some girl had hots on me

I think she finally got the message that im just not attracted to her.
or not since she keeps talking to me at work

Still a virgin at 25 lmao

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>We will play mental gymnastics to scare ourselves out of getting possibly rejected
One time in highschool I didn't and it just killed me inside.
>Hey user will you go to prom with me?
>Yeah sure, I already bought a suit though.
>Oh my god did you think I was serious? I'm sorry user.
She didn't seem like she meant to be cruel, but I still felt like shit. Had to spend the rest of my shift with her too.
Girls, you gotta be really clear with guys.

Don't shit where you eat thot

YEP we talked before but kinda small talk not a conversation

Actually this’s clever. I’m gonna it the next time I see him.
I’m starting to lose my interest as well actually. Cause he’s not gonna do anything anytime soon and I desperately figuring some ways out to approach him
They both can do better aren’t they? *Sarcasm*
Damn bro

So, should I add him on his social media or nah?

>desperately figuring some ways out to approach him
Is this not rather straightforward? Ask him on a date.

That's fucking rough man.

Because I don’t know if he has a girlfriend or not. I don’t want to sound so desperate. The other guys that interested in me they added me on Facebook but this guy, I can’t even tell

Just adding him doesnt mean anything.

You can def. send him message and ask whats up, that should give him hint that its okay for him to talk casually.

He isn't interested in you, then. Even shy and autistic guys initiate dates and stuff if they care enough about a chick. I'm shy and reclusive and whenever a cute girl was on my radar I felt like its too much to ask her out and worried she will reject me. Then I met my ex and I liked her so much both from looks and character that I forced myself to approach her. Fuck, I miss her now

No, just no.
You need to be obvious with your hints.
Men are not subtle and need bright neon signs.

Look people, don’t approach the opposite sex the same way that you would want to be approached.
Women need to come on stronger, men need to cool their approach.

So you’re saying that I can add him without giving him the idea of me interested in him? (If he turned out to have a girlfriend already)

Abort mission! Do not date co workers.

You guys are giving me mixed feelings. Now what should I believe in? Interested or not interested?

I know if someone is interested enough they’ll do something but not everyone is the same, like me. I like him bery much but probably won’t do anything except for waiting for him to make a move, which is forever and never ever gonna happen

That’s obvious and creepy. Dont so this.

Teminds me of when women drop the “are you married” like out of context. Everything is weird afterwards.

You sound desperate and is right

Yeah of course

Come on bro if I am not that desperate I wouldn’t go on Jow Forums making a thread just for this. Seriously

I dated my coworker before. What’s the big deal?

Why is it beyond most women to make a move and be assertive?
You deserve nothing but loneliness with this pathetic attitude of yours.
Date outside of your work place and be brave.

Oh yeah? How did that turn out?

Is he normally a shy awkward guy? If not, he's simply not interested, move on.

If he rubs ur back and taps ur shoulder and uhh idk tries to get you to talk to him alone yeah he wants to bust a nut on you hun

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How do I put it? He has his pack so usually he goes with them. I see him pretty talkative around his friends but haven’t seen him talking to others outside of his circles. I’m the same kind as well. I’m reserved with strangers.

Oh this goes with another guy. He touched my back and all. After that he added my Facebook lol

Woman just ask him out.

Omfg jewbook this facejew that. Do you life in our reality or some digital scam world? Did you like and subscribe each other. A bit of snap and Insta?

Fuck Im getting old. I hate you young fucks even though I also partially grew up with this digital bullshit.

what is all this hinting bullshit, if you like the guy be straightforward and ask him out. nobody thinks less of a woman for asking a guy out unless she does it with his dick in her mouth or intends to put his balls in her handbag. just be normal and say something

Isn't it like... the whole point to let him know you're interested?
I mean, being at least SOMEWHAT clear about your intentions would make both your lives so much easier

Idiots dont deserve happieness. Luckly they deny it themselves. Like the idiots they are.

I know right. The whole point is to let him know I’m somewhat interested. I don’t want to be too obvious. So I guess I’ll send him a request then

Every time, I just imagine two people, madly in love with each other like, "Boy, gotta make sure the other doesn't know I like them. God forbid we ever end up together or something."

No, TOO obvious would be pulling his dick out of his pants right there and then.
Asking if maybe he wants to do something outside of work, that's fine.

Worst case scenario, he'll say no, or perhaps that he has a GF. Next couple days MIGHT be awkward, but come on, you're both adults right?

>this thread is still here
OP, just add him on jewbook and pray he won't smell the desperation you reek of

Whats the problem with being too obvious? Be obvious, make it easy on him. Its obvious he's doesnt play the game very well. If you are interested go talk to him.

When girls think they are doing enough its not enough.
When girls think they arent doing enough then it is enough.

>is it safe to say he’s not interested enough?

No. I used to be a very autistic, socially anxious, shy guy and I wouldn't have asked out a woman even if I hought she was the most perfect I had ever seen.

Then ask, really if a guy is shy and is a wall flower talk to him. Guys go in with no info on a girl. If you are interested then go in, fuck the female rules of conduct, it aint helping you get this guy.

But do you have your own friends? Do you talk with them. Do you loud around them but totally shutting down before the girl you like?
I don’t even have the courage to add his fb and you told me to ask him if he interested. Sounds like something I would do lol
I don’t know where I stand right now. I think that I have done enough but also not enough lmao

Guess what. Thats what really happens.

She is asking such dumb questions.


Fuck off shill. Go count your shekels or suck on some baby D.


Just stop it, it hurts. Just invite him somewhere you dumb retarded dense wonky ass bitch!

I wouldn’t say it didn’t hurt lol

Whadidya jus say biatch?

Fuck me man that was pretty much all my experiences with women in school.

My condolences. I swear this is how incels are made. It's rough.

>He isn't interested in you, then. Even shy and autistic guys initiate dates and stuff if they care enough about a chick
not true
t. shy and autistic guy
ask him if he is single and if would like to hang out after work

>But do you have your own friends? Do you talk with them. Do you loud around them but totally shutting down before the girl you like?


I am same as man you are talking about. I can tell you that I´m quite handsome but way too damaged to make first move, no matter how much im interested in woman. It´s result of few girls in my life who fucked up my confidence so much i cant bring myself to start conversation with girl i dont know or Im not introduced to by middle-person and even if im able to talk to someone im attracted to I am very awkward. So I´m 21, solid 8/10 according to my cousin(i asked her, dont look for anything behind this) and I have never been in relationship :(

DON'T DO IT OP trust me you'll get fired or some shit

If we're being honest, the odds of a woman getting fired for this are pretty slim. As long as OP doesn't do anything crazy like grab his junk she likely won't face any consequences.

Man this is me as well. But as a girl.

My company policy is allowed us to date as long as the guy isn’t my team leader or manager. So no I don’t think it’s the case

This. Sum up

You should just give him more attention.